Friday, October 19

Free Giveaway! Just Peachy Baby

Happy Friday - we have a Free Giveaway!!! Just Peachy Baby is giving away a beautiful shopping cart cover to one lucky TWFD reader! The winner can select their favorite cover from eight modern prints - from gender-neutral funky dots and stripes, hip girl florals or cool boy patterns!

To enter the giveaway, submit any comment on THIS POST before Midnight PT, Thursday, 10/25. The winner will be announced next Friday, 10/26! No anonymous comments...we need to know who the winner is! :) Thank you, Just Peachy Baby!

This is perfect for you moms-of-babies out there. And if you don't have a baby, it's the perfect shower gift! Good luck!

Image courtesy of Just Peachy Baby


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gingerdee said...

Adorable! I hope I win!

Candes said...

Great idea! Yet one more thing to carry out. LOL...

Unknown said...

Now that my little girl can sit up on her own, I am in need of this - desperatly. She thinks she needs to put everything in her mouth!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would dig on this - she's 7 months and not into her infant seat any more!!!


Bryn said...

I am new to your site but I love it already! As I sit here and suffer a cold... that I got, I am sure, from a shopping cart... I have been ready to buy one for our new baby.

Nutmeg said...

This is one of the nicest cart covers I've seen!

Cheryl said...

wow that's alot of comments

Vesuvius At Home said...

I've been wanting one of these forever! I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Yep! I am a mother of a 9 months old baby & am pretty aware of the stuff thats is on those shopping carts.
& hence have never propped my baby on one of those! I always carry her stoller & have a grocery bag hanging on it; the disadvantage- I can hang only a small bag & have to make several trip sto the store!
Apart from that , I have a hand-sanitizer bottle handy all the time.
I am on a look out of such a seat for my baby & found your posting! This perfectly fits the bill!
Kaeyaa's Mom-Monica:)

lotusblossomjin said...

Oooh! I've been eyeing them for a while now, but haven't had the money at the time to buy one. I'd love one for my 6 mo little boy who just started sitting up this past month. I hate having his hands touch the bars, and of course, he likes to try to put everything in his mouth, including those dirty fingers! :)

fmarcellus said...

This things are a really necissity today. It is a must have!

Unknown said...

stylish and hygenic..i like it!

Katie said...

Oooh, pick me! Pick me!

Jamie said...

Adorable and practical--would love one for the baby I'm expecting!

SpreadingGoodness said...

This is cute! I would love to win this. :)

Unknown said...

seriously...this is so smart!

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