Monday, April 30

Week 14 Menu

Hey everyone, I need to hit the road. It is 5:00 PM and we still aren't gone...we'll see how far we get tonight. It's been a GREAT trip (despite Cate and I both catching the stomach flu). I AM looking forward to being home. To all my Utah friends...sorry I didn't call ANY of you...I was too busy playing Guitar Hero II.

Here's my menu for the week. Who knows if I'll stick with it. My dad will be with us for the week, so maybe he can do a little cooking... :) Please post your menus!

- On the road

- Getting not happening

- Whole wheat spaghetti & tomato sauce
- Caprese salad & french bread

- TJ's Orange Chicken with rice
- Veggie Stir-Fry

- Hawaiian Pizza

- Eat out? :)

- Pot roast
- Mashed potatoes
- Veggie

Saturday, April 28

Roadtrip! The Soup Kitchen

The Soup Kitchen rules. It's been around FOREVER, with good reason. If you ever make it to SLC, take a trip to this little spot. My favorite items: SOUP (tomato and clam chowder are my faves), the take-as-many-as-you-want breadsticks (garlic are SOOOOO good), and the scones with honey and butter for dessert (not to be confused with english scones, these are like navajo fry bread). For those of you out there who haven't been to Utah, you will see from my pictures that The Soup Kitchen also offers a local favorite - FRY SAUCE. All the burger places around here have this stuff - I personally think it is GREAT. It's pretty much ketchup and mayo mixed together with some seasonings. It tastes better than how I'm describing it - I promise!

I didn't get a chance to go to The Pie Pizzeria on this trip, but this is another dive-y type food joint near the University of Utah that is mighty fine. I could just order the Cheese Pull-A-Part and be happy. Now that I mention it, I'm getting a little sad I'm not eating those pull-a-parts right now. To get SO CLOSE and be denied...ah, the agony.

Friday, April 27

Roadtrip! Chocolate Cake Donuts

Seeing a trend? My vacations are full of all kinds of healthy food...Dunford’s Chocolate Cake donuts at Utah-local 'Dan’s' grocery stores are the BEST. There really is no other donut quite like this. They put all other donuts to shame, especially the ones with that waxy chocolate icing.

Thursday, April 26

Roadtrip! Orange Rolls

The Provo Bakery provides one of the yummiest baked treats in Utah...Orange Rolls. I seriously made myself sick eating these. It was worth it.

Tuesday, April 24

Roadtrip! Happy Birthday, Abby!

Yesterday we celebrated my niece's birthday with a good old-fashioned 2-year-old-style party. The girls had a blast and I'm so glad we were able to be in town to party with the Abster.

Pat (mom-in-law) and Jess (sis-in-law) made yummy sandwiches and Jess ordered Abby's birthday cake from Channing's Bundt Cake Factory. The cake was decidedly delicious - yum, yum. I will say this...when Cuyler (Jess' hubby) brought home the cake, it was not decorated at all. Cuyler had to go back to the factory to get it birthdayified. We aren't sure who is to blame - Channing's for forgetting to decorate or the dad for not checking before he left (you know the mom wouldn't forget that step!). Despite the mix up, Channings took care of it and the cake turned out great!

Happy Birthday, Abby!

Monday, April 23

Roadtrip! Sunday Dinner

We had Sunday dinner at my Aunt Sue's. It was DELICIOUS and healthy, which my body was very happy about. Sue served up some marinated and grilled chicken (click here for marinade recipe), baked potatoes topped with my grandma's sour cream (heaven!), caesar salad and a crudite platter. For dessert she blended up some homemade berry sorbet in her Vita-Mix (I cannot WAIT to get one of these, one day - they are the BEST and you can get them at Costco occasionally for less money).

I love going to Sue's house...her kids watch and play with Cate the whole time. LOVE IT. :) Thanks Sue and family!

Sunday, April 22

Week 13 Non-Menu

13 is a lucky number and I'll tell you why...I don't have to plan a weekly menu! Woo-hoo!

