Friday, August 24

Roadtrip! Leave the gun, take the cannolis...

This is my final roadtrip post from this summer's fantastic east coast trip. I can't believe I've been home for nearly 2 weeks and am still writing about the trip - amazing how much blog post fodder I collected!

I thought I would end with one of my most favorite Boston spots. Modern Pastry in the North End (the "little Italy" of Boston). Not only is it just a great, authentic Italian bakery, but they do in fact make the best cannoli in Boston, and, perhaps, the U.S. as I've yet to find one better. I LOVE CANNOLI. And, like bagels, I've gotten a little picky about my cannoli. Modern Pastry does not disappoint. My favorite: Plain shell, ricotta filling, chocolate chips sprinkled on the end. For some reason I was able to overcome the almost irresistible urge to make a trip up to Boston solely for a cannoli...I still don't know how I did it. This picture is from last summer - Cate's first visit to Modern and her first taste of cannoli, which she loved. She IS her mother's daughter.

Want to see Modern Pastry in all it's Italian glory? Go the day before Thanksgiving. You won't hear any English and the line will be out the door with little Italian ladies picking up their pre-ordered Thanksgiving desserts. So much fun to watch.

Ciao, delicious East Coast food. Back to the land of burritos and veggies...


Kerri said...

These posts are making me yearn to take a trip back to Boston! And you had to post about Modern Pastry, didn't you?? Now, I have to sit here in my home in Southern Cali and dream about those scrumptious cannoli! I did love Mike's Pastry a little more, but Modern would do the trick on any night to Little Italy.

My mouth is salivating, and there is no way the cupcake in the refrigerator is going to satisfy me now!

jane maynard said...

funny you like mike's better, b/c I like modern better, at least for cannoli. :) president clinton didn't visit modern, so mike's does have that! :)

you're not alone kerri...I'm salivating myself!

Anonymous said...

When you come back to Jersey, we'll go to Veniero's on 11th in the East Village for cannoli. 5 stars.