Friday, April 13

Featured Recipe: BOBs (brie on bread)

It's Friday, which means in a matter of hours, cool people (not me!) will be hosting parties and, well, being cool. Here's a great, fast appetizer that is a big hit and could make you even cooler. (My friend Karen introduced me to these ages ago...thanks Karen!)

BOBs (aka Brie On Bread)
Baguette, sliced
Brie, sliced
Garlic Salt
Fresh cracked pepper

Place sliced brie on bread pieces. Sprinkle with garlic salt and pepper. Broil on baking sheet until cheese just bubbles and things start browning (don't cook too long or brie will be unrecognizable).

Jane's gourmet twist (if you want to make things harder on yourself): Brush baguette slices with a bit of fresh garlic-infused olive oil instead of using garlic salt. Then sprinkle with pepper AND regular salt.


Cheryl said...

Those look delicious. Here is another idea I got from Everyday Italian. It's called Baked Caprese Salad. Take the sliced baguette brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Bake at 450 for 5 minutes. Take the toasts out and put a slice of roma tomato on, sprinkle with salt and place a slice of fresh mozzarella cheese on it, bake another 5 minutes to melt the cheese slightly. Place a piece of fresh basil on top when it comes out of the oven. I like black pepper on top with or without the basil. So yummy with fresh garden tomatoes. I love your blog, I'm a new reader and I read it everyday.

Jessica said...

I am definitely going to use this idea sometime soon!

jane maynard said...

the baked caprese sounds SO GOOD. I LOVE caprese salad, so will definitely try this sometime. glad you found the blog!! :)

thanks for your comments... keep 'em coming!

Mom101 said...

This is a mean thing to post when pregnant women could be lurking around.

(And thanks for the link - happy to have found you. And your evil, evil, brie recipe)

Jenny said...

My sister is a brie addict. We marinate it with olive oil, onions and red pepper and then warm it up in a pan before heaping it onto baugettes. One time we made grilled cheese sandwiches with the baugettes and cheese and added some arugula and apple slices. That was awesome, too.
Thanks for the new recipe.

Mumsy said...

Did someone say Brie? I make two things sometimes with Brie. Both are baked--

1) Cut a wheel of Brie in half, or you could also use a shrink-wrapped wedge. Top it with pesto and bake at around 350 degrees until it is hot and bubbly. Then you top it with a few pine nuts. Serve it with bread or crackers.

2) Buy those little phyllo cups or make your own. Layer a small dollop of fruit preserves, a small cube of Brie (rind removed) and then top with a pecan. Bake at 350 until the Brie has melted and the phyllo cups are golden.

The little Brie cups are so addictive and pop-able.

Love these posts, Jane!

jane maynard said...

so many mouth-watering brie ideas!!! I sense some cooking and photo-snapping in my future.

I believe I rationalized COOKED brie when I was pregnant...a few BOBs may have snuck in...hmmmmmm...perhaps I should plead the fifth? :)