Saturday, July 28

Roadtrip! Gone to the beach...

In a few short moments we're all packing in the very full car and heading down to the Cape! I am SO EXCITED. I'm pretty sure I won't have Internet access, which I have to admit I am really looking forward to...but that means I'll miss you all for a week! Please come back next Saturday (8/4) for a report on the vacation...I've already snapped some GREAT food pictures and can't wait to share all my culinary finds from the Cape with you. Have a wonderful week and don't forget to post your menu here.

Week 27 Menu

Please post your menus! I'm on vacation! :)

Thursday, July 26

Roadtrip! New England Hot Dog Buns & Relish

Moving away from New England meant moving away from the ability to make the best hot dogs. There are 2 ingredients that make this possible - New England hot dog buns (aka lobster roll buns) and Piccalilli.

First, the buns: well, you can see what they look like in the picture. It's KINDA like a piece of white bread folded, but better. To really make 'em good, you grill them with butter in the pan.

Second, Piccalilli. This is the best relish ever. They have green tomato relish and red pepper relish, but I think the green tomato is perfect for my perfect hot dog. Do I sound a little crazy?

I complete the masterpiece with mustard. I sure love coming out every summer.

Okay, have to give credit to Nate or he'll get mad at me. :) He introduced me to all this hot dog goodness when we got married.

Wednesday, July 25

Boy or Girl?

It's official...Cate will have a little sister! Cate didn't believe the ultrasound tech and told her "No, it's a brother." Later when she admitted it's a sister, Cate told us her name is "little brother."

We made it safely to NH and I had a great steak & cheese for lunch just can't get good subs in CA like you can out here...the food binge has begun. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 24

Head Country BBQ Giveaway Winner!

We have a winner for the Head Country Barbecue giveaway!

Leslie, who said: I've been wanting to try this since your ribs post. I hope I win!

Now you can go rib crazy, Leslie! Thanks to all who entered and definitely get yourself a bottle of Head Country!

Leslie, please email

Sunday, July 22

REMINDER! Enter the Head Country Giveaway!

Don't forget to enter the Head Country Barbecue giveaway! Seriously, if you haven't put your name in the mix, get to it - this is dang good sauce. You have until Midnight, tomorrow (Monday, July 23) to enter. Good luck!

(Also, there are 3 new posts on the blog...make sure you scroll down. I thought Friday & Saturday had published, but they hadn't. Happy reading!)

Week 26 Menu

I have no menu this week, and for a VERY good's SUMMER VACATION!!!

Cate and I leave for our East Coast adventures tomorrow! This week we'll be in New Hampshire with my in-laws and then a week on CAPE COD!!! I am so excited! Finish up the trip with a week in New Jersey with mi familia and you've got yourself a vacation. I can't wait and I'm super excited to eat all the food that I can't get out here in sunny California (real bagels, real subs, real cannolis, new england hot dog buns...good thing I'm eating for two). I will definitely do some posting while I'm on the road, so please keep visiting!

As for guys need to share your menus for SURE for the next 3 weeks because I'm not planning on doing any meal planning! Time to inspire one another, which I am certain you will do beautifully.

Saturday, July 21

Happy Anniversary Dinner!

Last night was our 8th anniversary! We had the chance to stay in the fancy Hyatt Regency La Jolla, and were even upgraded to the 2nd best room in the hotel! (We almost got the BEST room, where Bush and Michael Douglas/Catherine Zeta-Jones stayed, but then it was booked after all...although our room was pretty awesome.)

Nate and I went to Cafe Japengo for dinner. Japengo gets voted "Best Sushi" in San Diego all the time and is supposed to be a great restaurant. We decided to give it a try. Our food was good, although not my favorite, and it took FOREVER...which means we got free dessert! Now, I have a VERY high tolerance for chocolatey things...I've never had a chocolate dessert I couldn't conquer. I met my match at Japengo - I could only eat half of this lava cake. It was CRAZY rich. Nate got an awesome bread pudding. YUM! (Sorry the picture's not that great...had to make do with my point and shoot and bad lighting...but the desserts were just so pretty I wanted to share!)

