Monday, June 9

ProFlowers Giveaway!

A holiday is fast approaching...which is always good news for TWFD readers! ProFlowers is doing another giveaway...this time TWO readers will each win a $100 gift card to ProFlowers! I'm so jealous!!!

And, Father's Day is less than a week away, but you still have time to get Dad something great. Be sure to visit ProFlowers to find the perfect gift. I love this olive tree that I recently received (pictured above)...and it definitely seems like a great "dad-ish" gift! And since this IS a food blog...don't forget to check out their yummy treats!

Click this link (or any other ProFlowers link in this post) to get 15% off your order!

To enter the giveaway, simply post a comment on this post by Monday, June 16, Midnight PT! (Make sure there is a name associated with your comment so I can identify you.) The winners will be announced on Tuesday, June 17, so be sure to check back to see if it's you!

Good luck!


Amanda said...

Yay! Another chance!

Brooke said...

Woohoo...I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Kathy said...

I never win anything, but I LOVE flowers, so maybe this is my chance...

Nicole Beckstrand said...

This is my lucky post.

Becca said...

Sweet! I'll be dreaming of the strawberries....mmm...

Anonymous said...

I love their stuff; it always lasts two weeks at least. Cool giveaway!

Amy D said...

Thanks, Jane!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane!

What a great giveaway!!

Anne W said...

yes yes yes. I want it. yes yes yes.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! And I am someone you know! Pick me - oh please pick me!

Anonymous said...

I am so sending myself flowers - if I win, of course - thanks for the awesome chances!

Natalee Maynes said...

Fingers crossed!

Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama said...

There is nothing better than fresh flowers and the olive tree would look perfect in our kitchen!

jodifur said...

DC Metro Mom here. Thanks for letting us know about the giveaway/

cora said...

I looooovvvveeeee giveaways!!!!

Kim Moldofsky said...

I'm with Liz. I'm sending myself flowers. Or guilt will get the better of me and I'll send them to my mom or my mom-in-law, instead.

Thanks for the giveaway. I received a beautiful bouquet from ProFlowers a few months ago.

ellen said...

I love a giveaway!

Margo said...

I haven't won yet...

Angie said...

oooh, what a great time for flowers (and treats)!!

kim said...

I love flowers. And free stuff. :)

Anonymous said...

I would give flowers to my husband for Father's Day if I won, and I think he'd appreciate it.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

Coordination Queen said...

Is it my turn yet?

Carmen said...

Can you pick me?

Carmen, whose gmail signin isn't working for some odd reason, but can be found over at Mom to the Screaming Masses.

kamewh said...

What a great giveaway! Pick me! Pick me! :)

Melanie Sheridan said...

Sweet! Another chance to win! Thanks Jane!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! More giveaways! I can't wait to win the flowers! Hope all is going well with you!

Daniela6968 said...

Please count me in your giveaway! Thanks!

Mollie said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! $100 worth of flowers? Sounds like a little bit of Heaven to me! :-)

jerseygirl137 said...

Please count me in! I just love flowers!

Anonymous said...

this is fantastic...who doesn't just love flowers? :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah.... I would love to have some fresh flowers!

Jenny said...

i love your giveaways! i'm keeping my fingers crossed!

frugal scrapper said...

Flowers! Fresh cut flowers on my table make me feel like a wealthy woman! What a treat!
P.S. Did you hear about 13th ward being divided yesterday? We are now University City 1st and University City 2nd...whatcha think about that? No more 13th...

Andrea Meyers said...

Oooo, flowers! I love sending flowers to my mom for her birthday!

FoxyJ said...

Pick me! Not only is it Father's Day, but my husband is graduating with his second master's degree this weekend :)

amy said...

I'm feeling lucky!!

Toystory said...

I love flowers....and would love to win one of these!!!!!!

anna jo said...

hurrah for another pro flowers giveaway... maybe this time I might win! :)

maren bosley said...

I hope I win!!!!

bethany said...

I love flowers and I just got a new case that I'd love to try out!! :)

Megan said...

I would love to be in on this! I've found your blog & LOVE it!!

katy said...

I would really love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

Rachel said...

Oh please let it be me!!!

justme said...

me me me
feener44atgmaildotcom !!

check out my giveaway as well.

Jenny said...

My birthday and my husbands birthdays are this week. Crossing fingers.

Jen Mo said...

okay dude, i'm not feeling the love yet for all of the hookups i got you. new apartment, new friends, new preschool, new doctors, new ward. . . where's the love dude????

LisaSlater said...

Yay, flowers!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Fingers crossed...

-- Laptop Television Mom

alishka babushka said...

fresh flowers is just what i need right now! pick me!!

Gina said...

Woah! Pick me.

Nells-Bells said...

I'm excited! I love your site and have enjoyed all the giveaways.
Janelle :p

Malerie said...

Roses are red, violets are blue? Proflowers is awesome, so pick you know who. :)

Kerri said...

My flowers from Mother's Day have died, so I need some fresh ones to brighten my house!

Sarah said...

