Wednesday, September 3

Featured Recipe: No. 3 (aka Green Noodles)

Today's featured recipe is one of my favorite pasta dishes ever. It was No. 3 on the menu at American Grill, a restaurant in SLC, UT that has been out of business for some time now (sadly). Our family always just calls it No. 3 or Green Noodles, and we all love it. You're gonna love it to.

PS to you parents out there...Cate, my 3-yr-old who has been quite picky about food lately, ate two servings of this tonight!!

Number 3, aka Green Noodles
- Spinach Fettuccine, 8 or 9 oz package
- 1 boneless/skinless chicken breast, cubed
- ~3/4 of a package of mushrooms, chopped
- ~2.5 oz prosciutto, chopped
- Pesto cream sauce
- Feta cheese, to taste

Saute chicken & mushrooms in a bit of olive oil. Add prosciutto once chicken is cooked and heat through.

Cook pasta as directed on the package (I use fresh pasta). Drain.

Make a cream sauce with pesto mixed in...or buy the Garlic & Herb pasta mix (pictured...Knorr makes it, and one of the other brands makes it as well...don't buy the pesto pasta mix, it's not quite the right flavor). Follow as directed on the package, but use about 1/3 more if it calls for 1 1/2 cups milk, use 2 cups. This stuff tastes pretty good and is close to how American Grill's tasted, BUT...a fresh pesto cream sauce would be even better.

Mix everything together...pasta, chicken mixture & sauce. Add crumbled or cubed feta cheese at the end so it doesn't melt away...but mix it in. Put in as little or as much as you like.

Makes enough for about 4 people I would guess.

Bon appetit!


Melissa said...

That looks tasty! I think I remember that restaurant; American Grill. My parents used to go there all the time for their tomato soup.

jane maynard said...

that's right - I forgot about the tomato soup! :)

Jessica said...

Jane, this sounds (and looks) really good!

G. said...

yum! sounds great. BTW, I served your BBQ chicken pizza the other night to my received rave reviews. Tonight, I'm making the Asian Spinach Pasta Salad..can't wait to try it. Thanks for your great recipes. I forgot to post my menu this week...I'll try again on Monday.

Ann Marie said...

I know I'm lame for sking but what is prosciutto? And do I have to use it, or does it affect the taste of the whole dish?

Ann Marie said...

Sorry for my typo.. " Asking"

jane maynard said...

prosciutto is a dry-cured ham (italian word for ham). it's a little stronger than ham, very thinly sliced. you could probably throw in a thin ham, but the flavor of the prosciutto is better.

you could leave it out, but I have to say one of our favorite parts of the dish were the prosciutto bites you get every once in a while. it makes it more unique - and it tastes GOOD.

you can get prosciutto almost everywhere nowadays. I usually get it at Trader Joe's b/c it's a little cheaper. It comes in small packages in the prepared meat section usually.

hope that helps! :)

Bill from Jersey said...

Their tomato soup was the BEST!!!

Many times when trying to re-create a restaurant dish you can't ever get it right. This recipe was the closest we ever got....really love #3...

BTW = this is not Bill from Jersey - this is MAWA..

MaWa said...

Speaking of a 'fresh' cream sauce - allow me to add one more comment about #3. When I make this I like to use the 'from scratch' cream sauce.

I use a plain pesto mix (this is dry pesto mix that adds olive oil - this in not the pasta pesto mix.)

Mix and add that to the sauteed chicken, mushroom and prosciutto - set aside. This allows the flavor to infuse the chicken while the sauce is made.

I then add cream (yes, real cream) to the pan drippings and slowly cook until it is of sauce consistency.

I add the chicken mix to the cream - heat through and serve over the pasta. Be careful not to
'break' the sauce by over heating.

Very similar to Jane's version but richer - and of course higher in calories.

You will have to decide if the calories are worth it. I, the butter queen, think they are....although both versions are DELICIOUS!

Unknown said...

This is going on my menu for this week!!

jane maynard said...

thanks for the sauce tips, mom! I just added your comments to the recipe on the main dishes recipes page. I was pretty sure you went the cream route...which is definitely tastier! but, like you said, anyway you do it is good. :)

Cori said...

Yum! Another great idea, thanks for sharing!

Christy said...

Jane, I've been stalking your blog on and off for a couple months now and I just had to try this recipe. I made it tonight, using regular fresh fettucine and omitting the mushrooms. It was FABULOUS! Thanks for sharing such great recipes on your site! I can't wait to try more!