Okay, back to milkshakes. They're easy and way good. All you do is blend milk, ice, sugar (to taste) and a bit of vanilla (chocolate syrup is, of course, another option). That's it. So yummy. And the good news is that it tastes a lot like an ice cream shake, minus all that crazy fat and sugar. I would say it may even be a bit more refreshing.
I did mess it up a little the other night by adding too much ice. Well, I suppose some people would have liked it better - it got much thicker and foamier. I thought it was too much...although it made for a better picture. :) Figured I'd mention it so you could finesse this super fancy recipe to your liking.
Wait - I need to do a little mother-in-law heckling. I just want to say I think it ironic that she gives me such a hard time for Milk on the Rocks...um, isn't this just Milk on the Rocks in a blender? :P
Mmmm. Just read this post and went to make myself a milkshake. Instead of sugar and vanilla I added some maple syrup. Very delicious! Thanks for the great idea!
wow! my powers of persuasion are unparalleled. :)
I like to add about a half (or less if really ripe) of a banana. It is SOOOO yummy. The mother-in-law Jane refers to is my very own mother! So, unlike Jane, I was lucky enough to grow up on these suckers.
Do you use skim milk or does it need to be fattier to make it tasty?
I have 1%...I suppose it would probably be better the fattier the milk is, but for me it doesn't matter so much. I like it with whatever milk I happen to have in the fridge! :)
Oooh I LOVE milk shakes!! Even in this freezing cold, snowy Boston weather :) Glad you've been introduced!
I think I'll try this with Oberweis chocolate milk tonight. Whenever I make homemade ice cream with a chocolate base, I use this and it turns out awesome.
good idea to do it with a good chocolate milk...yum!!!
For something really interesting try molasses- just a little! -it makes a smokey milkshake. It tastes so different from anything I ever tried- intriguing- and yet... An older lady from church told me that was how their mom got them to drink dry milk. For an adventure- go out on a limb and try molasses.
just so everyone knows...ms pat maynard there is my mother-in-law, so if she says it's good in a milkshake, it's good in a milkshake. :)
I will ride one of these Floridian alligators I find myself surrounded by, before I put molasses in milk.
do you have measurements to make this or do you just "freestyle"
freestyle for sure. :) just a splash of vanilla for me, and start out with just a little ice and add it to taste...like I said, it was too thick the other night b/c I just put too much ice in there. good luck! :)
Well I have another version - add frozen strawberries instead of ice, a tsp of strawberry extract and a few packets of equal instead of sugar and you have a great option for those of us who have to watch what we eat. Yummy! I also make a mean homemade eggnog - must be living in New England or something!
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