If you have a menu for the week please post it! I've said it before, I'll say it again, post WHATEVER menu you have! Especially this week as I offer no ideas. (Quick thanks to Jessica and Jenny for faithfully posting menus every week!) And you can click here for past weeks' menus.

Saturday, April 21

Roadtrip! Good Morning!

What's the best possible way to wake up the first day of your trip, especially after it took 2 hours longer than it should have to get to your destination? To a delicious waffle breakfast, complete with bacon, pumpkin chocolate chip bread and orange juice! Yes - this really happened!

Cate and I took a pit stop in St. George, Utah Friday night and stayed with my Aunt Barbara & Uncle Mark. It was so fun seeing them and so nice waking up to breakfast. Here is the waffle recipe and Barbara informed me that Costco has this awesome Belgian Waffle maker by Waring for $50! A steal!

Thanks Barb and Mark!

Thursday, April 19

Roadtrip! Snacks Galore...

Tomorrow Cate and I take to the open road and when we do we will be well-stocked. My goodness - when I got out all of our car snacks for the big photo shoot, I realized I got enough food for 4 or 5 roadtrips. At least I'll be able to keep Cate happy!

You can see it's an even balance between healthy and completely nutrionless food. Cate is SO EXCITED. Ever since I bought the "treats" on Monday she can't WAIT to drive in the car for 11 hours. Fancy that.

While I may be going on vacation (if you can call a busy trip with family and some work on the side "vacation"), the blog is not. Keep visiting!

See ya on Route 15!

Wednesday, April 18

Healthy Eats: Yoga Today

I know, yoga isn't food...but yoga is all about holistic health, and health is related to eating, right? Anyway, I love yoga and I love this website and just wanted to share it with you: Yoga Today. They do FREE 1-hour yoga classes EVERY DAY...and you can have them automatically download to iTunes if you like. The instructors are great and I really have enjoyed the classes I've done. Great if you can't make it to a real class but like having the guidance of an instuctor.

I feel like I need to mention food. Carrots are good for you. :)

Tuesday, April 17


I'm hoping Nate doesn't read this before he leaves work so that he can live in the ignorant bliss that he'll have a good dinner tonight. Today's kitchen tip: pay attention to what you're doing while you cook. I know, this is a difficult concept to try to get your brain around, very abstract, very rocket science.

Paying attention means that you'll end up with delicious, fluffy, yummy mashed potatoes. NOT following this simple advice means you end up with what can be best described as mushed potatoes.

It is NOT a good idea to dump a bunch of milk willy-nilly into your pot of potatoes. I'm quite sure my mind was elsewhere...maybe on my to-do list, maybe on chocolate covered pretzels? Certainly not on mashed potatoes, hence the mush.

Ironically, Cate liked these WEIRD-O potatoes (the picture is not getting across the STRANGE texture and appearance) better than any others I've ever made. Who can account for a toddler's taste?

Monday, April 16

Musings: Flap Jack Janie

My friend's husband used to call me Flap Jack Janie...I was a LITTLE addicted to pancakes at the time (it's surprising I don't weigh 500 pounds). I'm not as bad now - we only have them occasionally. (I have developed a wheat pancake recipe that is fluffy, yummy and not quite so dangerous to my insulin levels.)

Making pancakes is a lot more fun nowadays with little Cate to help out. This weekend we made them TWICE. Cate loves pancake mornings - baking AND eating. Saturday she ate FIVE...I didn't know 2-year-old stomachs could hold so much food. By the way, that was more pancakes than I ate - honest!

Seriously, though, watching Cate stir the batter did my heart good. My little sidekick just brings me so much joy. I've recently come to the realization that I'm not the stay-at-home mom I thought I was...yes I stay home, but I am a working mom. It's a strange transition for my psyche to make. Work has gotten kind of busy lately - I'm grateful for it, but I do need to make sure I don't ignore my buddies (i.e. Cate & Nate). This is something that's been on my mind a LOT lately. Now that my heart has realized that I'm a "working mom," my brain knows I really need to consciously prioritize the people and things that matter. I think I do a good job, but always need to keep this top of mind. If that means making more pancakes, so be it. Bring on the blood sugar spike.

