Thursday, June 26

Free Giveaway! Shabby Apple Dress!

Today's giveaway is fun fun fun! Looking for a great dress for the summer? Look no further!

Shabby Apple is giving away their 90 Words Per Minute dress to 1 lucky TWFD reader! It's in a great, fresh color for the summer and comfy to boot! I only wish I could win this would definitely kick up my "cool" factor a notch or two (or twenty). You men out there should enter this giveaway, too...your wife or girlfriend would be mightily impressed if you gave her this dress!

I know, I know, the giveaway isn't food related. But I knew you would love it anyway...AND the name of the company has a fruit in it. So, it's a food giveaway after all!

Shabby Apple is also offering a 15% discount on your orders between now and August 24, 2008, so get shopping! The coupon code is SAMarketing15forJane.

To enter the giveaway, please write a comment on this post by Wednesday, July 2, 2008, Midnight PT. The winner will be announced Thursday, July 3, so come back to see if you are that lucky person! (Please be sure there is a name associated with your post so I can identify the winner.)

Good Luck!


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Anonymous said...

Watch me win this dress that will look absolutely ridiculous on me (even though it is a very cute dress)...but I have to test my luck here.

Ashley said...

I should get a prize for being the first one. Hi Janard!

Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama said...

What a darling dress! I'd love to wear it to BlogHer in a couple weeks!

Ashley said...

Dang someone posted while I was typing...darn Rebecca O

admin said...

My child says I need cuter clothes. Pick me please!

Anonymous said...

Love it, love it, love it!

jodifur said...

Adorable. I have never seen that site before. Need to go shop.

Henry said...

i have been drooling over shabby apple dresses all summer.. i so want this dress!

anna jo said...

this is the comment that is going to win.
*sending out the cosmic vibe*

Amanda said...

My 3 year old told me the other day she was sad because I didn't have any dresses, that I only wore skirts and shirts. Maybe this could change that!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane!! Here's hoping I win this time. Cute dress!!

Anne W said...

Let my dreams come true, Jane. Let them come true.

cora said...

I don't even own a dress- This would be the first in my closest. I should definitely win....

bobcatsteph3 said...

I might have to buy my dress for a wedding next month from that site! What great dresses! Thanks for another awesome giveaway Jane!

Amanda #1 said...

Oooh, count me in! I'm a secretary; clearly it's meant for me :)

Jenny said...

my favorite color AND a favorite website of mine...maybe the stars will align this time!!

Jenny H.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it would take winning a contest to get me into new clothes at this point. :-)

Anonymous said...

What a cute site, I had never heard of the company.

Melissa said...

Oh Pick me! I'd love dresses probably just as much as I love food.

Anonymous said...

Oh a new dress!! {heavy sigh} I'd love to feel like a girlie girl again and not a tired mom of three kids! :)

Becca said...

please oh please pick me! That dress is darling!

elise said...

I love Shabby Apple! Great dress & this one is super cute!

Megan said...

love it, want it, need it, pick me!

Carmen said...

ME! I'd love to win!


Anonymous said...

Ooohhh....I love the dress! Hopefully it's my turn to win! Miss you down here!

Emily said...

love it jane! great giveaway!

eryn said...

Here's hoping.

Liz said...

Love it! Pick me!

Jen said...

I never win, but I'm crossing my fingers extra on this one. Maybe this will be my chance!

Becca said...

I love Shabby Apple dresses! They're cute, not too trendy, and reasonably priced!

Cristi said...

Just in case :)

Carrie said...

Me, me, me!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll throw my hat in - pick me!

bonggamom said...

If I win, I'll pair the dress with my sexy librarian glasses and give my husband a real treat on our anniversary dinner...

Adrienne said...

ohhh I'm needing this one!

adrianne said...

i would probably look funny in this too - BUT i still want to win!

Mike and Jill said...

The dress is too cute! I'd love to win!
I'm sooo behind on posting my menu but am taking everyone's ideas! That counts for something right??


Ana said...

What an awesome dress. Pick me, Jane!!

Nikki said...

pick me. I need a new dress!

Janet said...

Shabby Apple has lots of cute dresses! I'd love to win this one.

justme said...

