Sunday, August 31

Week 84 Menu

THESE are my greatest weakness...and tonight I succumbed. Warm cookies, about 10 minutes after they've come out of the oven. I wish I could resist, but I just can't. I need a support group. Or maybe I just need to stop making the cookies. Yeah, right.

Your menus are always great inspiration as I plan. Thank you for always sharing! I need to mix things up a bit, so I'm going to start stealing ideas for things I haven't cooked before. SOOOO...if I steal one of your menu items from a previous week and you have any tips/recipes I should know about, please share!

- Tacos

- Green Noodles (recipe to come!)

- Carmelized Onion and Roasted Red Pepper Pasta (Kate - how do you prepare this?)

- Leftovers

- Greek pitas (Thanks, Hillary! Whole wheat pitas from TJ’s filled with grilled chicken, TJ’s tzatziki (Hillary's favorite) and greek salad)

- Eat out

- Orange chicken
- Rice
- Spinach Salad with something yummy mixed in
- No, we haven't had Orange Chicken 3 Sundays in a row...I just keep not making it because I'm LAZY. I suppose it makes for easy planning, this way!

Okay, friends...ready, set, go menus!

Friday, August 29

English Muffin Pizzas

Looking for a fast, super easy dinner? Maybe even one your kids can make? Look no further... (Wow, do I sound like a commercial or what?) English Muffin Pizzas are here to save the day!

Super easy for your kids to make.

Very customizable for each member of the family.

And they actually taste good! This meal was a staple in our early married years...which is perhaps why I steer clear. Um, yeah, I was still learning back then, so those early-days recipes aren't always as great as I remember. :)

ANYWAY...Nate reminded me of them this past week and it seemed like something Cate might like. She had a lot of fun making her pizza, and they honestly, truly tasted good. I was even a little surprised how much I liked them.

There you go, easy, kid-friendly. And, if you have a toaster oven, you can bake OR toast them in there and don't have to heat the oven in this hot summer weather. I just put a little foil over the toaster oven tray and I didn't even have pans to wash. Awesome.

Wednesday, August 27


Let's get corny, shall we? And I'm not talking stupid jokes, although those can be fun, too. No, it's time to pull out all the stops on your corn recipes! It's in season! It screams summer! Bring it on my friends! What's your favorite way to eat corn? Do you have a great corn recipe? Please share!

Cate and I stopped at a local produce stand today to grab a couple of ears...the people whose ears we grabbed were not amused. Okay, bad joke, I know, but this is a corny post after all. We simply boiled, seasoned and ate, which is pretty darn good in and of itself. But I'm certain there are more fun things we could have done with our cobs of corn.

So, share your recipes or corn tricks. And if you're stumped, the Queen of Good Things has a bunch of really yummy, beautiful-looking corn recipes here for some corny Martha inspiration. (Martha Stewart, corny? Never thought I'd live to see the day...)

I don't have a recipe to share, but I do have a corny tip:
If you have a big enough pot AND you aren't worried about appearances...leave the stem on! Makes for a great little handle while eating your corn on the cob. (You will have to resist the urge to break it off, which is always so satisfying...but I do love having that handle.)

Now it's your, tricks, tips, memories...if it's corny, I wanna hear it (and so does everyone else)!

Tuesday, August 26

Barbecue Chicken Pizza

My favorite pizza place in San Diego is Leucadia Pizzeria. My favorite pizzas at Leucadia are Thai Chicken, Hawaiian and, today's featured recipe, Barbecue Chicken. Since they won't deliver to the Bay Area, I've had to try to recreate these yummy pizzas at home.

The BBQ chicken pizza is quite simple. Barbecue sauce, chicken, gouda cheese & cilantro. That's it, you're done. I do a mix of gouda and mozzarella cheese so that it's cheesier (one block of gouda isn't QUITE enough cheese). Also, the Kansas City BBQ Sauce from Trader Joe's is mighty fine.

PS - The cilantro is KEY. Make sure you put a whole bunch on there (I chop it up before). It gives it the best flavor.