Sunday, April 15

Week 12 Craziness!!

This week is gonna be CRAZY. Cate and I are driving 751.04 miles alone together. (See title of post.) As luck would have it, both sets of our East Coast parents will be in Utah visiting the same week, and my brother is supposedly graduating from college, so time to hit the road! Thankfully my dad will be with us on the drive back, so only 1-way of total, absolute, sheer craziness.

Anyway, between work, packing, exercise, drinking my daily amount of water, trying to be a good mom and volunteering from 5-10pm the day before I leave...I'm going for EASY meals this week (enter Trader Joe' sorry to the TJ-less people out there!). No meals at the end of the week since Cate and I will be movin' on down, movin' on down the road. And no worries - I'll still be posting on the trip!

Here are our empty road trip goodie bags...what yummy things will find their way inside by Friday? And when is Trader Joe's going to start paying me?

This week's Song of the Week may cause me to lose some credibility, at least with staunch Republicans and country music haters. Oh well - I gotta be honest about what I'm listening to while I cook! Drumroll..."Silent House" by the Dixie Chicks. I'm not a huge country person, but I have always liked the Chicks...and I bought this BEFORE they won all those Grammys (that may have been a little overboard)...despite all that, I really do like this album - there are some good songs on here. The harmonies on this song are very pretty.

POST YOUR MENUS! Post anoymously if for some reason you don't think it's good enough (which is silly). We all want to know what you're eating! :) Also, since I'm not full of real menu ideas the next two weeks, peruse past weeks' menus for inspiration!

Week 12 Menu

- Chicken Marsala (TJ's simmer sauce with fresh mushrooms added)
- Whole Wheat pasta
- Salad

- Real Simple Lasagna
- Salad

- Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken (in freezer section)
- Chicken Shu Mai or Chicken Egg Rolls (in TJ's freezer section)

- Leftovers (lasagna from Tuesday)

- On the road!

- On the road again...

- Which lucky family member is making me dinner this night?

Saturday, April 14

Fab Faves: Kokblog

It's Saturday. Phew. I had today's post all planned in my head, but I just don't have time to do it justice this morning. And since you're all busy doing fun Saturday things anyway, today is a quick post - no pictures or nothin'!

Check out this cool food blog, Kokblog. It's a cooking blog by a woman named Johanna Kindvall. She grew up in Sweden and is an architect, artist and former social worker who used cooking to work with drug addicts and mentally ill patients. So cool. She illustrates everything on her site - a very creative and unique touch. I haven't tried any recipes yet, but it is just such a cool site. Enjoy!

Side note: I think I'll start featuring some of my favorite blogs once in a while because I have a sneaking suspicion that many of you haven't explored my links, which is understandable since it could take over one's life :)

Friday, April 13

Featured Recipe: BOBs (brie on bread)

It's Friday, which means in a matter of hours, cool people (not me!) will be hosting parties and, well, being cool. Here's a great, fast appetizer that is a big hit and could make you even cooler. (My friend Karen introduced me to these ages ago...thanks Karen!)

BOBs (aka Brie On Bread)
Baguette, sliced
Brie, sliced
Garlic Salt
Fresh cracked pepper

Place sliced brie on bread pieces. Sprinkle with garlic salt and pepper. Broil on baking sheet until cheese just bubbles and things start browning (don't cook too long or brie will be unrecognizable).

Jane's gourmet twist (if you want to make things harder on yourself): Brush baguette slices with a bit of fresh garlic-infused olive oil instead of using garlic salt. Then sprinkle with pepper AND regular salt.