Friday, July 20

Fab Faves: 101 Simple Meals

My good friend Emily (who is the reason I even know what a blog is!) sent me a link to this great New York Times article today. The article lists 101 Simple Meals perfect for summer that can be made in 10 minutes or less.

There are LOTS seafood ideas, which I'm excited to try. You will find a plethora of fun, easy, fast ideas - from paninis to pasta, salads to sausage!

If by the time you click on the link to the article and it's been archived, just email - I've saved the article and I will send it to you.

Thanks Emily - this article is a great resource!

Wednesday, July 18

Featured Recipe: Cookies Galore

We had a book club picnic last Friday, which was great fun. I was in charge of dessert, so I made two of my all time favorite cookies. Thought I'd share the recipes with you! (click on the name of the cookie to link to the recipe).

First, Chocolate Swirls. These are ADDICITVE and full of all kinds of fat (butter, cream cheese, chocolate, bring it on!). Don't say I didn't warn you. I've NEVER met a person who doesn't like these. I got the recipe at a cookie exchange - no idea what person or what cookbook it came from, but so happy I have the recipe!!!

Second, Mexican Wedding Cookies. These are basically butter balls rolled in powdered sugar. Really, how can they NOT be good? These are pretty common, but I got the recipe from my sister-in-law Cora's mother, Nicki.


Monday, July 16

Free Giveaway! Head Country BBQ Gift Pack!

I'm excited to announce a random giveaway for the week!
Head Country Barbecue, which I mentioned in my ribs post, is giving away a gift pack with all 6 of their products to one lucky TWFD reader! Gift pack includes BBQ Sauce Original, BBQ Sauce Hickory, BBQ Sauce Hot, Championship Seasoning, Garden Rich Salsa & Premium Marinade. Perfect for summer grilling!

Like all the other giveaways, just post a comment, any comment, by Midnight PT on Monday, July 23. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, July 24.

Head Country BBQ sauce is awesome - make sure you enter!

Sunday, July 15

Week 25 Menu

This week's menu isn't very inspiring, so I'm counting on the rest of you - post your menus! :) I have a few carry-overs from last week, our anniversary is this weekend, and I leave next Monday for 3 Sunday night is an easy meal since I'll be packing furiously! I have some good posts planned for the next few days, so I won't be a total waste this week. :)

- Pat's Oriental Chicken Salad
- Chicken Shu Mai from Trader Joe's frozen section
- Ginger Dipping Sauce

- Orange Chicken
- Rice
- Veggie
- Leftover Chicken Shu Mai

- Pork Chops
- Wild & Long grain rice
- Vegggie

- Leftovers

- Our anniversary! Going out to Cate! :)

- Hot Dogs or hamburgers on the grill
- Chips
- Fresh fruit

- Chicken cordon bleu (from the freezer section at grocery store)
- Rice
- Veggie

Wednesday, July 11

The Goods: Leeks!

After all this meatiness, time to feature a VEGETABLE. Without further ado, meet the leek!

When I was looking through my leek pictures to do this post, I noticed there were potatoes and carrots on the cutting board. For the life of me I cannot remember what I was making that night! But I do know was a soup. Leeks are GREAT in soups. There are leeks in the Butternut Squash Soup recipe I have posted and I've used them in other soups that are blended at the end (good in veggie soups).

A few other leek-y ideas from Miss Rachael Ray. BLT Smashed Potatoes (I have made these and they were AWESOME) and Bacon, Potato, Leek & Crab Chowder (which I haven't made but sounds mighty fine).

Why do I like leeks? They are part of the garlic/onion family (they look like HUGE scallions). They are, however, milder and give a nice flavor to whatever you are cooking.

Never cooked with leeks? Here's how to clean them: Cut off the root end and the green top, leaving 2" of green. Slice leek lengthwise and clean leek under running water, making sure to get the dirt out of all the layers (when they grow, the pick up lots of dirt inside). Follow your recipe as directed.

