Wednesday, May 30

Featured Recipe: Crêpe Night!

I'm not sharing this as a featured recipe necessarily because I think it's such a spectacular recipe, but more a great meal idea.

When Nate and I lived in Boston, we took a few roadtrips to Montréal. The first time we visited we ate at a crêpe restaurant. We had NO money then and this was our one restaurant meal, so that might be why I remember it so well. But it was also my first introduction to savory crêpes, and I was NOT disappointed. Dinner was delicious, then we had crêpes for dessert too.

This visit inspired me to try crêpes for dinner and dessert at home. If you decide to venture into the world of crêpe-making, it's worth the trip! I make my savory crêpes, then add a little sugar to the batter then make some for dessert. Pretty easy and very tasty. As for fillings, the sky's the limit! If I'm feeling especially decadent, I'll use brie as the cheese in the savory crêpes. Savory tip: I cook my filling ingredients prior to making the crêpes; when I cook the crêpes, when I flip it over, I add the filling, fold the four sides in, then cook on both sides (make sense?). Don't know if this the official way to do it, but works for me. As for dessert - I LOVE strawberries, chocolate sauce and ice cream, with sugar sprinkled on top. YUM.

Here's a recipe for the batter in case you would like one:
Basic Sweet Crêpes
- 1/2 C all-purpose flour
- 1/2 C milk
- 1/4 lukewarm water
- 2 large eggs
- 2 T unsalted butter, melted (I use salted, whatever)
- 1 1/2 T sugar
- Pinch of salt

Blend until smooth. Refrigerate 30 mins or up to 2 days. (for savory crêpes, cut the sugar, do 1/2 t salt)

Cook as directed for crêpes (nonstick or seaesoned crêpe pan, medium heat, butter the pan, about 2 T of batter per crêpe, butter pan between each crêpe). The technique takes some practice - I would read up on it in a cookbook for some pointers if you've never done it.

Bon Appétit!

Sunday, May 27

Free Giveaway! Onera Winners!

I wish I could give you ALL a bottle of Onera to try...but at least I know 2 of you will be happy. :)

After putting all of your names in a cup, closing my eyes and reaching in...we have two winners!

Lindsey, who said "I want this, too! Awesome. I love giveaways."


Stephanie, who said "A mom, pregnant, nauseous, blogging, and doing a give-a-way, you get a gold star! I like to think of myself as the condiment/spice queen, I'll try anything! Thanks for the info!"

Congratulations, Lindsey and Stephanie - you will enjoy your Onera! (And I SWEAR Stephanie did NOT win because she gave me a gold star!) To the rest of you, here's to more giveaways to come! :) And as soon as I figure out if the Onera website is the same as the spice that I use, I will do a post to let you know. Thanks to all who entered and to everyone who visits the blog!

(Stephanie and Lindsey - please email to claim your prize!)

Week 18 Menu

Happy Memorial Day weekend! Hope you're all having a great weekend with happy weather wherever you are. Here's my menu for the week...don't forget to post yours!

- Happy Memorial Day! Going to friends for a cook-out - yea!

- Bertucci's Tortellini
- Salad
- Rolls or garlic bread

- Leftovers

- Baked French Toast
- Fruit salad

- Eat out

- Chicken Croissants, aka Chimento Chicken (because our friends the Chimentos love it!)
- Salad

- Chicken Piccata
- Broccoli
- Rolls

Friday, May 25

Kitchen Tips: The Ultimate Pizza Cutter

Wanted to share a fun kitchen tip our friends shared with us recently...and since Friday night is often pizza night, thought it might come in handy for some of you!

Our friends Valerie & Graton (who recently had their 2nd baby - congratultions, guys!) invited us over for delicious homemade pizza. When the pizza came out of the oven, Graton walked over with a pair of scissors. "Scissors? You guys should totally get a pizza cutter!" says know-it-all Jane. Turns out they used to have a real pizza cutter but had since converted to scissors. And with good reason - they work like a charm! They are much more versatile and ALWAYS cut through. Such a great tip!