Thursday, April 12

Guest Blogger: "Go-To" Recipes with Lindsey

Today Lindsey Johnson is our guest blogger! Lindsey has two great blogs I love to visit: Cafe Johnsonia & Just Recipes (Lindsey is the source of those delicious Brownie Cookies I wrote about). Lindsey was recently a week-long guest blogger for the fabulous Design Mom as well. I'm so happy we get to have her here - thank you, Lindsey!

* * * * * * *
Can I start by saying what an honor it is to be a Guest Blogger on the great TWFD blog? Jane is such a gracious host. Don't you just love her blog?

I'm sure you are like me and have your favorite recipes that are your "go-to" recipes. They are familiar and comfortable and hard to mess up. I love those kinds of recipes.

I've assembled my list of recipes that I "go-to" on a regular basis. I hope you will post your own "go-to" ideas and recipes in the comment section so we can all get some new ideas and maybe even find a few new favorites.

Main Dish/Casserole.
When I'm taking dinner to a friend that has just had a baby or when I haven't shopped, or when I just want to eat some good, old comfort food, I turn to Chicken Pot Pie with Biscuit Topping. I always have the ingredients on hand and I know that it will last a few days for leftovers. And it's really, really good. The recipe was originally a Cooks' Illustrated recipe that I've kind of made into my own.

Side dishes.
I'm a huge fan of simple meals. I like the occasional casserole (like the pot pie), but usually I am doing some kind of chicken, beef, or pork with two sides. The easiest sides, for me, are those that can be done quickly and cook while the main dish is being prepared.

Enter Roasted Veggies & Potatoes. Follow the recipe here and you will be eating your veggies like candy.

Green salad.
I adore green salads. (And most other salads, too, really.) Growing up, salad was that iceberg lettuce mix with shredded carrots and ranch. Hmm. Pretty boring. No wonder I didn't like salad much as a kid.

I love that you can find gourmet greens in most supermarkets now. And there are myriad ways to dress up those greens. You can add pretty much anything you want and have a great salad.

One of my favorite salads is very fruity and hearty. I also like to make my own dressing, but store-bought salad dressings are fine. Isn't it all about what you like anyway? (Click here to see what's in the salad)

I also have two favorite vinaigrettes/dressings, Raspberry Vinaigrette and Creamy Apple Poppy Seed Dressing.

Moving on to dessert…my favorite.
I try to only make dessert on Sunday night, but by Wednesday I find I gotta get me some chocolate. Two of my all-time favorite recipes have come from Martha Stewart.

This recipe for 'Carolyn's Chocolate Chip Cookies' was in the July 2003 issue of Martha Stewart Living. (It's not available on her website.) I like this recipe because it doesn't require any planning. You don't have to let the butter soften. You only need a whisk, no pulling out the mixer. And they are really soft, chewy and yummy. (I'm making myself hungry just thinking about them.)

It has taken about 26 years to really love chocolate. (I shouldn't tell you that because I don't want to lose my credibility.) There isn't a day that goes by that I don't have a handful of chocolate chips, or something chocolaty. But when I get really serious about my need/want for chocolate, I go straight for brownies.

I found this recipe for Brownie Cupcakes when I was searching for something else and there was no looking back. They are easy. It only requires one bag of semi-sweet chips—I always seem to have those on hand. And again, no mixer required. They are good with or without the chocolate frosting. But make sure you have a big glass of milk nearby. They are so rich and fudgy.

Now that I've shared my "go-to" recipes, I want to hear what your "go-to" favorites are!

images in this post courtesy of lindsey johnson

Wednesday, April 11

Kitchen Tips: Vinegar & Baking Soda

Okay, today's post doesn't have to do with food or dinner, but it does apply to the kitchen, so I think it counts! Allow me to introduce you to the power couple of the cleaning world - Vinegar & Baking Soda.

If you have a stainless steel sink, these two ingredients are the perfect, non-toxic way to clean and disinfect. I just sprinkle baking soda all over the sink, pour some vinegar over that, let it sizzle, then scrub away! Another of my favorite uses for this dynamic duo is pouring 1/2 cup of each down the drain and letting it sit for a bit. A great way to clean your drains.

