Sunday, April 1

Happy 10 Week Anniversary!

So, if you know me at all you know it is pretty amazing that I have stuck with this blog for 10 weeks... little did I know when I started that I would love doing it so much! It's really improved my overall cooking experience (and, therefore, life in general) and I hope it's helped some of you as well! I'm going to just keep plugging away and hopefully you won't get sick of me. Please keep visiting, sharing the site with friends and sharing your great menus. And if you haven't posted yet - please do! All menus welcome - simple, complex, easy, gourmet, yummy, yucky, whatever!

I've been swamped with work lately. It was getting to be a drag and a bit stressful. Then I read this post on Anna Maria Horner's blog - I stopped and took notice. I mean, what could be better than this "office" that I've got? I get to be home with my daughter and work when I want to in the comfort of my home, a place where I love being. Moral of the story: be grateful for the simple and beautiful things in your life.

Song of the Week: "Crooked Teeth" by Death Cab for Cutie. I really like a lot of their other songs, but this is an especially good "kitchen soundtrack" type of song. :)

Happy Anniversary!


Jessica said...

Congrats! I'm surprised I've stuck with mine too. Especially since I set it up in September and then abandoned it until it became part of my NY resolution. I hope you continue to stick to it, cause I'm always inspired by your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey, its Nate. I'm at the apple store in NYC and Beyonce is about to perform outside for the CBS morning show. You know how much I love Beyonce! Pat says your blog made her cry in an apple store "how embaressing". See ya soon.

Liz Findlay said...

The site is fantastic: the pics are so well composed, the copy is witty, and the food looks absolutely delicious! You are an amazing lady! Congratulations on your 10 week anniversary--

jane maynard said...

thanks for the nice comments! and that is pretty good that I got my mom-in-law to cry in public. ;)