Oh - one more thing that gives scissors an don't have to worry about what cutting surface you are on. I'm always making my pizza cutters so dull because I cut right on the pan. Thanks Nate for reminding me of this bonus! :)

(Don't forget! Sunday morning is the end of the giveaway!)

Wednesday, May 23

Free Giveaway! Chicken Salad Secret Ingredient

Here is the story behind the chicken salad...Meier's Meats in SLC, UT has the best chicken salad. My family would order it for parties, etc, etc. Well, one day my Aunt Barb found out the "secret" ingredient that made this chicken salad so good was sitting under our noses the whole time, right there on the butcher's counter!

Onera Original Seasoning. The "secret" ingredient wasn't so secret at all. Perfect in chicken salad but also as a seasoning on all kinds of stuff, including homemade french fries.

If you live in Utah, it's easy to get - they sell it at "The Store" (of which there are a few locations). A woman at "The Store" said they also sell it at Harmon's, Smith's, etc. It's located back by the butcher.

If you are like most of us non-Utah people, you have to order it online. One of my awesome readers (thanks working gal!) found a website for Onera Blended Spices. Onera recently changed ownership, which is why the labels look different.

There is ONE more way to get your hands on a bottle...reply with a comment, any comment, to this post for the first ever TWFD giveaway! Good luck! (One winner will be randomly selected...must post your comment by 8:00 AM PST, Sunday May 27)

Tuesday, May 22

Featured Recipe: Chicken Salad

All this talk of chicken salad in the comments this week really got me in the mood...and since chicken is A-OK with the ole prego belly, I made it!

Thanks for the yummy sounding chicken salad recipes that were shared in the comments! I do have to tell you - I think I may have the BEST chicken salad recipe in the world. I know, that's a pretty strong statement, eh? I posted the recipe on the Recipes-Main Dishes ages ago, but take a visit back and check it out. One reason I like it so much - the sauce isn't sweet, but the grapes are - perfect balance. It really is just so yummy.

The recipe DOES have a secret ingredient...I've only ever used that ingredient, and I think it may be why this chicken salad is SO DANG GOOD. I will feature the secret ingredient tomorrow...maybe even a free giveaway?!?! Come back to see!

Sunday, May 20

Sick of Lunch

Hello everyone! Hope all your meal planning is going well! I think I may actually be able to cook a few of my items on the menu this week - yippee! This medicine I'm on has been a lifesaver.

The most annoying part of morning sickness is that you can never let yourself get hungry or you'll get sick, but you absolutely don't feel like eating ANYTHING. So all you do is think about food, which you would rather not do. So fun. My current quandary is lunch. Technically I'm not supposed to eat lunch meats (risk of listeria), tuna (high mercury) or peanut butter (I have a medium peanut allergy so not supposed to eat them when pregnant). Okay, so without those three options tell me, what am I supposed to have for lunch?!?! As if thinking of things to eat wasn't hard enough. Bagels and cream cheese have been the lunch favorite lately, although I think I might get SICK of it soon. Not to mention I'm eating enough cream cheese to keep the cream cheese industry in business, which may be good for their pockets but probably not for my love handles.

(ps - please post your comments and menus... for some reason comments were disabled today, but they're back!)

Week 17 Menu

- Pot Roast
- Mashed Potatoes
- Banana Squash

- Chicken a la King
- Rice or Egg Noodles
- Carrots

- Leftovers

- Lentil Soup
- French bread

- Eat out

- Grilled Hamburgers
- Baked french fries
- Carrots and dip

- Crepe night - for dinner and dessert!
- Spinach salad

Thursday, May 17

Featured Recipe: Chocolate Swirls

I cooked something! I really did and here's a picture to prove it. Last night I made Chocolate Swirls (click here to see the recipe). This is one of my FAVORITE cookie friend Liz (who is visiting right now) also loves these cookies, so I made them for her. Aren't I the bestest friend ever?