Monday, July 9

Featured Recipe: RIBS & Great BBQ Sauce

First off, my apologies to all the vegetarians out there...this is a very MEATY post. :) The first time I had ribs, my Aunt Barbara and Uncle Mark made them for the 4th of July and I was SOLD. And, as I mentioned recently, all I want to eat lately is ribs from Phil's BBQ (here in San Diego).

Nate and I took a hand at grilling our first ribs this weekend (pictured). They were yummy yummy and cost about half as if we'd gone out. So, here's how Barbara and Mark taught us how to do it - it's easy, although cleaning the roasting pan - not so fun.

1. Cook ribs in big roasting pan at 250 degrees for about 5 hours. Place ribs on a rack in the pan and keep some water in the bottom of the pan while cooking. You can roast the day before and refrigerate until you're ready to grill.

2. Cook ribs on grill, low heat setting, for about 30 minutes or until they're hot. While they're cooking, keep slathering with BBQ sauce and turning every few minutes.

"What BBQ sauce should I use?" you may be wondering. Barb's favorite by far is Head Country BBQ sauce, and we have to agree. It is seriously yummy, and you can order it online easy as pie!

Sunday, July 8

Week 24 Menu

Sorry I'm a little late tonight, but it's still Sunday, at least in California!

Tonight we made ribs. YUM. But I'm putting it on my menu for tomorrow b/c we haven't had the steaks yet (am I craving meat?), so doing a little swaperoo. Tune in tomorrow for the 'how to cook ribs' tips!

- Ribs
- Summer Squash
- Cornbread
- Zatarain's Black Beans & Rice (we didn't eat these last week...they are SO GOOD, you gotta try! My aunt who lived in New Orleans loves the Zatarain's brand - says it's pretty authentic tasting)

- Breakfast for dinner! Waffles & Fresh Fruit

- Chili
- Corn chips
- Fruit or something light

- Leftovers

- Eat out

- Pat's Oriental Chicken Salad
- Chicken Shu Mai from Trader Joe's frozen section

- Orange Chicken
- Rice
- Veggie
- Leftover Chicken Shu Mai

Now it's your turn - share your menu, whatever it may be! :)

Saturday, July 7

Music Overload!

When I started this blog, a big part of my weekly post was the Song of the Week. Ever since I've been pregnant (i.e. SICK AS A DOG) and not cooking as much, I've been terrible about featuring my favorite music. Now that I'm back in the kitchen (more or less), iTunes is again playing a role in my nightly cooking routine, so the tunes are back!

Since I'm WEEKS & WEEKS behind on my "Song of the Week," I'm going to give you a whiz-bang of a music post today. When I was pregnant with Cate I made a CD for myself with a bunch of "lullabies" that I would one day sing to our little baby (now babies!). I wanted some GOOD music that would be fun to sing and fun for my kids to grow up with. (The "Sweet Baby James" album will forever be burned in my brain after singing those songs countless times with my dad and his guitar when I was young.)

I thought sharing the list might be nice of me since I have such great taste. :) Seriously, these songs RULE. Uh, this is one LONG post...
Click here to see the full post and list of songs!

1. 'Blackbird' by Sarah McLachlan. A beautiful Beatles cover from the "I Am Sam" soundtrack.

2. 'Humble Me' by Norah Jones. A sad song, but again, beautiful.

3. 'High Tide or Low Tide' by Ben Harper and Jack Johnson. A GREAT Marley cover - more "lullaby-ish" than the original Marley version. AWESOME lyrics.

4. 'Angel From Montgomery' by Susan Tedeschi.A super duper version of this awesome classic song.

5. 'I'll Fly Away' by Alison Krauss & Gillian Welch. Get ready for a few more of these GREAT "O Brother, Where Art Thou" songs!

6. 'In the Lord's Arms' by Ben Harper. LOVE IT.

7. 'Who Will Sing Me Lullabies' by Kate Rusby. Kate is a modern Irish folk singer - you can hear the "irishness" in her voice, but it's not overkill and her music is really enchanting.

