I still have a bunch of Roadtrip posts for you, which is a good thing since my cooking this week won't be very spectacular. Today is the last Cape Cod spot and probably one of my favorite places we go every year.

Our Cape weeks always start on Saturday...we generally go down, get the key to the cottage, then pick up some pizza at Sweet Tomatoes. Oh man, this pizza is GOOD. VERY thin, awesome tomato sauce, so tasty. This year we got hawaiian (my favorite) and greek (also great). Cate beat everyone and ate FIVE slices. No one has ever accused that girl of being a bad eater.
I would like to link to their website, but it looks like individual Sweet Tomatoes restaurants have their own sites, like this one and this one. I'm not even entirely sure of all their locations. If you live in Mass, check out the links and see if you can't track one down near your home. The one we visit is in Sandwich, Mass - they don't seem to have a website. This post is making me really miss this pizza...
Since living on the east coast, I have NEVER felt the urge to call Dominoes. So tasty!
Oh, I grew up in NJ and there is nothing that compares to East Coast pizza.
you guys are so right! gotta love that northeast pizza!!! (in fact, I'll be doing a post about new jersey and italian food soon!)
I think you just like Sweet Tomatoes because it's the same font as Trader Joe's... :)
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