I got the recipe at a Christmas cookie exchange years ago...I have no idea who brought the recipe or what book they copied it out of, but I am forever grateful! If you like chocolate and cream cheese, get yourself in the kitchen right away.

Wednesday, May 16

Musings: Confession Time

So, it's time make a little confession...I haven't cooked in over a month. I know, I know...what are all these menus I've been posting? Doesn't this make Jane a fraud?!?! Well, on the surface, perhaps yes. HOWEVER...I have a GOOD reason...

That's right! Number 2 is on the way! Yippee! And while this is spectacular news for our little family, food has been my worst enemy the last few weeks. I can't even really LOOK at my own blog without getting queezy. Just try writing about food when you are sick as a dog - it is HARD. I finally have some medicine to help me out, so things are starting to look up a bit and I promise to post as often as I can. I think I've done PRETTY good considering. I'll continue to post my weekly least what I dream of being my menu each week. And this phase should only last another 2 months or so, if I'm lucky! Keep your menus and ideas coming - I need you all now more than ever! :)

Sunday, May 13

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and grandmothers and great ladies out there! I've had a GREAT day...haven't cooked a thing! :) Thanks to Nate and Cate for a wonderful breakfast in bed AND yummy dinner. We're heading out for a walk, so I'll post the song of the week tomorrow. Hope you all have had a great day!

(Cate made this stunning Fruit Loop necklace for me at church today, but she refuses to let me near it...apparently it's not for me, even though it says "Happy Mothers Day"?!? So far she's the only one who has gotten to wear it. She looks cuter in it anyway.)

Week 16 Menu

- Hawaiian Pizza
- Spinach Salad

- Kitchen Sink Quesadillas
- Guacomole & Chips

- Chicken Salad
- Potato Chips
- Fruit & Fruit Dip

- Leftovers? Eating Out? Friends in town...we shall see!

- Pot Roast
- Mashed Potatoes
- Veggie
- Note: We haven't had Pot Roast the last 3 Sundays...the roast is waiting patiently in the freezer for me to get my act together! :)

Friday, May 11

Featured Recipe: Chocolate Bread Pudding

First off, thanks for all the great comments and suggestions on Trader Joe's yesterday! That post certainly opened the floodgates! :)

I can't believe I haven't written about the Chocolate Bread Pudding that I made for Easter. Check out the recipe here. It will not disappoint. I love bread pudding, and I LOVE chocolate bread pudding and this recipe made me very happy.

Note: there's a scheduled 10 min. outage for blogger today at 4PM PDT. also, I've been getting errors clicking links today...just re-click and it should work.

Wednesday, May 9

The Goods: Trader Joe's Shopping List

I know, I know...those of you without a Trader Joe's nearby are sick to death of me talking about it! Listen, if you just move somewhere with a TJs you'll be happier. Really!

Reader Jenny said she has a chance to get some TJs stuff this weekend and wondered what is good. The real question - what isn't? People ask me all the time what to buy at TJs, so thought I'd share a "quick" TJs shopping list. I'll divide it by perishable/non-perishable and share my most favorite items. Please share your favorites as well!

- Simmer sauces: There are tons of these throughout the store - Indian, Italian, Asian. All the ones I've tried are great...Cuban Mojito, Spinach Punjab, Masala, Marsala, Picatta, Cacciatore, Orange (asian) are a few.
- Chocolate covered pretzels (dark chocolate!)
- Great trail mixes, dried fruit, bagged nuts
- Candy nuts - you know, Cocoa Almonds (YUM), etc.
- Whole wheat pasta
- Cereal - TJs brand knock-offs are yummy and great prices on all the cereal
- Kashi TLC crackers - cheaper at TJs
- Hawaiian Potato Chips - salted
- Blue Corn Chips - salted
- Chocolate chips (cheap and GOOD)
- Olive oil and oil spray - good prices
- King Arthur's flour - great flour, less expensive here
- Pasta sauces - good prices, great flavors
- Canned beans, veggies, fruit - all good prices

