Sunday, December 23

Week 48 Menu...and a Whole New Life!

Anna Maynard is here! Everything went very smoothly and she is proving to be a great baby! We are all super happy and big sister Cate seems to be adjusting very well...phew. It's been a happy and wonderful week around here!

As I'm sure you've surmised, I'm still not cooking much...I am going to make some Chocolate Croissant Bread Pudding tonight. Mmmmmm. And I made omelettes for Nate and my mom yesterday (the picture below represents about all the cooking I've done in weeks). I figured it was the least I could do after all the help they've given me this week. But I am still not planning a real menu this week, or the next, and maybe the next?!?! :)

- Christmas Eve dinner...which at the Maynards means "Order Chinese". We'll be ordering from Pei Wei...I can't wait! (Next year when I'm not busy having a baby, I promise I'll talk more about Christmas cooking...and maybe even attempt a Swedish Christmas Eve dinner, which is my family's tradition. Those posts next year are gonna be AWESOME. :) )

- Grazing and leftovers. I'm going to try to pull together some cinnamon rolls...using Rhodes frozen bread dough of course.

- My mom leaves Monday, and Nate's parents don't get here until Wednesday night. I think we might just go hungry this night.

- Hey Pat, what's cookin? (Pat's my mother-in-law)

Share your menus!


Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS! She's beautiful and I love the name Anna! You must be so happy!

My menu hmmm:

Christmas Eve:
At the in laws (joy of joys)
Apparently we are having
Pork roast
Mashed Potatoes
And a few other veggies...not quite sure! I'm not involved in the cooking! :)

Christmas Day:
Breakfast will be sausage and eggs and pancakes and waffles and YUM!! Bacon too!

Homemade Ravioli and meatballs
Filet Mignon
Green Beans with Tomatoes

At Family Party
Rumor has it we're having turkey and all the trimmings! YUM, again!

Having medical procedure done so I'm counting on not cooking!!

Leftovers? Pizza? Chinese?

Couldn't even guess if I tried!

Getting ready for New Years Eve

Barbara Bakes said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! I'm so happy for you. My goal for the new year is to start planning weekly menus - you're my inspiration!

kim said...

Congrats again on the baby!!! I LOVE the name Anna--so beautiful.

No cooking this week for us either.

Malerie said...

Congratulations, Jane! We are so excited for you and glad everything went well. I'm sure Cate loves being a big sister. I'm hoping to be in your shoes soon! Merry Christmas :)

Liz Findlay said...

may I just say you are totally justified taking a hiatus Jane Maynard. Or better yet, let's have Nate plan the menus for the next couple of months. He does make a mean brownie...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your baby is beautiful.

I am new to blogging, and discovered your site. It's really alot of fun! I'll be posting some ideas if you would like.

Please take a look at my website,

Happy Holidays


Katrine said...

She's so sweet! congratulations.

Jessica said...

I spent all last week cooking for two to stock up my sis-in-law's freezer to ease the newborn days. I have no energy, and what's more, no plans for this week. But your new little bundle of joy is absolutely adorable Jane! And I love Pei Wei!

Christmas Eve Josh and I noshed on crackers, smoked cheese, summer sausage, and fancy mustard while watching Christmas movies.

Christmas morning I hosted breakfast and made:
-Baked French Toast
-Sweet & Spicy Bacon
-Sliced banana, clementines, and grapes
-Coffee, orange juice, peppermint tea, milk, and cocoa

Christmas evening at my Uncle's we had:
-Cheese Enchiladas
-Beef Enchiladas
-King Ranch Casserole

The rest of the week is a mystery to me. I think Josh is picking some Sonic up on the way home tonight so I can concentrate on cleaning up the Christmas aftermath.

Anonymous said...

How do you make sweet and sour bacon? -Jessica Hansen

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Congratulations on the most beautiful baby of the year.

jane maynard said...

thank you all for your super sweet comments and congratulations!!!!! :)

Jenny said...

Congrats on your beautiful little girl! I always told my husband if we were lucky enough to get a girl we'd name her Anna. 2 boys later and no Anna! She is really beautiful!