Friday, May 25

Kitchen Tips: The Ultimate Pizza Cutter

Wanted to share a fun kitchen tip our friends shared with us recently...and since Friday night is often pizza night, thought it might come in handy for some of you!

Our friends Valerie & Graton (who recently had their 2nd baby - congratultions, guys!) invited us over for delicious homemade pizza. When the pizza came out of the oven, Graton walked over with a pair of scissors. "Scissors? You guys should totally get a pizza cutter!" says know-it-all Jane. Turns out they used to have a real pizza cutter but had since converted to scissors. And with good reason - they work like a charm! They are much more versatile and ALWAYS cut through. Such a great tip!

Oh - one more thing that gives scissors an don't have to worry about what cutting surface you are on. I'm always making my pizza cutters so dull because I cut right on the pan. Thanks Nate for reminding me of this bonus! :)

(Don't forget! Sunday morning is the end of the giveaway!)


Adri said...

Kitchen scissors are one of my favorite tools...however, so are pizza cutters! I love to use scissors to take fat off of meat or cut raw chicken, and scissors work GREAT when cutting up spaghetti into small bits for young diners. We use pizza cutters a lot, too ...they are great for cutting brownies, German pancakes, casseroles, corn bread...the list goes on. So, don't give your pizza cutter to Goodwill quite yet!

Anonymous said...

How about using them to cut up herbs and other minced items?

Jules said...

I love kitchen scissors. I use them to cut up fresh herbs and quesadillas (as well as pizza, of course!).

jane maynard said...

great ideas, everyone! :)