Sunday, August 24

Week 83 Menu

I know it's still summer, but I have a real hankering for some bread pudding right now. Mmmmmmm. Of course, my bread pudding will never be THIS good...

Pictured: Yet another delight from Tartine in San Francisco. They are famous for their bread pudding...with good reason, my friends.

Okay, enough dreaming about bread pudding. Focus, Jane. Menu time.

- English Muffin Pizzas

- Chicken Masala & Rice (I'm using jarred simmer sauce from TJ's)
- Naan bread from Trader Joe's

- Easy Apricot Chicken

- Leftovers

- Grill night - hamburgers or hot dogs
- Watermelon (I'm bound and determined to find a good one this week)
- Corn on the cob

- Eat out

- Orange chicken
- Rice
- Spinach Salad with something yummy mixed in

Time for YOUR menus!

Friday, August 22

The Amazing Disappearing Salad

Before I get to today's Kitchen Tip, first let me highlight this delicious salad dressing! The Champagne Pear Vinaigrette with Gorgonzola from the Trader Joe's refrigerated section. My new favorite!

Okay, on to the nitty gritty. Today's Kitchen Tip is more of a "don't be as dumb as me" post. We were in charge of bringing salad to a work BBQ last night. I put together a lovely spinach, strawberry and candied pecan salad. The BBQ was just down the street from us, so I decided to dress the salad before we left. BAD MOVE.

No matter how close the party is or how soon you THINK you'll be eating your salad, don't dress until right before! I know, seems like a rookie move, but I honestly thought it would be okay for 15 minutes.

Here's what the time we got to the party, the salad was honestly and truly HALF the size. By the time we ate, it was more like creamed spinach than a salad. It was like I'd been simmering the spinach on the stove the whole time. Not so yummy. And totally embarrassing.

Thankfully the people at the BBQ didn't know I have a food blog...

Thursday, August 21

Song of the Week: 'The Hat' by Ingrid Michaelson

Have you heard Ingrid Michaelson's music? It's great, isn't it? If you haven't, here's a link where you can go listen! I really like the whole album.

The Hat was playing in the background the other evening and I found myself really enjoying it. So, it's the Song of the Week. But The Way I Am is lovely and adorable. It makes me smile.

Okay, no more music and radio shows. My next post will be about food. I promise!

Fab Faves: This American Life Podcasts

I LOVE This American Life and I have two things to say about it.

1) If you haven't started listening to This American Life, get going already!

2) If you do listen to This American Life, that means you know how awesome it is. And how great it is you can get it as a free podcast or online. And since I love This American Life so much and I really want to keep getting it as a free podcast, I'm going to do a little plug for them. They need to raise money in order to keep the free podcasts and free online streaming. If you want to support them, head on over to the website.

Even if you don't want to donate, please go listen. It is seriously good stuff. Here are just a few of my favorite episodes to get you initiated. You can also click here for their list of favorites.
#352: The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar
#347: Matchmakers
#323: The Super
#226: Reruns
#253: The Middle of Nowhere

One of the reasons I survived my crazy roadtrip across Nevada with my two girls was because of this show. The hours honestly flew by. NO JOKE! Enjoy! :)

Please note, I am not affiliated with This American Life or Chicago Public Radio. I just think it is a wonderful program and want to help keep it going strong! :)

Tuesday, August 19

Kitchen Tips: It's like the measuring spoon you never had (but did)

I am very excited about today's Kitchen Tip because I just discovered that it is actually true. Woo-hoo! But to get to the tip, you need a little background info. Bear with me, here.

One day when I was cooking with my grandmother, I couldn't find a tablespoon. She told me to grab the serving size spoon from her silverware set and assured me that it was in fact the same size as a tablespoon. I did as I was told, but remained skeptical. After all, that serving spoon just seems way too big. She then told me that the soup spoon is the same as a teaspoon. Again, skeptical. Soup spoon? That's gotta be too big as well, Grandma.

A few weeks ago, my mother-in-law and I couldn't find any measuring spoons. I brought out Grandma B's little-known spoon fact and was met with skepticism, which didn't surprise me since I myself was still questioning the "fact." But we went ahead and used the advice for the recipe and it seemed to work.