- Frozen prepared foods are GREAT. Gnocchi, Mandarin Orange Chicken, Stir Fry packs, Hors D'Ouevres (so many options)
- Frozen meats are well-priced and good
- Eggs are CHEAP
- TJs smooth and creamy yogurt - come in 6-pack, so so so delectable
- Bagged veggies - just snip corner and microwave for perfect veggies
- Pizza crust - in refrig section
- Cheese - I get all my cheese at TJs, cheaper, yummy
- Butter - $2/lb
- Fresh flowers - prices can't be beat, long-lasting, beautiful
- Cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream cheese - I get all this stuff at TJs
- Breads - they have great fresh breads - totally beats grocery store

Oh my, I could go on and on. I'm going to stop. I'm certain I'm forgetting things - please share!

Tuesday, May 8

Featured Recipe: Oriental Chicken Salad

My menu item for today is Oriental Chicken Salad. As you'll see on my Recipes-Main Dishes page, I have two different oriental chicken salad recipes and both are GREAT. Today's particular recipe features homemade dressing and wonton strips. SO YUMMY. Give yourself a good 30-45 minutes for frying your strips - I always short change myself on time. The dressing is also AWESOME - on other types of salad as well!

From: Brittany Reisenberg
1 C oil (canola)
6 T sugar
4 T soy sauce
1/2 C apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 t. ginger
3 shots tobasco sauce
2 T sesame seed

3 cooked chicken breasts, shredded
2 small heads iceberg lettuce
4 green onions, chopped
2 stalks celery, cut diagonally
2 small cans mandarin oranges
1 pkg fried wonton strips

Blend all dressing ingredients, except seeds, then add sesame seeds. Mix all salad ingredients. Toss with dressing. YUM!

To make fried wonton strips - buy wonton skins in produce section. Cut squares into 1/3 strips. In pan with oil to cover, cook on medium-high heat until strips are brown, then drain. (Jane's note: I always sprinkle with a bit of salt as well)

Sunday, May 6

Week 15 Thank You!

Quick message this week. I just want to say THANK YOU - thank you for your posts, your menus, your ideas, and for coming to the site!

Even though I've been a LOSER this past week and only posted twice, I'm back this week. I swear! No more empty promises. :) Anyway, thanks again, especially for all your great menus while I've been out of town.

Week 15 Menu

- Chicken Marsala
- Whole Wheat pasta
- Salad

- Oriental Chicken Salad (check back this week for special feature!)

- Butternut Squash Soup

- Leftovers

- Chicken Tostadas

- Leftovers

- Pot Roast
- Mashed Potatoes
- Veggie

Thursday, May 3

Roadtrip! Music

As you all know, I AM home...and surprisingly I did a better job updating the blog on the road than I am right now. You think coming home would simplify life, but no...just as busy and crazy as ever. I need a vacation. ;)

So, starting tomorrow I promise to get back into the food groove. Until then, thought I would highlight some music from the trip.

Cate's favorite roadtrip tunes: Jack Johnson's 'Curious George' sountrack.She would have listened to this all 22 hours of driving if I would have let her. I can't count how many times I heard "Baby George songs?" from the backseat. As much as I like Jack, there is a line. :)

Abby my niece's favorite party tune: 'Wind it Up' by Gwen Stefani.Abby's got rhythm and always has. (Rest assured, everyone, that I play the NON-explicit version for the 2-year-olds!)

My favorite: This American Life podcasts. I liked these before, but they were PERFECT for a long roadtrip. It's the #1 podcast on iTunes, so it'll be easy to find on there. If you haven't heard it before, check it out as it is GREAT. I know, not music, but still fun!