I made the Lime & Honey Salmon recipe tonight. Delicious. A few notes: I baked the salmon and that worked fine (thanks to Emily for the tip - I didn't have TWO skillets big enough to cook the salad & the salmon). The recipe made a LOT of salad. Just to warn you. BUT... there was a happy coincidence this week... we are having enchiladas tomorrow and the leftover salad will be an excellent side dish. Love it when that happens! (Yes, I'm mixing up the days a bit, but I'm sticking to the meal plans - promise!)

Lastly, thanks to everyone who is coming to the blog! I've received lots of positive feedback and I'm happy everyone is enjoying and using the blog! And thank you to everyone who has shared their menus (Athena - you were the first menu from someone I don't know - so fun!).
Hey Jane! Here is my menu for the coming week...I have been relying on Dream Dinners, Trader Joes, and random bouts of culinary inspiration (when the girlies allow:) Enjoy!
Pork chops w/sweet ginger and apples
Fresh whole-wheat rolls
Green salad
Dijon & herb marinated prawns
Steamed veggies
Chicken w/tomato, lemon and herb sauce
Roasted potatoes
Leftover night (Glass bead class!)
Greek penne w/chicken, lemon and parsley
Tomato and cucumber salad
Date Night!
Red lentil soup w/coconut milk
Fresh whole wheat bread
Green salad
(I like to plan different snaky items each week to keep it interesting-you know, the whole "eat 6 small meals a day" thing...we aren't cranky when us girls get our snacks!)
Fresh bread (with a touch of almond butter)
Crumbly banana muffins (Chloe loves to bake!)
Fresh fruits and berries
String cheese
Dried mango (TJ's has the best "unsulfered" mango, of course:)
Broccoli with dip (Chloe has a hankering)
Cottage cheese and black beans-this is yummy and so good for you too!
I just found your blog and I really like it. I just tried making brownies in muffin cups this weekend so what a surpise to see your post about it last week. My daughter put mini peanut butter cups in the middle of ours before we baked them and it was tasty, if you like peanut butter.
glad you found the blog! what a coincidence on the muffin tins... the peanut butter cup idea is great! :)
Jane, I tried the honey lime salmon recipe and it was delicious! I really liked it and I'm sure will make it again.
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