Friday, November 2

The Goods: Cheese Crumb Cake...mmmm...

The beginning of my pregnancy was a doozy - so so sick - just thinking about it makes me feel not so good. And sadly during that time I never wanted sweets or desserts, which is SO unlike me. The last few months, however, my love of "treats" (side note: Nate thinks it's so funny when I say "treat" and now Cate says it too) is back. Maybe not such a good thing...

It definitely wasn't a good thing at the grocery store last night. Despite the fact our house is full of Halloween cookies and candy, I just couldn't resist this box of Entenmann's Cheese Filled Crumb Coffee Cake (say that three times fast). Oh so bad, but oh so good. I'm pretty picky about my treats, but this prepackaged goodness makes the cut. And hey, I'm pregnant and need to pack a few more pounds on before baby comes in six weeks (wait, SIX?!?! I'm not ready!).


Unknown said...

No one could resist that!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you could get Entenmann's in San Diego. I thought that was a Northeast thing.

The Woodlands said...

Oh...BILL! Of course you can get Entenmann's in S.D. and the only thing criminal about this Cheese Crumb Cake would be NOT buying it!!! Way to go Jane!

FoxyJ said...

Yum! I haven't had an Entenmann's cake in a long time. I love them so much--I remember my mom bought me one for birthday when I was 14! (I was living in Ventura county at the time, so you can definitely get them in California.)