...well, NOT ME.
We decided to take Cate to a movie since it was going to be a hot day. Because I'm cheap, I decided to pop some microwave popcorn and sneak it into the theater. Popcorn only takes about 2 1/2 minutes in our microwave, but I always set the time for 4 minutes so that it doesn't end early and I can take it out at the RIGHT moment. And I'm good at microwave popcorn. When I'm paying attention, that is.
For whatever reason, today I put the popcorn in the microwave, hit "Start" and then LEFT THE KITCHEN. Then my phone rang and it was my wonderful sister-in-law, so I chatted a bit with her. Then I went in the kitchen for some water. Yeah, not the popcorn that had, at this point, been cooking for 3 1/2 minutes. But the smell reminded me why I should be in the kitchen (see below for picture).
Instead of thinking through what was happening, I open the door as fast as I can to stop it cooking. Which let out the biggest cloud of smoke I've seen. EVER. It honestly FILLED the entire kitchen. And I'm not exaggerating. I wish I was. I got the kitchen door closed, but not before smoke snuck into the rest of the apartment, of course. Oh and not before I almost died from smoke inhalation. (Okay, THAT'S a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much!)
So, now we don't get to go the movies because I need to keep all the doors and windows open for the next two years or so. And it's so HOT today.
My microwave STINKS. My kitchen STINKS. My house kinda stinks. Not like popcorn. More like I just burned the house down. Any tips or pointers? I'm scared to use the stinky microwave, which is now stained yellow inside. Fun. Seriously, besides airing out the apartment with hot air, is there anything else I can do?
I like to think this experience has no reflection on me as a person (i.e. distracted, forgetful, DUMB) or a cook (I mean, who screws up microwave popcorn THIS bad?) but rather vindication from the Movie Theater Gods who were angry with me for planning to sneak food into the theater. Yup, I'm pretty sure that's why this happened.
CAUTION: Contents are ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!