I've been wanting to tell you all about my new jeans (if you're a guy, sorry). Okay, I know this has nothing to do with food or menus, but I just HAVE to write this. I have NEVER had jeans that I like. My sis-in-law Hannah (fashionista in NYC) called me on the carpet last time I was complaining about being between sizes: "Have you tried anything except Gap and Old Navy?" Okay, fine, you got me. Note: I had always made fun of her expensive designer jeans. She told me I had to get out there and try on other jeans. Well, there were a pair of Joe's Jeans (style: The Muse) on sale at a boutique I happened upon, so I thought I would just try them on, mostly hoping to prove they really weren't any better. Unfortunately they were. I had Christmas money that would cover the cost (almost), so after 3, yes 3, visits to the boutique, I finally decided to buy the jeans (and literally was shaking when I did). Yes, I am crazy. Anyway, THEY RULE. Hannah was right.
Moral of the story: Every girl deserves at least 1 pair of jeans that they love. There is a pair that fits you out there somewhere - so go find it!
Please note: I'm not saying you should go spend big bucks on your jeans, but if you don't have a pair you like, be open minded - go try all different kinds on. You may be a lucky person who fits into the Gap jeans perfectly. But if you aren't stop buying those jeans that just don't fit! It IS worth the time (and sometimes the investment) to find the perfect pair. TRUST ME. (Hannah will never let me hear the end of this...)
Okay, jeans lecture over. Back to FOOD. :)
I broke down and bought myself a new pair of jeans about a month ago. It had been years. Literally--YEARS. I spent big bucks and I have not been sorry once. Except I think I should have bought 3 pairs! Maybe that's the next lesson I need to learn.
ok. so, i am the lame friend who ran out and bought a toaster oven. as i sit here eating my YUMMY toasted tuna melt, i know it was worth it. guess i need to go jean shopping... aren't you powerful jane!!
I totally agree! If you splurge on a pair of jeans you love you will feel better and wear them more often. It is definitely worth it. Also, unless your one of the lucky moms, your pre-baby bod is a little different than your post-baby bod. So go out there and buy yourself a pair of jeans that makes you feel like a hot mama!!!!
Unfortunately jeans can be a very addicting habit. It's all too easy to go shopping for jeans, and there are SO many brands. But I agree, sometimes you just have to spend the big bucks... they just end up fitting so well!
Have you heard of zafu.com? It asks you some questions about how your jeans fit and how you want them to fit and finds the *perfect* jeans for you.
I will have to check that out - thanks! sounds great! :)
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