Wednesday, April 18

Healthy Eats: Yoga Today

I know, yoga isn't food...but yoga is all about holistic health, and health is related to eating, right? Anyway, I love yoga and I love this website and just wanted to share it with you: Yoga Today. They do FREE 1-hour yoga classes EVERY DAY...and you can have them automatically download to iTunes if you like. The instructors are great and I really have enjoyed the classes I've done. Great if you can't make it to a real class but like having the guidance of an instuctor.

I feel like I need to mention food. Carrots are good for you. :)


Toni said...

I was searching for yoga and found your blog. Well, I am glad I did.
I have been reading it and found some great recipes here so thanks!
I am trying out a few this week.
Always, love meeting or talking with fellow yogis and cooks!

Anonymous said...

Yoga today is amazing. I've been with them since they first started with IM. I found them out by going to,, Another fabulous free yoga website with tips and information about yoga and exclent instructors who gave me my first free yoga video. Its available to everyone for free download. I think i should mention that i'm also going into the US Navy And i'm shipping out on July 17. Wish me luck and GL with everyone journey and may God bless you all...

jane maynard said...

thanks for the other yoga site - that sounds great! and good luck with the Navy - I definitely admire you!!! good luck!!!