Warning: These pictures will make you want to find the nearest bakery and pig out. TWFD is not responsible for readers' weight gain.
This is the storefront. Looks like a movie set, no?

Just a simple sign propped up in the front window to let you know where you are.

They also have the Tartine cookbook propped up in the window. I consider this a must-have cookbook. I'll have to ask Santa...or Amazon.

You can see into the kitchen from the front. Love it.

And now, for the food...

Of course, we had to get something for the road...

J'adore Tartine!
Oh my! I wasn't expecting my mouth to water. YUM!
That cake...oh my...that cake!
I have been craving a chocolate croissant all day now! i want to go there!
OH my goodness, I LOVE THAT PLACE. I still dream about the bread pudding and quiche that I ate there a few years ago. Does bread pudding not exist in France? I couldn't find it anywhere.
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