Monday, October 29

Go Sox!

The Red Sox won the World Series! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe tonight we should eat hot dogs to celebrate!

In case you weren't aware, I AM the reason they swept the World Series yet again. 3 years ago when they performed that wonderful feat, I was pregnant with baby girl Cate. This time, pregnant with another baby girl. 2 for 2. Me and my prego belly are totally the Red Sox good luck charm.


Liz Findlay said...
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Liz Findlay said...

Jane, Jane, Jane, sorry to burst your bubble but I AM the reason the Sox won again. I never watch baseball but because you and Nate were so cool and Dave and I wanted to be your friends so bad, we came over EVERY night and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning (even though I had a hundred papers to grade). And the won! yay for Liz. THis year, I also decided to watch and look at what happened. I think you owe me a prize or something. Of course, I will say, I only like them because of you anyway, so maybe we are tied.

brit.brat said...

jane!! i keep missing your blog giveaway. i am back on cruzing the internet..had it all disconnected for too long..(rb fires..) so hopefully i'll score the next one!! loved your post about the vanilla. have been meaning to do the research. so glad you did it all for me!! ha. britt

nate said...

Thanks Liz. However, I question your recollection. I remember dis-inviting Dave over after the Yankees went up 3-0 by beating the Red Sox by a ridiculous score in game 3 of the ALCS. Maybe the ban only applied to Dave though?

Jane, aren't you worried about alienating you NY/NJ readers?

Anonymous said...

Jane apparently has little regard for Yankee fans.

jane maynard said...

I love ALL my readers, even if they choose to root for the yankees. :)

Liz Findlay said...

That's a lie and you know it! Stop trying to placate the masses. I am sure they will love you anyway--that's just how cool you are in *real life*.

jane maynard said...

you're sweet liz...but in my defense, I've got nothing against yankees fans...there's just no accounting for their taste. :) hee hee.

be sure to catch papelbon on letterman tonight - should prove to be entertaining, to say the least!