Monday, October 1

Free Giveaway! Dream Dinners Tray & Salad Sets!

I'm happy to announce a SUPER cute random giveaway today! DREAM DINNERS is giving away 3 sets of the following melamine dishes: drinkware tray set & salad bowl with tongs (see picture). That's right, THREE of you will be lucky winners this week!!

I love melamine kitchen stuff, and these particular dishes are fresh and hip to boot! To enter the contest, make a comment, any comment, on this post by Sunday, 10/7, Midnight PT. I will randomly select three names and announce the winners on Monday, 10/8. A big thank you to DREAM DINNERS for a great giveaway!!!


Jen said...

hi :)

Cheryl said...

How cute..

Heather said...

What bright cheery pieces!

Anonymous said...

I've never done dream dinners, but have friends who love it. Maybe this will be my inspiration to start. :)

Catherine said...

I love it! I would love to win something like that.

Angie said...

I tried Dream Dinners specifically because of your blog! I tried one in Maryland and they were amazed I heard about them from a blogger I've never met! thanks!

Mollie said...

I want those....

Unknown said...

I love that it's lime green!!!

Ali said...

Yay, free stuff! Very cute!

Nicole said...

Love 'em! Super cute!

Liz Findlay said...

por favor!

adrianne said...

Just pick me Jane!

Katie said...

I found your blog through my sister in law's blog. I LOVE it and I love the opportunity for some free stuff!

eisor said...

Those are great!

The Woodlands said...

I want cute kitchen stuff to go in my cute NEW kitchen!
Thanks Jane!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Very cute!

ReeSe said...

Cool stuff...I hope I win! :) thanks for sharing.

Emily said...

so great jane...count me in!

kim said...


Jessica said...

i hope my last giveaway win was the beginning of a lucky streak!

Amanda said...

Cute dishes!

Anonymous said...

I'm almost done with our kitchen remodel. Can't wait to actually cook something, as opposed to microwave/crockpot it.

Christie said...

I just noticed that there is a dream dinners location right by my house...

alice said...

count me in

Jon and Sarah said...

Looks like fun!

ellen said...

I need, I need, I need!!!

Kathy said...

I did dream dinners in LA. It was amazing. Great quality, great variety in the food, and wonderful flavor. Hope I win the giveaway!

Anonymous said...


Emma said...

I wish I may, I wish I might...

"Amanda" said...

oooo, pick me!

Amy-Alisa said...

My kitchen could definitely use these.

Kristin B. said...

How fun! I'd love those!

Heather said...


Nat said...

Pick me. I'm poor and hungry.

Anonymous said...

YOu are the best!

Megan said...

Cute set.

Tanner's Tales said...

Super cute!

Sweeney Household said...

Love the blog - this is my 1st visit --

Nemesis said...

these are sooooooo cute!!!!

Margo said...

Ooh, I want.

Renee said...

i want one!!!


Jim and Lisa said...

Yea! I'd love one!

Rynell said...

Very cute! I would love these!

Jinjer said...

Cute stuff. Hope I win.

anna jo said...

I never win these things, but let's throw my hat in the ring anyway!

Anonymous said...

These are soo super cute!! I also adore your blog, I'm coming here next time I don't know "What's for Dinner!" Thanks!

i'm h.mac said...

love the colors -way cute!

Coordination Queen said...

Those look so fun! I definitely need to check out Dream Dinners!

Isa said...

I Love Dream Dinners.

Anonymous said...

those would look nice in our house :-)

Christa said...

I am a big fan of Dream Dinners!!! Love the dishes!!!

Mark & Deidra Smith said...

So I am comment #53...GO 53!!!!

I hope I win...At least Teresa cant steal this one!

Unknown said...

What cute dishes. Dream Dinners is a neat place.

Jaynann said...

Hi-I found your blog from a friend and I love it. I come to see all the great recipes and anything else that is interesting. I love seeing pictures of the recipes. Thanks for all the time you spend sharing.

Anonymous said...

I want in!