Me !!! feener44atgmaildotcom

Anonymous said...

Now this sounds like fun!!

Leslie said...

A girl can always use a new dress!

Emily said...

Please Please let me win. So cute!

Jen said...

Too Cute!!!!!!!!!!!

Rene Potter said...

My husband promised me a dress for mothers day and I still haven't got this may be it!

hollibobolli said...

me - cute!!

Natalee Maynes said...

If I don't win, you run the risk of ruining our friendship forever (yes, I've resorted to threats!)

LISA said...

It's very cute, I have always wanted to by something from there but I can't afford it.

Isa said...

Oh, I can only hope...and dream...and cross my fingers to be a winner on a TWFD giveaway! Dresses and food go hand in hand...

FoxyJ said...

I'll enter, even though I've never worn turqoise before. Maybe it will look good on me!

Kerri said...

I'm feeling lucky this time! Plus, my wardrobe needs some updates!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win that dress. I am tired of looking like a nursing mom!! Plus, my mom could borrow it!

cpullum said...

I need a new dress!!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Multicultural Arts Leadership Initiative said...

Oh so cute! cute shop.

Dawn said...

I am feeling like a winner!!! I do need alot of help too!

Kelly said...

Ah I LOVE Shabby Apple! Maybe I'll finally win a giveaway.

Michele P. said...

turquoise is one of my favorite colors... very pretty. Haven't worn a dress in years though, this might just change things!

Lindsay said...

this is the greatest food blog ever.

brit.brat said...

ummm hello!!?!? i would LOVE a super cute dress from shabby apple! best giveaway yet! oh jane. please pick me. you won't be sorry.

Lynn said...

That is the cutest dress! Love igt.


Kari said...

Cute dress, great giveaway!!

Married Mannings said...

I love that dress! Pick me because I have just the shoes to go with it :-)

Anonymous said...

I love the color and need a cute dress. It's too hot to wear suits during the summer in Florida. Uber-strict dress code -- Yuck.

Margo said...

Like it. I'll have to look at their other stuff.

kamewh said...

Very cute!! Thank you for the giveaway!

The Bouldins said...

What a cute dress!

colleen said...

pick me! pick me!

kristen said...

Pick me! I love comfy and cool!

April said...

super cute...even though I am preggo now...I have some cute sisters that would love it.

Bunny B said...

Lovely dress!! Thank you for the chance!

bunnybox9 at gmail . com

Anonymous said...

I can feel the vibe. I'm going to win!

kim said...

Would love to win that!

Monica said...

Perfect summer dress! I would love to win this.

ellen said...

I'd love a Shabby Apple dress!!

Amy D said...

Thanks, Jane!

Erin Spenc said...

That is my absolute favorite color to wear! I just had a baby and I haven't looked cute for a while. I'm starting to get my body back, so please let me have that adorable dress!

Malerie said...

I love Shabby Apple, but I'd really love to get this dress! Thanks, Jane!

michelle said...

I really need a cute summer dress.

Lisa said...

Ooooh, my birthday is July 3rd...what a FABULOUS present this would be!

Aaron, Vicki Tunell said...

I would love this dress! My wardrobe definitely needs spicing up!


amy said...

Keeping my fingers crossed

Nash said...

It would be great to finally wear a dress, not just a skirt and shirt.
I have always wanted a dress from Shabby Apple.

Catherine said...

Oh, I do love it!

Bryn said...

So cute! What a fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing shabby about that fantastic frock!! Pick me :)

Kristy said...

Shabby Apple is so cool. I love their clothes.

Anonymous said...

What a cute dress! Love the bright color.
-Brooke in Dallas

stacibee said...

Oh please, oh please pick me! I love, love, love Shabby Apple!

Andrea Cooper said...

Love Shabby Apple, love the dress! Hope I am the lucky winner!!!

The Fago Family said...

Super cute! Hope I win : )

~ Amy Fago

Hillary said...

I love it!

Ali said...

Cute! I hope I win! I love their website too... such great design!

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

I do need this! But first the baby weight must come off!

Leisa said...

