Today I am 39 weeks pregnant. With Cate I was induced at 41 weeks, having experienced NO contractions or anything of the sort up to that point. This time around, however, my body has decided contractions are loads of they started up a week ago!!! Unfortunately they're not getting anything done...needless to say I'm a bit tired. If this baby girl doesn't come soon, I'll be forced to send her an eviction notice. "This space is no longer for rent." I actually don't mind if she comes on time or late, but this contractions-all-the-time- for-no-reason thing ain't so fun. Ah, the joy. Mostly, we are just getting so excited to meet this little person! :)

One nice thing about having babies at Christmastime is that our house is decorated and cozy. It's actually fun being stuck inside all the time.
The amount of cooking (and blogging and cleaning and working) has decreased significantly, surprise surprise. You guys REALLY need to come through and share your menus now!!!!
Okay, here's my menu for the week...
MONDAY:- Never thought I'd say this, but hopefully hospital food!
TUESDAY:- Hospital food? What, not yet?
WEDNESDAY:- Okay, for sure it's hospital food now...
THURSDAY:- I'm still not eating hospital food?!?! This baby is grounded.
FRIDAY:- My mom arrives! What's on the menu, mom? :)
Picture note: It's a good thing I'm wearing red huge Santa Claus-size reflection on the bell is at least in the right Christmasy color scheme.