While vinegar and baking soda make a great pair, vinegar is pretty stinkin' awesome on its own. Check out this great info from the Queen of Clean on the DIY network. This is the only episode I ever saw of "Talking Dirty with the Clean of Queen" (gotta love it) and I am so glad I did. I've incorporated vinegar into my cleaning ever since. Happy disinfecting!

Tuesday, April 10

Healthy Eats: H-2-WHOAH!

I already knew I was dehydrated, but apparently an IV is in order. My friend Karen (who's awesome fitness blog will be launching soon!) introduced me to a calculator on You can put in your stats and find out how much water and food you need daily based on your activity level. I don't need 8 glasses a day...I need ELEVEN! What the?!?! I don't even have 11 of the same glass for this picture!

New mantra: drink more water. With new mantra in place, any tips for getting ALL THAT WATER down every day?

Monday, April 9

Fab Faves: 'Hostess with the Mostess'

One of my favorite fellow bloggers has just launched her website and I'm so excited to let you all know about it! Hostess with the Mostess is a marvelous place to go for entertaining ideas and more!

The site has cool, fun, unique, hip, cute (I could go on but I'll stop) ideas for entertaining. Her blog will also continue to be amazing at And keep an eye out...I will be making appearances here and there on the site and the blog!

Happy Entertaining!

Book Club: The History of Love & Homemade Pizza

Now that Easter and Passover are behind us, all the food has been cooked and the dishes are done (maybe), it's time to take a little break and curl up with a good book...

"The History of Love: A Novel"by Nicole Krauss is one of my favorites. This book is beautifully written and has a creative and touching story. And I sobbed at the end. And then I sobbed just telling Nate about the book. I was a mess, but in a good way - trust me, you WANT to read it!

Jen was the hostess that month and served up make-your-own pizzas. It was loads of fun and delicious! This is a great idea and a definite crowd pleaser, for kids and adults alike!

Pizza was on last week's menu, but Trader Joe's was out of crust, so I had to break down and make it from scratch. If you haven't before, it's not hard. Visit Recipes-Main Dishes for a recipe from my friend's Italian uncle.

Please check out Maren's comment on yesterday's Easter post and share your hammy ideas! And please post your menus on the weekly menu posts...any menu welcome any day of the week!

Sunday, April 8

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter and Happy Spring to everyone! The Easter Bunny visited Cate...oh what fun! I was talking to my friend Ruth yesterday and she shared her family Easter tradition with me...eating Mediterranean-type food for Easter dinner. What a fun and thoughtful way to celebrate Easter!

The Song of the Week is "Spring" from Vivaldi's The Four Seasons. It's hard to decide, but I think it is probably my favorite of Vivaldi's seasons. And perfect for today!

Week 11 Menu

- Leftovers

I STILL haven't made these... it's going to happen this week! The pesto's been ready for weeks (in the freezer)
- Chili Chicken Skewers
- Rice with Cilantro Pesto
- Asparagus or Chunky Banana Sweet Potato Mash

- Chicken Stir Fry
- Dumplings

- Hamburgers
- Baked French Fries

- Leftovers

- Chicken Marsala
- Whole wheat pasta
- Veggie

- Chicken Piccata
- Mashed potatoes
- Green beans

Saturday, April 7

Featured Recipe: Beef Stew

It's been cloudy and gloomy here in San Diego the last few days, so I think we're due for some comfort food. Last time I made Beef Stew, Cate GOBBLED it up! Hopefully other toddlers out there will follow suit...always nice to find something they'll eat!

This recipe is from my mom, who is notorious for giving non-recipe-recipes, where you have to guess amounts, etc. Despite the lack of direction, it IS easy to make. Let me know if you have questions! Note: I put the carrots and celery in before the potatoes so the potatoes don't get too mushy, but some people don't mind it and like how the potatoes thicken the stew.