I have heard of how great shabby apple is, but never gotten acquainted; this would be the perfect opportunity to try them out!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Pick me, pick me! (hand in air). I'm off to check out their website--the dress is amazing!
Gwendolen Gross
author of The Other Mother
NJ Moms Blogger

Robyn said...

ooh, so cute! and this mama lost a lot of baby weight and needs some new duds!

Anonymous said...

I never get lucky with these giveaways, but I am really hoping it is my lucky day! This dress would be fabulous for a casual wedding that I am attending next month! :)

beck said...

love, love, love the dress! I hope it's me!

Gina said...

Very cute dress! I'd love to win!

Karianna said...

Ooooh! How excellent! I hope I win...

Rachel said...

Shabby Apple?!! How fantastic! I've wanted one of their dresses, but couldn't justify the splurge what with bills to pay and all. Oh! Pick me!

Mollie said...

Will it still be in style next summer when I'm not pregnant? I hope so!

jen aka mommay said...

::chanting:: I want to win...I want to win


Anonymous said...

I would love to own a shabby apple dress. Count me in

Megan said...

Ooohhh! I love Shabby Apple. I'm so excited to win this giveaway!

Rebekah said...

way cute!!!!! it's even my color! would love to win it!!!! :O)

Marla said...

I love a good giveaway, and I love dresses in the summertime!

The Woodlands said...

I am going to be super-styling in my new Shabby Apple Dress!

Becca said...

A very summery dress

Kristen said...

love, love, love, Shabby Apple! Hope I win! :)

alice said...

Oh my, the odds are not in my favor! But I would love a dress and thank you for introducing me to Shabby Apple; I'd never heard of them.

Melanie Sheridan said...

Great dress and I love wearing dresses! Thanks Jane!

*katie said...

So very cute! My coolness factor definitely needs to get kicked up quite a few notches!!

Devin, April, Gavin and Drew said...

Love the dress!! Never heard of the brand but love it now!

Holladay Duplex said...

It's been FOREVER since I got a new dress (that wasn't a bridesmaid dress). So I would love to win!

Valerie said...

I really like the microcredit this company does in India. So good to see a company helping others!!

katy said...

Pretty dress!

jane maynard said...

that is cool, valerie! here's an article if others are interested:

Mistress Meeyee said...

Awesome! I want that dress! I am pregnant but I still want it!

Anonymous said...

Great ideas here! cute, cute dresses :)

triz said...

I should just give you the size I need now right....because I'm absolutely going to win this cute dress!

Teresa R

Unknown said...

what a great giveaway!

MindyLou said...

I love your site! Thanks for all the great meal ideas!

hannah m said...

Too cute for words!

Rarely David usually Lisa said...

I have heard a lot about Shabby Apple.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. What a cute lady. And a cute dress.
hillary smith

Becky said...

I have purused Shabby Apple's website many times over the past year and love the dresses. However, I never bought one because I just had a baby and have been waiting to get down to a slimmer and trimmer me. I think I'm about there now and would love to wear that dress!

Melanie said...

Love their dresses

Missy said...

Cutest dress ever! And eating + cooking is always more fun when you have a fun dress to wear.

Cheryl said...

I could use a new dress.

Xina said...

This is a great dress! This color is the best!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous dress!

Cotter said...

love it!

Amy said...

Love your blog, love this dress!

Snowpuff said...

This granny needs new clothes, and the dress would be so nice to win!

Jen said...

Please, please please - let it be me!!

jo said...

i love this dress! thanks for the so cute giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Let's see, what would go best with my new dress...white wine or gin and tonic.....

Dani said...

I love that dress!!! And I love all your give-aways...always something new and exciting over here on TWFD!

Anonymous said...

Cute dress!

Sarah said...

please choose me

Melissa said...

Love the dress so cute!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! This dress would be perfect for weekends at the cabin.

The Shaw's said...

My name is Jami Shaw and I would love to win this dress. Yeah!!!!!

darbie said...

Fabulous dress! It won't fit my pregnant body right now, but what a great dress to motivate me after the baby!

Anonymous said...

I am still pretty fat after having this baby, but it might serve as good motivation right? Brittany Riesenberg

Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

Maybe that dress will be just the thing to motivate me after I have this baby! Love it.

CBlount said...

So cute; pick me!

scott and tara said...

Love it!

Coordination Queen said...

That dress is so cute!