8. 'Down to the River to Pray' by Alison Krauss. What would we do without the "O Brother" soundtrack I ask you?!?!

9. 'In the Garden' by Susan Tedeschi. Here's Susan again - seriously, I've told you guys about her before - you've GOTTA listen to her.

10. 'By My Side' by Ben Harper. Perhaps one of my all time favorite Ben songs. He's making a lot of appearances on this list too...hmmm...I've already admitted to my crush. He rules.

11. 'Didn't Leave Nobody but the Baby' by Emmylou Harris, Alison Krauss & Gillian Welch. O Brother, here they are again.

12. 'Case of You' by Joni Mitchell. Maybe not the happiest song, but this is by far my favorite Joni Mitchell song EVER. Wish I could sing it like her.

13. 'I Am Weary' by the Cox Family. Sorry...more "O Brother"

14. 'Helplessly Hoping' by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. One of their prettiest songs.

And YES...the last two songs are from "O Brother"

15. 'In the Highways' by the Peasall Sisters. My very musical brother-in-law Jake (who first introduced us to this album way back in the day) has visions of his future children singing in 3-part harmony whenever he hears this song. So cute!

16. 'You Are my Sunshine' by Norman Blake. I gotta tell you about another version I found this week, however - by Elizabeth Mitchell. Elizabeth's version is my favorite and would have taken Norman's place had I known about her 3 years ago.

Alright, I think 16 songs should cover me for the missing weeks! Now get on iTunes and get listening!

Sorry all the links to Amazon in this post are to the actual day I may set up the links to the Amazon MP3s, but it will take me FOREVER. So, until then, links stay as is.

Friday, July 6

The Goods: Calrose Rice

Last night as I was cooking my rice I thought, hey, this rice would make for a good blog post, so here we go...I LOVE CALROSE RICE. It's my favorite. I serve it with all of our meals that need rice as a base - Indian food, Asian food, good ole casseroles, everything! There are definitely more flavorful, fragrant rices out there like jasmine and basmati. I appreciate them, but this is usually my first pick.

If you haven't had calrose, it's a white sticky rice. You don't need a rice cooker - it comes out PERFECTLY on my stove every time (1 1/2 C rice to 2 C water, bring to a boil, then reduce to low and simmer until done). One downfall - it dries out when you save it, not as great the next day (think Chinese take-out rice leftovers), but good enough! Okay, done imparting rice wisdom.

Wednesday, July 4

Monday, July 2

Happy 4th of July!

The 4th of July is in two days - are you ready? I'm not! I have NO idea what we'll be doing that day, but I'm sure it will be fun. :) I was thinking maybe you all could inspire me...please share your favorite 4th of July food or tradition! Recipes most definitely welcome - just post a comment!

I figured I should provide SOME kind of inspiration...the Hostess with the Mostess found this GREAT idea on Martha Stewart. It's from the Kids magazine, but I agree with Jenn (the hostess!), it looks like a perfect 4th of July breakfast! Plus I love french toast. Thanks, Jenn! (and thanks Martha, too, I suppose...) (photo from Martha Stewart - my first non-Jane food pic)

Sunday, July 1

Week 23 Menu

It's Sunday already?!?!?

Thank you so much for all your awesome menus last week - I really do read them every week when I'm planning. It's such a help. This past week I actually COOKED more than now I'm feeling a bit more inspired. So, thanks for your menus! Keep 'em coming!

- TJ's Masala (Indian) simmer sauce, cooked with chicken and garbanzo beans
- Rice
- Veggie

- Nate out of town, so Cate and I are going to party it up...or eat cereal. :)

- Happy 4th of July!! (I have no idea what we're going to do for the 4th...check back tomorrow for a special 4th of July planning post!)

- Herb Crusted Steaks
- Twice Baked Potatoes

- Homemade hawaiian pizza

- Grilled pork chops
- Zatairan's Red Beans & Rice (yummy mix!!)
- Veggie

- Dinner at friends' home!