Sunday, December 9

Week 46 Menu & Imminent Eviction Notice

Today I am 39 weeks pregnant. With Cate I was induced at 41 weeks, having experienced NO contractions or anything of the sort up to that point. This time around, however, my body has decided contractions are loads of they started up a week ago!!! Unfortunately they're not getting anything done...needless to say I'm a bit tired. If this baby girl doesn't come soon, I'll be forced to send her an eviction notice. "This space is no longer for rent." I actually don't mind if she comes on time or late, but this contractions-all-the-time- for-no-reason thing ain't so fun. Ah, the joy. Mostly, we are just getting so excited to meet this little person! :)

One nice thing about having babies at Christmastime is that our house is decorated and cozy. It's actually fun being stuck inside all the time.

The amount of cooking (and blogging and cleaning and working) has decreased significantly, surprise surprise. You guys REALLY need to come through and share your menus now!!!!

Okay, here's my menu for the week...

- Never thought I'd say this, but hopefully hospital food!

- Hospital food? What, not yet?

- Okay, for sure it's hospital food now...

- I'm still not eating hospital food?!?! This baby is grounded.

- My mom arrives! What's on the menu, mom? :)

Picture note: It's a good thing I'm wearing red huge Santa Claus-size reflection on the bell is at least in the right Christmasy color scheme.


kristen said...

I was wondering if there was going to be a menu this week! Thinking happy thoughts for you!

Turkey meatball soup

Chicken enchilada pizza

Taco night!

Cashew chicken

Chicken salads
Crusty homemade bread

Eat out

Cheese Quesadillas

Unknown said...

I don't have any idea about what I'm making this week although I am excited for you!! Hoping you have hospital food sooner than later!!
Can't wait to hear the news!

maren bosley said...

Jane! I feel your pain! I've been consistent with all three of my babies. Lots of contractions in the night that keep me from sleeping for three straight nights--but of course stop during the day. Arrgghhh. Who are these women that just start labor and have a baby three hours later???

Good luck! I'll be thinking about you!

Katrine said...

You poor thing! I understand what you are going through. I was in your position last year at this time. Here's my "Notice of Eviction"
I'll be thinking of you!

kim said...

Jane, I went through the same thing with #2--contractions that were strong enough to send me to the hospital at 5 in the a.m. the first day--then they just kept coming for the next week or so, but no baby. I actually ended up feeling GREAT the last 3 days or so--better than I had in months and then when they started back up, it was all over fast--you never know: they may be getting you ready for a quick delivery.

Tues--leftovers from the freezer
Wed.--Leftover leftovers
Thurs--Pork chops in the crockpot
Fri--Church dinner
Sat--Who knows?

Rynell said...

I hope your little one arrive soon!

Tortellini Soup
Rosemary bread

Orange Chicken
Green beans

Taco Soup & Quesadillas

Potato Soup w/ salad & bread

Homemade Pizza
(we do assorted toppings and everyone makes a personal sized pizza of their own)

Grilled cheese & tomato soup
Sliced fruit & veggies

something crockpot?

Jessica said...

So exciting Jane! I hope that aside from the annoying contractions that everything goes smoothly.

-Leftover Beef Stew and Beer Bread

-Bean, Corn, and Tortilla Salad

-Broccoli-Cheddar Quiche

-Baked Ziti

This week I'm making all things that start with B. Weird!

Liz Findlay said...

may I just say that's a lovely ornament. whoever gave it to you must have really good taste..(cough. cough. liz findlay the best).

Mumsy said...

Good luck with everything, Jane!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jane!
-French Onion Soup
-Potato Pancakes (latkes) with apple sauce, sour cream and Maybe Pumpkin Soup, or a nice salad
-quesadillas with black beans and spanish rice
-Turkey meatballs

ellen said...

I hope Santa's helper arrives soon! I love the picture on your post. Very pretty. Good luck!

Jenny said...

Sorry mine's late! I hope you have a baby soon!

Sunday: Chicken noodle soup
Monday: Philly cheesesteaks and salad
Tuesday: roast turkey, sweet potatoes and garlic green beans

Wednesday: leftovers
Thursday: cobb salad
Friday: breakfast for dinner
Saturday: more leftovers

jane maynard said...

thank you all for your menus, well wishes and supportive stories!!! I really appreaciate it. :) (katrine - funny you actually sent an eviction notice!!)

Bridget said...

That's so funny- hospital food!! :o) Hoping your baby comes soon! It sounds like your due around my bday (Dec. 15th), I'm due Dec. 26th... it is nice having the house warm and Christmasy however I'd rather not be IN the hospital one Christmas. We'll see though. Babies are worth it. :o) I wish you an easy and relatively comfortable delivery!

Isa said...

My Father-in-law wrote a Notice of Eviction to Chloe (who eventually showed up TWO weeks late). He is a real lawyer so I was ready to call it GOOD:) It is CUTE. Also, I agree with Liz...she is the BEST! Angels are getting wings like crazy around these parts because of the beautiful bell that hangs on our tree too.

Also, late Menu...

Sunday: White Bean and Sausage Soup, Green salad, and rolls

Monday: Cheese Stuffed Pasta Shells, Chicken, rolls, salad, corn, apple strudel, Hot Cider (Missionaries to dinner).

Tuesday: Picnic Dinner (sandwiches, fruit, chips) in between Chloe's ballet class and Birch Aquarium Christmas Party!

Wednesday: Baked Potato Bar

Thursday: Out to dinner with a friend

Friday: Pasta Con Tuno, Peas, and yummy bread.

Saturday: Anniversary Dinner OUT!

Kathy said...

I was really adventurous and planned for 2 weeks!!! :o

Saturday - Souvlaki & Rice
Sunday - Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings (yep, still haven't made this!)
Monday - Gyros with leftover Souvlaki
Tuesday - we'll taste-test... Pioneer Woman's Favorite Sandwich, grill cheese for the kids & soup
Wednesday - Dorito Chicken from Mommy Cooks and a salad
Thursday - Bunko... ordering a pizza
Friday - Burgers on the grill and fries

Saturday - Basil Shrimp, Rice Pilaf, and grilled Asparagus
Sunday - Chicken Enchilada soup from Picky Palate & quesadillas for the kids
Monday - gymnastics... take out
Tuesday - we'll be taste-testing... Shredded Beef Enchiladas
Wednesday - Spaghetti Casserole, salad, and garlic bread
Thursday - Breakfast for supper
Friday - Beans, cornbread and anything else we can scrounge up!!!

jane maynard said...

bridget - good luck!!! :)

isa - liz is the best, eh? :)

kathy - TWO weeks? goodness! we'll see if THAT ever happens around here... :)

I officially used too many :) in one comment. I apologize.

Ali said...

You're awesome Jane. I don't know how you do it and still seem so calm and still post great blogs on your site! I hope to be as organized as you someday... :)
