Friday, September 19

A tragic day...

Horror of horrors! My Costco doesn't carry $5 rotisserie chickens!!!! WHAT am I supposed to do now? My go-to meal is toast. Oh, and I'll never be able to take someone dinner again. It's a sad, sad day. Because Costco was chickenless, I had to pick one up at Whole Foods. It was $10, smaller and a little dry. How depressing.

Time to go eat some chocolate. Seriously, I think this cake could get just about anyone out of a chicken-induced depression.

Pictured: Gooey goodness from Jake's Del Mar. Yes, I ate the whole thing. By myself.


Becca said...

uh, Jane, this post is making me reconsider our decision to come to Palo Alto. i guess the cake is a good selling point, though.

Melissa said...

That cake looks amazing. Mmmm...

It's too bad about the chickens. Safeway carries them for $8, and they're not dry at all. It's no Costco, but we thought it was pretty good.

jane maynard said...

no worries becca...the costco you'll be closer to HAS the chickens. you lucky lucky dog.

I'll have to try out safeway! thanks, melissa!

Hillary said...

We have a good friend who is a buyer at Costco and whenever I complain there is something missing at my store, he says "Fill out a comment card! We read them and take them seriously." I filled out a card asking for tzatziki dip this week -- voila! -- there it was on the shelf. Don't lose hope. :-) I'm still working on getting them to carry women's black dress socks. No luck there.

Natalee Maynes said...

I have something to snap you out of your chicken depression that doesn't contain sugar, refined flour or 1000 calories!!! :) It's my absolute favorite butternut squash soup recipe with a thai twist that I added :)

Curried Squash and Chicken Soup (this recipe is only 2 servings so you may want to double/triple it)

1 10-ounce package frozen pureed winter squash
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup water
8 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast, thinly sliced (can be added to soup raw)
1 6-ounce bag baby spinach
2 kaffir lime leaves (or 2 T lime juice)
2 teaspoons brown sugar
1/2-1 teaspoon Thai red curry paste
1/4 teaspoon salt

My favorite way to do this is in the crockpot because it allows all of the yummy Thai flavors to come out. Just throw it all in and cook on high for two or three hours--yummy! A great addition to this (but tricky to find anywhere except an Asian market) is LEMONGRASS!!! It is divine and makes it even that much better. HAPPY FALL!!!

jane maynard said...

oh my goodness, I have lemongrass growing like CRAZY right outside my front door. can't WAIT to try this recipe, natalee. thanks!

MaWa said...

Is this chicken emergency permanent?

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

My husband walks by the Costco chickens just to look at them. I ask him why doesn't he just buy one and sometimes he does but often he just stands there and looks. If Costco ever quit making chicken his major form of entertainment would be gone!