Today I decided to put the issue to rest. I compared the amounts from each of the spoons side-by-side and, sure enough, Grandma was RIGHT. I mean, are Grandmas ever wrong? I should never have doubted!

So here's the tip: The serving size spoon from your regular old set of silverware is in fact 1 tablespoon. And the soup spoon size (pictured in the middle) is in fact 1 teaspoon! The smallest size spoon from your silverware set (pictured bottom)...that is probably something too, but I ran out of funding for the experiment.

Sunday, August 17

Week 82 Menu

Good morning! I am on FIRE's only 9:14 AM and I am showered, I just pulled a pan of muffins out of the oven, there is a load of laundry in the washing machine, both girls are bathed and fed, and I've got my weekly menu done. Pigs must be flying in you-know-where. In fact, I think they're throwing snowballs, too.

- Asian Spinach Salad
- BOBs

- Leftovers

- Penne w/vodka sauce, fresh parmesan & mozzarella
- Salad

- BBQ Chicken Pizza (recipe to come this won't want to miss it!)

- Eat out

- Hamburgers
- Corn on the cob
- Fruit
- Baked beans

- Orange chicken
- Rice
- Spinach Salad with something yummy mixed in

Cori and/or you have a recipe for your Chicken Poppyseed Casserole?

Stella...what is Chicken Murphy?

Thank you all for your menus every week. It helps SO MUCH with my planning! Let's see what you've got this week...

Thursday, August 14

Featured Recipe: Spinach Artichoke Dip

I can't believe I haven't shared this recipe with you yet. I'm a Spinach Artichoke Dip junkie and I LOVE my recipe for it. This is seriously good dip.

First, the recipe. Then, a few tips based on my own trial and error.

- 1 C mayonnaise
- 1 C fresh parmesan cheese
- 1 can artichoke hearts, chopped
- ~6 handfuls of spinach, chopped a bit then sauteed
- 4 oz cream cheese
- Splash of tabasco sauce

Mix it all together. Bake at 350 (in a crock suitable for serving) for 30-45 minutes, until hot and bubbly. Serve with corn chips, baguette, fresh pita, pita chips...YUM.

- Use FRESH parmesan cheese. This is important for the consistency.

- I buy quartered artichoke hearts and then just break them apart with my fingers. Saves you from having to wash a cutting board and knife!

- If you're making this for yourself and aren't too worried about presentation, mix the stuff right in the dish you're going to cook it in. Again, cuts down on dishes to wash! HOWEVER....if you want the dish to look nice, mix it in a bowl first then put in the dish...otherwise you end up with stuff cooking on the side of the dish.

- Definitely saute your spinach before mixing it in to get the water out. 6 handfuls will seem like a lot, but it really cooks down. If you don't want to bother with the saute step, just buy canned spinach and use about 1/3-1/2 of the can, but make sure you drain it!

- This is not the healthiest recipe. If you want, you can use low-fat mayo and cream cheese. But, I say just go full fat and really indulge!

Wednesday, August 13

I Heart New York...mostly

I'm home! After 5 weeks of travel craziness, I am actually HOME. It's nice to be here, but the trip was completely wonderful and I'm sad it's over.

Monday before we left town, my dad and the girls ventured into NYC with me to have lunch with my sister-in-law and her boyfriend. We grabbed a quick bite at Terramare Cafe on the upper east side. The food was tasty, especially the fresh parmesan cheese on my dad's pasta. Delizioso! But, seriously, what is with the cost of food in NYC? I can't believe how much you can spend simply on food!!! This is why 'I heart New York...mostly.'

In fact, let's play a little game. See if you can guess how much the Buffalo Mozzarella Pizza (personally-sized pizza, mind you) & Artichoke Paremesan Panini were. Give up? $17 each! CRAZY! I mean, it was good and that parmesan cheese ruled, but really? $17? Gotta love New York.

Sunday, August 10

Week 81 Menu

Ah, I'm in New know what that means. GOOD bagels. I love you, Chester Bagel. (If you're a Jersey Girl (or Boy) should really go to Chester. Cute little town and, of course, great bagels!)

