To all of you tri-state area readers who think that I'm a traitor for becoming a New England sports fan...I have 2 reasons why my New England loyalties are well-founded.
Reason #1: I didn't care about sports AT ALL when I lived in New Jersey. You can't be a traitor if you were never loyal in the first place.
Reason #2: My in-laws. They are New Englanders to the CORE. If I didn't support their teams, holidays would be very uncomfortable. Actually, they may not have let me marry Nate in the first place. :) Okay, so that's an exaggeration, but I do have evidence of their unwavering loyalty.
Exhibit A: They purchase giant cookies on game day to support the team. Oh, and football tablecloths too. (Photo courtesy of Aunt Linda)
Exhibit B: They actually get onto the Boston Globe website because they are such hard core fans. Yes, the woman pictured here is family. Izzie wore this to the game at Foxboro 2 weeks ago and caught the reporter's eye. That's serious devotion if you actually stand out at a home game. (Photo courtesy of the Boston Globe, via Aunt Kim)

I'm already nervous for tomorrow. I mean, I KNOW they're gonna win, but nervous just the same. :) GO PATS! GO PATS! GO PATS!
yay, go pats!
Go Giants!
Haha, Jane you're a hoot! I love reading this everyday and I love you too : ) I'm proud to be one of the members of your crazy New England family. - Sara
(I used to live in MA near Foxboro.)
I have to say Go Giants but I LOVE that picture! What a dedicated fan!
I like the fact they buy "Giant cookies" on game day. I'm with C. and S. Go Giant Cookies!
Cousin Izzie is probably in tears right about now.
So sorry to hear about the lose...
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