Thursday, March 22

Featured Recipe: I Fought the Slaw...

...and the slaw won. I'm not a big coleslaw fan, a few bites and I'm done. But coleslaw IS one of the main ingredients to my Favorite Sandwich, so I have to make it. Here are two coleslaw recipes for you - Classic and Fancy. If you have a coleslaw recipe you love, feel free to share in the comments section!

Note: I don't shred my own cabbage/veggies. I just buy the bags of pre-mixed coleslaw in the bagged salad section and then make my dressing. The last two times I've only found Broccoli Slaw. I like it - it's a LOT crunchier. Nate doesn't like it that much and prefers cabbage (not as crunchy) - take your pick!

Classic Coleslaw
From: Me!
1/2 C Mayo
2 T vinegar
1 t. sugar
2 T milk
2 t. celery seed
1/4 t. dry mustard

Add dressing to 1 bag of coleslaw mix.

"Fancy" Coleslaw
Fancy means more ingredients, i.e. more work, but yummier
From Pat Maynard, my awesome mother-in-law
3/4 C mayo
3/4 C miracle whip
1/2 t. celery seed (1 t.)
2 t. seasoned salt
1/4 C olive oil
1/2 C white vinegar
1/2 C sugar
1 T dry mustard
1/3 t. pepper
1 head cabbage
4 grated carrots
1 chopped pepper
finely chopped onion


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is just weird -- I made cole slaw yesterday, too! I didn't get around to blogging about it (maybe tonight).

I'm not a big slaw fan, either, but I tasted a great one last summer and am trying to reconsider. (I fought the slaw -- funny).

However, I LOVE ruben sandwiches so I can't wait to try the rachel!

jane maynard said...

that IS weird! especially since neither of us really like it! ;)

jane maynard said...

I forgot to ask... did your son eat it? maybe I should wait for the blog post to break the suspense. :) cate was excited at the prospect of eating caterpillars, but I think was disappointed in the end. no-go on the coleslaw with the 2 year old. maybe I should try real caterpillars?

Anonymous said...

I have made Pat's coleslaw a few times - it is fantastic! This blog is so much fun!