Tuesday, August 26

Barbecue Chicken Pizza

My favorite pizza place in San Diego is Leucadia Pizzeria. My favorite pizzas at Leucadia are Thai Chicken, Hawaiian and, today's featured recipe, Barbecue Chicken. Since they won't deliver to the Bay Area, I've had to try to recreate these yummy pizzas at home.

The BBQ chicken pizza is quite simple. Barbecue sauce, chicken, gouda cheese & cilantro. That's it, you're done. I do a mix of gouda and mozzarella cheese so that it's cheesier (one block of gouda isn't QUITE enough cheese). Also, the Kansas City BBQ Sauce from Trader Joe's is mighty fine.

PS - The cilantro is KEY. Make sure you put a whole bunch on there (I chop it up before). It gives it the best flavor.


The Bouldins said...

I love BBQ chicken pizza. The gouda is a GREAT idea that I've never thought of trying. We add bacon to ours as well :)

jane maynard said...

mmmmm, bacon would be great! :)

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does cilantro taste just like attic dust?

jane maynard said...

I don't think it's just you...before we moved to san diego I HATED cilantro. but it's in all the mexican food down there. at first I just learned to get used to it...but now I seriously love it. come on, mimi...give it a try! :)

Maria said...

I love cilantro!! Will have to try this pizza!

Cori said...

mmmm, this looks so good! Cant wait to make it! I really wish there was a TJ's in our city.....next time i am at one I will have to stock up on your recommends to try.

Megan said...

Ohhh . . . yum! We love BBQ Chicken Pizza. I'm going to try it with TJ's BBQ sauce though. Have you come up with a recipe for the Thai Chicken pizza? Would love to have you share that one if you have!

Lara said...

You're right cilantro is the key!! Without it, it 's just not the same. This is one of my faves!!! I've never tried it with gouda. May have to try it!

Anne Left. Lisa Right said...

This recipe has fooled all my friends in Logan that I have a knack for cooking! :) Don't forget the "no rise" pizza crust you have in your archive

Anonymous said...

That looks great and reminds me of the barbecue chicken pizza at... what's that great pizza place in downtown Palo Alto? I'm sure you've heard of it. Well anyway, it was my favorite pie there. And now I can make it here in Brooklyn, where the pizzerias DO NOT make the barbeque chicken pizza. Thanks!

brit.brat said...

ooo..yum gouda! we just do mozzarella and parmesan..umm..red onions and definitley the kansas style smoky bbq from traders!

jane maynard said...

I totally forgot about red onion! I think leucadia does put red onion on their bbq chx pizza....slipped my mind! thanks, brit!