Emily said...

Crossing my fingers!

Unknown said...

A free dress! I love it!

Adri said...

wishin' and hopin'

Julie said...

would love it

Lettie B. said...

I love that even thought the contest isn't directly food related that it still manages to have a food in its name! :) The dress looks cute.

Jenny said...

I love the colors this dress comes in

CrystalGB said...

What a lovely dress. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Marketing Mommy said...

THAT is an awesome dress. Here's hoping...

Anonymous said...

it'll look great when I lose a lot of pounds!!

Scott, Whitney and Connor said...

Super cute dress! Super fun giveaway! I would love to win, but know that i am not so lucky at these things! I'll try and be optimistic though!


Allison said...

oooh ooohh oohh, pick me! Pick me!

Jamie Bellessa said...

I love Shabby Apple...they are one of my ELIZA MAGAZINE advertisers. I have a few of their dresses...i can vouch...they are super cute and comfy...i would love to add another one to my collection!

Justice Fergie said...

the dress is adorable! and what a coincidence - i JUST found out about Shabby Apple a couple of weeks ago. pick meeeee!

Kallie said...

i think being the 165th commenter i definately have a chance...;)

Liz said...

What an awesome giveaway! You are always having great giveaways!

P.S. I never knew you could plant a blueberry bush! I will have to try that!

heathermommy said...

I love dresses and free stuff!

the peine's said...

I would adore this fabulous dress!I need it for my upcoming trip to London & Paris!

Brooke said...

I'm entering too. Thanks for the ideas on your site, they help me with my eternal struggle to figure out what to eat every evening.

Sarah said...

Here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of this website, Jane! I am always looking for new, yummy recipes. Maybe I'll get lucky and win a dress, too!

acte gratuit said...

I'll wear it on my way to Japan!
Hooray for cute dresses!

Cristina said...

I love your blog and I love Shabby Apple so this is perfect! Here is to hoping I win!

onawa said...

I love Shabby Apple!!! Great color for a dress! I need one! :) They have the cutest baby girl dresses too!

princess granola said...

i'm pretty sure my husband would make fun of the neck tie part...but i love it and that is one of the reasons he loves me. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I SO want to win this dress. I need some new work clothes STAT after losing weight this year. Sadly, only my 19 mo old seems to be the only one getting new clothes around my house anymore. :(

Em said...

what a fab dress. hope i win! :)

Amy-Alisa said...

My wardrobe needs some desperate help!

Jon and Sarah said...

I just had a baby, so a new dress would perk me up just right. Thanks!

G. said...

I found your blog via "According To Kelly" it. My fingers are crossed for the dress. I love the color. :)

Bailey said...

I would love to win this dress!! I'm crossing my fingers!!

ReeSe said...

Sweet, I would love to win!

Anonymous said...

oh, that is too cute! Hope I win!!!

Laurel said...

Holy wow-wow! It's super cute and one piece! After a year of nursing, I'd love to wear a real dress again. Help me out?

heather said...

I am new to this blog, and love the idea. How cool would that be if I won. I never win stuff like this though, the luck just isn't there. Thanks for your blog, it has already given me new ideas.
oh, my name is Heather.

Lindsay said...

Cute dress! I love the color! Here's hoping I'm the lucky winner.

Carly said...

ooooh. I would love a new summer dress!

Unknown said...

Maybe I could finally get a night on the town...

Laurie said...

I never win these types of things.
But I sure do love the chance.

I hope I win!

little miss bean said...

pick me, pick me! what a darling dress! cute company, too!

Darren and Nikki said...

I don't want to say I would look amazing in that dress BUT I would look amazing in that dress!!! Just kidding. Not about winning though.

The Belka's said...

I love Shabby Apple Dresses!

lance, miss, my, & finn said...

so cute! I want to win!

Anonymous said...

WOW !!!!


Michelle Glauser said...

Me, me, me!

Aaron said...

it's not for me, it's for my wifey.

Christa said...

I would love to get a new dress! I love the whole Shabby Apple line!

Nicole O said...

I've loved this dress from the first time I saw it. Great giveaway!

Jessica said...

I'm feeling lucky today!

Carrie said...

I need a new dress... Pick me, please!

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