Amie said...

sweet. super cute. I have never been to dream dinners to make meals for my family.. Given I have 6 under 11, might just keep me sane.LOL,though, I have taken my kiddos to make meals to donate to our Local Ronald McDonald house.... take the kids and a group of their friends.. each family can donate a meal or two.(our local dream dinners also gave a discount,fyi)The kids had a ball. always fun to do good for others.


Anne W said...

Ooohhh, to own a pitcher!

Gabrielle of Design Mom said...

Count me in! I heart Giveaways.

Katie said...

I'll bet you didn't know you had so many readers!!!
Count me in too!

Stephanie said...

So cute! I love fun dishes!!

FoxyJ said...

I love that bowl! So cute :)

Anonymous said...

I know I never comment I just use your work to help me out every week. I just wanted to say thanks! As i am writing this my 2 year old (Ella) is climbing the drawer handles and, "I getting a knife to frost cookies" she says. UGH!

Anonymous said...

Jane This is Shelby, I'm the anonymous comment. Maybe I'll get lucky and Ella too. Everyone can use new kithchen tools, the bowls and everything are cute!

JT said...

Too cute!

Tuesday Girl said...

So cute!

aleisha said...

I love the simplicity, yet they are so stinkin cute!!

LowerEatSide said...

pick me!!!

Christy said...

I'll take a set, please!

MaryM said...

A friend sent me the link to your blog. What a great idea! My kids gave me a blog for Christmas this past year. I haven't used it as I should. You have inspired me! I love this whole dinners and menu of the week idea. The blog could serve as a great think tank for tonight's dinner and many more to come. Thanks, Mary

Anonymous said...

Those really look cute! Someone gave me a copy of the Dream Dinners cookbook, which looks fun!

gina said...

How Cute Are Those!!! - My fingers are crossed :) Thanks, Gina

e said...

melamine is cool... I'd love it!

Jen Hill said...

Pretty please!

lexianne said...


The Bouldins said...

Those are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Those are soo cute... :-) I really enjoy checking your blog.. though I am jealous that you seem to be close to a trader joes.. in maine the closest one is 1 1/2 hours away..

Sheena Larkin said...

Dream dinner is just what I need!!

Sarah said...

What cute dishes!

maren bosley said...

pick me!

Nash said...

I have been eyeing melamine bowls for years, and just haven't spent the money. I would love to try out DD.

The Bunkers said...

Count us in! Great idea for your readers!

Anonymous said...

Love your website and ideas! Maria H

Kristina with a "K" said...

ooh! so cute! pick me?

The Bucks said...

Very cute. I hope I win!

Hannah said...

So cute

Anonymous said...

Way cute. Love it.

darbie said...

I love the colors!

Anonymous said...

i want those :)

gingerdee said...

love your site!

Anonymous said...

Jessica Hansen would love to win! You could even count them as my Christmas present!

Abby said...

maybe these would make me want to cooke more!

hiphostess said...

these dishes are super cute! Throwing my name in the hat here ;)

Anonymous said...

What a perfect splash of color to add to my kitchen!

Stacey said...

I'm in!!! Those are soo cute!!!

Becky said...

Me want melamine . . . cool giveaway.

Leslie said...

I would love to win...again!

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

What really cute stuff!

Working Gal said...

pick me! pick me!

amyjwatts said...

These look good

Jules said...

Melamine is AWESOME! Count me in!

Ashley said...

count me in.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is crazy. We don't really blog much in Utah yet, but I think it is catching on. Thanks!

Mrs. Darnell said...

Great blog. I am so thankful for dinner ideas.

Anonymous said...

What super cute dishes! :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute website. I'm excited to read thru it and get more dinner ideas! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love those pieces... made me smile. :)

Anonymous said...

hi jane - just wanted to get in on this cute idea- anonymous mimi in nh

bobcatsteph3 said...

A bit late but I think I made the cut, cute plates!

Jamie Bellessa said...

Hi the Blog and love these dishes! Happy Bday last week too!

Unknown said...

Great serving dishes and I love the inspiration!Dream Dinners is on it!