- beef stew meat / round steak (appx amount: 1 1/2 lb)
- butter/olive oil
- onion (I chop 1/2 of an onion)
- beef broth (appx 4 Cups; mom uses beef concentrate and water, I have bouillon)
- celery
- carrots

- potatoes
- flour/water thickening
- salt & pepper to taste

Brown the meat and onions. Add broth to cover meat and simmer for a few hours. Add vegetables. When they're not quite done, add thickening. Season.

Friday, April 6

The Goods: Chocolate Covered Pretzels

These puppies are PURE indulgence for me. I know, an indulgence-focused post may not be the BEST for closing Lenten Season. But it's better than my original Beef Stew post on Good Friday (which will be re-published tomorrow). I'm cracking myself up over here. As long as I make someone laugh, right?

Back to the salty & sweet treat. Seriously, it doesn't matter what kind of chocolate pretzel or where you get it from (although, dark chocolate is pretty dang good). I just love them. I must confess I may be a bit obsessed, but I expect to pull out of the obsession in time (I tend do that with things, like Ben Harper music for example, couldn't get enough, then realized this week I skip him on shuffle half the time - obsession over - phew). This pretzel fixation would do my body well to end soon. Cross your fingers...but don't hold your breath.

Wednesday, April 4

Kitchen Tips: Working with a BUDGET!

A TWFD reader recently asked a great question that I think deserves a post for sure! Here's the question:

"I was wanting to know {if any of you] work from a food budget and if you do how you set your budget. I feel like I spend way too much at the grocery store and never have what I really want in the house...does this happen to anyone out there? Do you guys set your menu for the week and then make your list and only buy according to your list? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated."

Planning my meals for each week DEFINITELY helps me save money!!! I make a list based on my menu and don't deviate from the list - this is a great help in the budget department.

I personally don't have a set budget (I should!), but I generally spend $80-$100/wk (including diapers). As far as the amount you should be budgeting...the average grocery spend for a family of 3 in the U.S. is $101/week. Miserly Mom on The Dollar Stretcher said when her budget was tightest she spent $10/person/week - wow!

Here are a few things I do or keep in mind when planning and shopping each week. My bottom line: You can certainly keep to a strict budget if you're willing to make the effort and, in some cases, spend the extra time. I pick and choose the ways I save money, balancing time spent with money saved.
  • I go to more than one store to get best prices. Every week I go to Ralphs and Trader Joe's.
  • When I can, I go to Henry's (a local San Diego chain market) for produce. I encourage you to find local markets where you live to save on produce (and more!).
  • Trader Joe's has the best prices on a lot of items (butter, eggs, bread, crackers, cheese, etc). A lot of times they carry the same exact item as the grocery store and it will be cheaper than the grocery store's SALE price. Example: King Arthur's flour is $3.00 on SALE at Ralphs right now, but $2.79 regularly at TJs.
  • Get a club card and only buy sale items at your grocery store.
  • Buy in bulk! Costco, BJs, Sam's Club are all good candidates. I am not good about doing this. I should buy more bulk stuff. Also, Costco has great prices on meat and it is great quality, however...
  • You can get great sale prices on meat at your regular grocery store! Just keep an eye out. I always get my boneless/skinless chicken breasts at Vons - they regularly go on sale for as low as $1.79/lb (Costco is $3.00/lb), so I buy a bunch and freeze it.
  • Buy FRESH foods. Packaged and processed foods tend to be more expensive. A cartful of veggies is more filling, cheaper and much healthier.
  • Coupons. The key to really saving money with coupons: use them on sale items and at stores that double coupons. Newspapers and weekly grocery store mailers will tell you the sale items each week and websites like The Grocery Game help with that as well. I've done coupon shopping in the past, and I did save money, but in the long run it's not for me so I don't use them anymore. If you are willing to spend the time, it can be a real money saver!
Please post your suggestions and tips!

