Sunday, November 18

Thanksgiving Prep: The Menu

I can't wait to eat all the food we have planned for Thursday! My little sister is coming to town and I'm going to work her hard on Thursday. It will be really fun cooking with her and having all those yummy leftovers afterwards!

And now, ladies & gentlemen...the Menu. Click on the bold titles to see recipes!

- Turkey
- Gravy
- Mashed Potatoes: I make with warm cream (milk if I don't have cream), melted butter, salt & pepper, and a splash of soy sauce
- Stuffing
- Corn Souffle
- Broccoli Casserole
- Butternut Squash: Just going to cook it, mash it, add butter salt & pepper
- Cranberry sauce: This year we're going canned whole sauce, but click through for a yummy recipe for Cranberry Orange Relish that I normally make, when I'm not about to have a baby.
- Cranberry Slush: This is one of my family's traditions, going back to my great-grandmother. It is amazing. I have friends who have been known to spike it for extra kick - Great Grandma's rollin' in her grave! :)
- Squash Rolls

I'm also going to make some Rhodes rolls on Friday to use for leftovers - good for making little turkey sandwiches. Again, I normally make Butterhorn Rolls from the Better Homes & Gardnes cookbook, but I need to take it easy this year.

Hope the menu is helpful and that the recipes come in handy! They are all excellent. Tomorrow we're talking dessert - get ready to share your favorite recipes! Tuesday will be scheduling the cooking - the least fun but most essential part of a successful Thanksgiving dinner.


Unknown said...

Sounds delicious!!

Can I ask, why warm cream? Would you use warm milk if you used milk?

jane maynard said...

good question. :) first off, yes, I do warm milk or warm cream - I just microwave it to warm it up, and I'll usually throw my butter in the cup with the milk to melt it a bit as well.

I don't have a technical or scientific reason why to warm it up, I think they just come out a little better that way. My mom always did it and my friend linn's dad always has done it that way as well and swears it makes a difference. linn - if you're reading (which I think you might be!) do you know why it's better warm?

Linn said...

Am I reading this blog? You'd better believe it. Anyone who is cool reads it don't they? Okay, Jane, I can definitely back you up on this one--and not just because I teased you mercilessly on your icey milk post.

I also don't have a scientific reason, although I know there must be one. This I do know...there is a law in cooking that when you add any kind of liquid to something warm, that liquid should also be warm. If not, it changes the consistency of what you are making. It is actually the big secret to fabulous mashed potatoes.

Yup, there it now know the secret and if any of you have tasted mashed potatoes made by my dad (why any of you would have tasted mashed potatoes made by my dad is beyond me) you would know it is some kind of secret. After years of trying, mine are getting pretty darn good, but it isn't even possible to reach the level reserved only for my dad. You think I jest? Track down someone who has tasted them. They know of what I speak.

There you go Jane--I've got your back!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I have never even thought to warm it up...I just dump and go! I'm definitely trying it this year...I am anticipating mashed potato euphoria!!

Anonymous said...

I never heard of soy in mashed potatoes. Will have to try that one day but worried that I will have a mutiny if I try it on Turkey Day.

jane maynard said...

sherry - we ate dinner at someone's house once and her husband made the mashed potatoes, which were awesome...we asked him how he made them and the soy sauce was part of the process...everything else was pretty much the same. yum! I will say this, it makes your potatoes not as white, so for thanksgiving it might be good to leave it out, just so they're white and fluffy! but it really tastes good. just make sure you don't add as much salt as you normally would if you add the soy sauce.