Tuesday, March 27

Musings: Strawberries!

Strawberries are on sale in all our grocery stores and markets here in San Diego, so I'm thinking they must be in season - I love this time of year! Strawberries are definitely one of those awesome memory foods... the smell alone takes you back to summers past, or in the case of San Diego, springs past that feel a lot like every other time of year. ;) (I love living here, but I do miss seasons!)

Now that it's strawberry season, I need to make some freezer jam. We ran out a few months ago and have had to eat store-bought jam since - horror of horrors. Oh and now that it's the season, I also need to keep the homemade hot fudge and strawberries APART or I will eat every strawberry in San Diego county, and then the children will be sad. And all that chocolate can't be good for me... can it? (Please say yes!)


Jessica said...

We can pretend it's dark chocolate sauce, and then it's great for you, right?

I've got a recipe for Strawberry Shortcake that I'm dying to try. I hope some of those nice strawberries will make their way to Texas. All the ones I've seen so far haven't been great.

kelly said...

Strawberries, yum! I made a fun dessert last year with strawberries, angel food cake, coconut and whipped cream. I cut up the strawberries into chunks, mixed it with REAL whipped cream and some coconut. Then I cut the angel food cake in half, dug out the center, and filled it with the whipped cream and strawberry mixture. I then put the cake top bake on. And frosted the entire thing in whipped cream. It was pretty good.

What about that home-made fudge recipe? Maybe you should share jane!

Mumsy said...

Those are gorgeous strawberries. I have to wait until June to get any good ones here in NY. I think we'll venture out and pick our own this year--because it sounds like so much fun with two very small children. (Please note the sarcasm...)

And hey--it's better to eat chocolate with strawberries than just the spoon. More fiber. It's okay. We're all doing it.

Jenny said...

Strawberries were on sale here last week and we ate 6 or 7 pounds. Not even kidding. We had strawberry spinach salad, strawberry stuffed french toast and a whole lot of strawberry shortcake. We tried two different individual sized shorcake recipes and then picked our favorite. I'm not even strawberried out yet!

Next time I will have to exert a little more self-control and use them to make jam as well.

This one time, my husband ate like two small containers of strawberries in one sitting and had an allergic reaction and his lips swelled up. That was pretty funny.

Linn said...

I have a FABULOUS and easy strawberry pie recipe that I will post soon! Trust me--it is mighty tasty!

jane maynard said...

can't wait for the recipes that you all are mentioning! thanks for all your comments and yummy strawberry suggestions!

Linn said...

Here is the promised recipe--enjoy!

9” baked pie shell
5 cups whole or sliced strawberries
1/4 c. sugar
1 c. water
3 T. cornstarch
1/8 t. salt
2 T. corn syrup
5 T. strawberry jello
1 t. vanilla

Arrange strawberries in a baked pie shell. Set aside. Combine sugar, water, cornstarch, salt and corn syrup in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened. Remove from burner. Add dry jello and vanilla. Stir until well blended. Pour hot gelatin mixture over berries and put in refrigerator to chill. Garnish with whipped cream.