Tuesday, April 3

Healthy Eats: "Light" Yogurt

Today's post may seem like a no-brainer to a lot of you, but for me it was a fairly recent "bright idea." Figured I may as well share! If you're smarter than me, than just move on and come back tomorrow. :)

So, first let me say if I offend any diet soda drinkers out there, I apologize. That said, I hate artificial sweeteners. I don't like the taste, but I'm also a firm believer that eating less of something natural and "unhealthy" (i.e. sugar, butter, etc) is healthier than eating something "fake," (i.e. said sweeteners, transfats, etc). See, there I go offending people... ANYWAY...I HATE light yogurt because it has all those yucky tasting artificial sweeteners. (Clarification - low fat yogurt is different from light and is just fine with me.)

The problem: regular yogurt (low or regular fat content) has so much sugar in it! One day I said to Nate, why can't they do light yogurt that simply has less sugar in it? Well, "the man" may not do it for me, but I can do it myself! I've started mixing my yogurt with plain! It's not as sweet but still tastes good to me (and Cate!) and comes with a lot less guilt, half to be exact. I know, DUH. But I'm happy I finally figured this out! Yes, plain yogurt all by its lonesome is definitely the healthiest, but I'm not eatin' that stuff. :)

Monday, April 2

Holidays: Easter Feast

Easter is less than a week away - time sure does hop! (groans from the audience)

What are you having for dinner this Easter Sunday? Does your family have any yummy traditions or recipes? Please share! (And take a look at people's menus already posted... some yummy ideas there already)

Just a couple quick resources for you. Emily (last week's guest blogger) sent me this great link, He has tons of cute Easter ideas and free downloads to implement them. And of course, Martha Stewart has a plethora of recipes that look very Easter-y. I know, not very original, but hey...she's good. What can I say?

By the way, if you want to do a traditional ham the easy (and less expensive than "Honey Baked") way, Costco has good hams that come with a glaze. Watch it, though - we cooked it LESS than the time on the label last year and it was too long... got a little dry. But that was our fault.

Here's my menu, at least for now... may change before Sunday!
- Ham & Potato Bake
- Carrot Vichyssoise
- Asparagus (looking for a "fancy" recipe, but may just simply sautée)
- Spinach salad with grapefruit and Brianna's Blush Wine Vinaigrette
- Rhodes frozen dinner rolls (if your grocer carries these, buy them, they are AWESOME - seriously as good as homemade)
- Chocolate Bread Pudding

Sunday, April 1

Happy 10 Week Anniversary!

So, if you know me at all you know it is pretty amazing that I have stuck with this blog for 10 weeks... little did I know when I started that I would love doing it so much! It's really improved my overall cooking experience (and, therefore, life in general) and I hope it's helped some of you as well! I'm going to just keep plugging away and hopefully you won't get sick of me. Please keep visiting, sharing the site with friends and sharing your great menus. And if you haven't posted yet - please do! All menus welcome - simple, complex, easy, gourmet, yummy, yucky, whatever!

I've been swamped with work lately. It was getting to be a drag and a bit stressful. Then I read this post on Anna Maria Horner's blog - I stopped and took notice. I mean, what could be better than this "office" that I've got? I get to be home with my daughter and work when I want to in the comfort of my home, a place where I love being. Moral of the story: be grateful for the simple and beautiful things in your life.

Song of the Week: "Crooked Teeth" by Death Cab for Cutie. I really like a lot of their other songs, but this is an especially good "kitchen soundtrack" type of song. :)

Happy Anniversary!

Week 10 Menu

- Oriental Chicken Salad
- Chicken Shu Mai (Trader Joe's, freezer section)

- Chicken Tenders (Tyson Crispy Chicken Strips)
- Baked French Fries
- Spinach salad

- Hawaiian Pizza
- Salad

- Leftover night

- Chili Chicken Skewers
- Rice with Cilantro Pesto
- Asparagus or Chunky Banana Sweet Potato Mash

- Eat out

- Come back tomorrow for the Easter plan!