Friday, October 26

Halloween Brownies

We have a Halloween party tonight...actually, it's the only thing we had on the calendar this week that didn't get canceled due to the fires. It sure will be nice to get out and do something fun. (Quick update - our part of San Diego is totally in the clear now, but the fires continue to rage. Keep those thoughts and prayers directed at Southern California!)

A Halloween party means Cate gets to dress up as a ballerina (and wear make-up, her FAVORITE part) and I get to make a dessert to share. I just couldn't bring myself to do anything very complicated, so I made my easiest brownie recipe (i.e. Norma's brownies, nice and gooey) and threw some butterscotch chips on top to make them look "halloweeny" - I think it worked... :)


kim said...

Those look delicious, and very Halloweeny :)

Glad things are okay where you are.

Mollie said...

They were oh so yummy!

The Woodlands said...

I was there...they were DELICIOUS!!