We actually fly HOME this week, so I'm going to have to be responsible for my family's nutrition once again. Bummer!

- Leftovers at my parents (after some great food this weekend!)

- Flying, definitely eating out

- Going away party for our friends...I have to bring a side dish...maybe Artichoke Dip & chips (and then I can share my recipe with you later this week!)

- Crêpes (in honor of our trip that is sadly OVER)

- Margherita Pizza

- Asian Spinach Salad

- Leftovers

Now, let's see what YOU'RE eating this week!

Friday, August 8

I won the Gelato Lotto!

Seriously, if there was a Gelato Lotto, I hit the jackpot. My sister Anne worked as an intern for Ciao Bella Gelato this summer. When our families got together on Cape Cod this past week, Anne brought 21 pints of gelato for us to sample. That's right, folks, TWENTY-ONE. It was awesome.

What made the whole thing even sweeter is that Ciao Bella's gelato is scrumptious! The flavors are very rich and, well, scrumptious! And everything is all natural. My personal favorite was Key Lime with Graham Cracker Swirl. (I don't want to admit how much of that I ate, so I won't.) Ooo, and the Blackberry Cabernet was soooooo good.

Anne's internship is done and I'm not getting paid for this, so believe me when I tell you this is great gelato. Go buy some! It's a perfect summer treat.

You can find Ciao Bella Gelato at stores like Whole Foods, as well as Ciao Bella scoop shops and various restaurants. Click here to search for locations.

Flavors pictures: Blackberry Cabernet, Coconut, Blood Orange

Song of the Week: Jack Johnson

I know you all know I love Jack Johnson and today's post is not news, but I went to his concert this week and it was GREAT. I've seen him a few times before and Jack never disappoints. Seriously, that guy is just cool.

The concert this week was really fun. Zach Gill from ALO played piano/keyboard for all the songs and it added a really great sound to all the music. Loved it. We left the concert before the encore to beat the crazy traffic out of the parking lot, but when we got to the car we could hear Jack singing solo with his guitar. It was quiet except the music. A great way to end the night!

Anyway, here's a link to the new album, Sleep Through the Static. Although, I think Brushfire Fairytales will always be my fave. (click the links to hear samples and/or buy the MP3s)

PS - I almost took Cate to the concert. There were crazy storms that day, though, so ix-nay on the ate-cay. Which was a good thing. For some reason I forgot concerts are LOUD. Cate would have hated the decibel levels, even if it was "Curious George's Daddy" singing to her. :)

Tuesday, August 5

Featured Recipe: Skillet Peaches à la Mode

I'm staying with Nate's gradmother this week. She always has a doctor's-office-worthy selection of magazines to peruse while relaxing by the sea. I couldn't help but notice the cover of this month's Better Homes & Gardens. The featured recipe looks summery, simple and sweet. Perfect!

I'm the queen of cheat in the kitchen...if there's an easier way to do something and it still tastes good, I'm on it. I think this recipe is going to be perfect for me. I can't wait to try it. I'm really hoping peach season will be in full swing when I arrive in New Jersey later this week!

And you better believe I'll be trying this recipe with other fruits, too. Ah, the possibilities!

(I've linked to the recipe on BHG above, or you can find it on my Recipes-Sweet Things page.)

Sunday, August 3

Week 80 Menu...I'm Back (kind of)

Hello everyone! Sorry I've been so quiet this week. No Internet access at our cottage on the Cape and, I must admit, it was a welcome repose. Sadly, our Cape week is over. Here's Anna hopping a boat back to real life.

I'm actually still traveling for the next 10 days, but it's going to be quieter time with family, and perhaps even some cooking? We shall see...

- Clam Chowder at Jamie's Pub in North Scituate, MA

- See if I can convince Grammy to let me cook for her

- Jack Johnson concert!

- Driving to NJ...hopefully my mama will have a lovely dinner waiting...hint hint :)

- With family in NJ

Last week was many menus and comments! (I will certainly be perusing your menus if I actually DO cook this week). It's time once again to post your menus...bring it on!