Here's hoping! (Sarah and Markus)

triz said...

I love flowers, especially when their from Proflowers.....and free.

Teresa R

Isa said...

Flowers and chocolate would be delightful. Very, very nice. When I win I will think of my dear friend Jane...I will smile and so will Ben.

Ruth said...

Who doesn't love flowers?

Lindsay said...

my turn, right?

scott and tara said...

I would love fresh flowers!

ermakaluso said...

Flowers are always fun!

Aimee said...

Fresh flowers are the best, especially when given to someone you care about! I'd love to have that opportunity... pick me!!

Me said...

You inspired me to start planning my meals again. Thanks for the ideas and the great recipes! Ooooo, and a give-away!

Valerie said...

I can't think of anything clever to say, but I'd love to win!!

Lady M said...

They send great bouquets!

Jordan said...

wishing and hopeing! -Jordan S.

Married Mannings said...

A pretty plant and a yummy treat... That's sooooo me!!!!

Aaron said...

As a member of the male gender, I think I need this more than all of the woman who post here. Seriously, are you going to send flowers to yourself? Thats's just sad.

Lynn said...

Thanks for doing the giveaways, Jane. They are always to much fun to try to win.


Anonymous said...

I would really love one of those olive trees.Please, please, please with whipped cream and an olive on top!

The Bouldins said...

Woo-hoo for giveaways! And ProFlowers has some great stuff!

Kari said...

I'd love to win, who doesn't like flowers or a beautiful tree? Thank you so very much for the chance!!

Bill from Jersey said...

Given the number of poets who visit this site, I think a food poetry contest for your next give-away would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

That olive tree is gorgeous! I hope I win!
-Brooke in Dallas

The Furnace Creek Guys said...

Thanks Jane

Lori said...

I am hoping to get lucky again.

Bailey said...

Thank you Jane! I love your site! Hope I win!!

Jon and Sarah said...

Hooray! I hope I win. This would be a great surprise for my husband. Thanks!

Emma said...

I'm feeling lucky today!

Cheryl said...

How nice of them

adrianne said...

i'm going to win this time...

Hillary Jordan said...

Two readers??? Maybe I'll win this time!

Illiya said...

love flowers...

judygr64 said...

Thanks...I'd love to win this.

Snowpuff said...

Love flowers ~ hope to win!

Linn said...

Great giveaway, my friend. I am hoping this is my time.

Cher said...

I am new to your blog and I LOVE it!!. Thank you for all the great Ideas.
I think I deserve flowers because I just gave birth to my 2nd (a girl)and My mother in law has been here for 2 WEEKS! (any sympathy?)

Unknown said...

Another great Idea!
count me in...
Paula A

Christie said...

I feel lucky this time..

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great giveaway! i'd love to win

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling lucky...

Anonymous said...

Yay for flowers and treats!

bonggamom said...

ProFlowers rocks! A vase of fresh flowers on our dining room table is such a nice treat. Hope I win...

Hillary said...

My dad definitely deserves some flowers!

Jen said...

That olive tree looks cool! Can you keep it inside for awhile or will you have to put it outside? THanks for the chance to win! I hope I get lucky this time around!

Danica Osborn said...

I check out the recipes on here weekly, but have yet to post...I promise to get around to it soon! In the meantime, how about some flowers!!! :)

Anonymous said...

great giveaway!

I'm liking proflowers;

also- your site is great; I plan out my week's worth of dinners too- I'll check back :)

Christine said...

Please, please! I'd love to be able to send flowers to someone!

Anonymous said...

You're amazing! How do you do all this-- cook,mom,blog,AND find ways to make someone's day with flowers?! Thanks!!

Suburban prep said...

What a wonderful gift.

Anonymous said...

I think it's high time I won a prize! Just give me a call when I win- thanks- mimi

Jessica said...

Crossing my fingers! I LOVE Pro Flowers!

Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

Flowers would brighten up my new little apartment...and they'd brighten up my face while I wait for all my plumbing to be in working condition! Oh the joys of renting. :) Thanks, girl, I love your blog!

Leslie B. said...

I love that olive tree, what a great gift for dad :)

Jen said...

It is always worth a try!! Good luck me!

cmaxwell said...

This would be awesome to win, thanks a bunch for sponsoring it!

Jessica said...

What a cool olive tree, I would like that!

Ashley said...

I never win anything!!!!

Robyn said...

this mama needs to send herself some flowers :c)

Monica said...

My husband always sends me ProFlowers flowers. They are always so pretty!

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

Oh wow, this is wonderful! I actually dreamed about chocolate covered strawberries last night. What a treat to take to the hospital to celebrate when our new little guy arrives!

Leslie said...

I'd love to win!

Kristin B. said...

I adore flowers!

renae said...

oooh-- i love flowers almost as much as i love food! crossing my fingers!

renae k

Mark & Deidra Smith said...

I hope I win....The last time I won....Teresa ATE IT ALL!!!!! So sad for me.

Miss you,

MaWa said...

ok - I tried writing a poem.... must not be in the genes!!!

