Saturday, June 28

FRESH Blueberries

I've done it. I've planted a garden. If you know me, you know I have the blackest of all black thumbs. But I'm bound and determined to make this garden work. I only planted perennial flowers to keep it simple, but I did put a blueberry bush in. Yesterday I was able to pick the first handful of berries.

They are delicious. Some are super sweet, others not so much. But they all taste so crisp and fresh. I think I like this super fresh food thing. Maybe next year I'll add a few more edibles into the mix. We'll have to see how this first year goes, though...

PS...I've said it before, but aren't blueberries just the prettiest?


Christy said...

I'm so proud of you!

Rebekah said...

congrats on the blueberries!! just beautiful!

i have a black thumb as well and my garden has only produced a few carrots. I feel your pain!

Amanda said...

We have some raspberry bushes in our back yard and it's such a treat for the kids to be able to pick a snack while they play. There aren't usually too many ripe at a time - a big handful if we're lucky - but I'm hopeful that at some point we'll be able to pick enough to actually do something with them! Enjoy your garden!

kim said...

Fresh blueberries sounds pretty green thumby to me :) I didn't even know you could grow those in the Bay Area. but they look divine. I love berries and hate paying the price for good ones.

bobcatsteph3 said...

Wow I'm so jealous of your blueberries!!

Have you heard of those Earth Box containers? I think you can grow anything in there! We have three with cherry tomatoes and peppers just starting to come in. (in Ohio)

Overflowing already with basil, parsley, chives, and cilantro. Hope you get many more blueberries this season!

jane maynard said...

amanda...mmmm...raspberries sound so good. we're in the same boat, I don't think we'll ever have more than a handful at a time, but you're right, it's still fun!

stephanie - nate and I were just talking about those earth box thingys. they sound really cool! sounds like it's working for you for day when I have a real live yard, I'll try it!

thank you all for your comments - encouragement, black thumb sympathies, everything! :)