Friday, August 10

Roadtrip! Brown Bread

My mother-in-law Pat introduced me to a uniquely New England product this trip that I feel I should share with you all. Interestingly, Nate's never even heard of it, even though his mama loves the stuff. One day as we're making lunch Pat says, "Have you had brown bread?" I was confused, couldn't figure out what she was talking about...then she said, "You know, in a can?" Then I got REALLY confused. Pat disappeared only to walk into the kitchen 10 minutes later with a can of Brown Bread, yes, a can. She ran to the store so I could try it right away. She says the best way to eat it is to slice it, put butter between the slices, then bake in the oven until warm.

The verdict?'s alright. Pat loves it, she grew up on it, and various New England grandparents love it as well. Nate's sister hates it. Cate decided to show some granddaughterly support and couldn't stop eating it...she thought her discs of brown bread were cookies. It was pretty cute, actually. So there you go, a little more New England food education for you.


Jessica said...

I'm actually a little frightened by this product.

bobcatsteph3 said...

I am frightened by this product as well. (Good word Jessica!) I am so desperate to find a good brown bread recipe along the likes of what the Cheesecake Factory serves, and I see this can at the store, and I just can't even try it!

I don't consider myself a food snob by any means, it just looks "weird!" I just can't quite grasp bread in a can! (Though I have enjoyed flower pot bread!)

Regardless I enjoyed reading about your vacation and hope all of you had a fantastic time! Next year.... 2 lil girls at the beach! :-)

jane maynard said...

don't be frightened, I'm sure it's never killed anyone. :)

another twfd reader and I have emailed back and forth about trying to replicate the cheesecake factory bread...I will definitely do a post one day, but have to actually try a recipe first! :)

still more vacation posts to guys are gonna be sick of hearing about it! :)

Anonymous said...

Fear not ladies- the pioneers ate it and trekked across the country. Probably Nate thought it was homemade and never suspected the can as a source of bread! Ingenious as well as scary.A new England Sat. night hot dogs and beans classic addition! Slice it about 1/2 inch thick, put lots of butter between slices, wrap in foil and leave in oven for as long as you need to get it really hot.The butter soaks right in there. Don't tell anyone it is from a can- you may get a couple of people who like it! Pat