Rynell said...

I'm trying (again) to win something from this awesome company...

KarenDZachary said...

I so totally HEART ProFlowers! Their flowers last so much longer than normal tired blooms. Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

your giveaway led me to your blog... i'll be subscribing! thanks and please enter me in the drawing.

SVMom said...

oooh... pick me. I never win anything! :)

What fun!

Adri said...

I like that olive tree, too. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Free Flowers. I"m in!

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! I love that olive tree you got.

Anonymous said...

Hope I win! 2 chances...hooray!

princess granola said...

there are so many people i would love to make smile...if i win i have some serious decision making to do...

Bryn said...

Love ProFlowers. Count me in... I would love to win that.

Lance and Sally Sagers said...

Fun!! I just found your blog and I am really enjoying it. Fingers crossed to win!

The Queen of Quite a Lot said...

Woohoo! I am crossing my fingers! Pro Flowers is always showing you the love.

The Ormsby's said...

Oooh, I could get flowers and treats! I hope I hope I hope . . .

Jessica H said...

You must have a great connection at ProFlowers!

Trina said...

Fresh flowers would look lovely on my table!

Becca said...

Such pretty flowers.

TLC said...

I love flowers! What a great giveaway!

The Fago Family said...

So fun! Pretty Flowers!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! -- Cuyler

The Woodlands said...

I LOVE flowers and fortunately so does my husband! Perfect for our upcoming holiday :o)

Donna said...

This is a terrific prize. My family and friends all have everything they could possibly want, so I like sending them flowers as gifts - they're always appreciated and people don't usually buy them for themselves. (And I like receiving them too, hint hint!) :)

Cederberg Family said...

WHat an amazing give away! There is nothing better than flowers!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh. Give aways. This is fun!

Sarah said...

This would be great!

Diana said...

I'm feeling lucky, Jane!

Jules said...

Flowers would brighten my day!

Megan said...

I need some flowers to brighten up our house, pick me!

Mitchell Family said...

We love proflowers. Used them for Mother's Day. Great flowers, great price. Ruth

Anonymous said...

I could really use this


Nikki said...

Count me in!

Amy-Alisa said...

Saturday is June 14th. I'm only being nit picky because it's my daughter's third birthday, so I had better know these things.

jane maynard said...

amy alisa...THANK YOU! I was totally looking at my july calendar. woops! I fixed the post so now it makes sense. THANK YOU!

Law's said...

Yeah I want to win!

Jamie Bellessa said...

AS you know....I am a florist and I would do something extra special with my pro flowers!

Kristen said...

OOOOOOHHHHH, the things I could get....

Leisa said...

Hooray for chocolate covered strawberries!

Unknown said...

This would be perfect timing for my mom's bday! She loves pink flowers...

Brooke and Tyler Todd said...

please me!!! I want to win something so bad!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the Olive Tree!

Unknown said...

I'm going for it again! I need some flowers to celebrate the end of the school year!!

Kristi Price said...

Please enter me and thank you for your giveaway!

cpullum said...

Please enter me in the giveaway! I heard about ProFlowers on the radio today!

Paul said...

I could put this to good use!

jen aka mommay said...

hoping to win.... =)

Christa said...

I can already taste the chocolate dipped strawberries. Yummy!

Adrienne said...

Maybe this time....!

Linda said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Count me in please.

Megan said...

What a cute blog! This is my first time here. Can olive trees actually bear fruit while in a pot? Just curious.

Michelle Weiss said...

Thanks for all of the opportunities to be a winner!

Anonymous said...

Hey jane, Could use a bright spot in my home this week!

Scott, Whitney and Connor said...

Oh, how fun! Thanks!


bobcatsteph3 said...

Thanks for another giveaway! Happy Father's Day to Mr. TWFD Nate!

The Chaparro Family said...

Hi Jane! I love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

maybe this time I'll be the lucky one :-)

Hannah said...

I am an avid reader of you blog! I love it! I would love to win some flowers!! :)

Liz said...

What a fun thing! Crossing my fingers...

Kathleen W. said...

This would really lift someone's spirits! Probably my husband's grandma...thanks!

Rebekah said...

HI! I'm new to your blog!! I love it so far! Thanks for this chance!! Hoorah!

michelle said...

My apartment needs some fresh flowers.

Angela DeRossett said...

Oh this is such a good giveaway!!!

Marlene McGarrity said...

I would love to have some flowers. Please enter me. :)

Tamara said...

Pretty Flowers! Yeah!!

ostacy said...

i am so glad i live on the east coast because i totally made the deadline! i don't think my dad has ever owned a plant in his life, but it would be interesting to see if he would enjoy being gifted with one. anyhoo, hi!

Ana said...

I would love some free flowers, maybe some peonies..but any kind would do really! said...

Yea! Can't wait to find out

Michelle said...


Melissa said...

The flowers in my apartment are all dead. I haven't thrown them away because then I would be admitting they're dead.

I would LOVE to win... I think the dead flowers in my apartment would like me to win, too.