Sunday, April 13

Week 64...Lights, CAMERA, Action!

I found the camera cord! AND I'm ready to cook. Let's get this show on the road!

We took our first trip up to "the city" (i.e. San Francisco) yesterday (more on that later). We had a blast. It really is a great place and I can't wait to explore it more.

Milton's is a restaurant/deli in Del Mar (San Diego area). They also have a baking company and they make my most favorite sandwich bread, Whole Grain Plus. It tastes great, is full of whole grains and fiber, and has NO high fructose corn syrup. I thought it was local to San Diego, but it's not - you can get it everywhere! I was so excited when I found it this week at my new Trader Joe's. Go get yourself some, you'll be happy.

I'm actually going to cook this week. For real.

- Caprese Salad
- Good bread
- Spinach salad with pears, feta cheese & Brianna's Blush Wine Vinaigrette

- Kitchen sink quesadillas
- Chips & Guacamole

- Chicken noodle soup
- Good bread

- Leftovers

- Fettucine alfredo w/broccoli & chicken
- Salad

- Eat out

- Pot roast
- Mashed potatoes
- Veggie
- Rolls (I sure hope they have Rhodes in the Bay Area!)

Now, what are YOU eating this week?


Rynell said...

I'm glad you're getting settled--what a fun place to explore! I'm using some of your recipes this week. Thanks for posting them

Monday: Kitchen Sink Quesadillas

Tuesday: Beef Fajitas with fresh salsa, guac, etc

Wednesday: Stir fry (beef or chicken strips, not sure which yet), steamed vegetables, rice

Thursday: Baked Mac & Cheese, steamed vegetables

Friday: Husband is feeding the offspring while I'm away. Frozen pizza? Cereal?

Saturday: Malibu Wraps, fresh fruit

Sunday: Pot roast, mashed potatoes, green salad, rolls

Ashlee said...

They also sell that yummy milton's bread at Costco.

Jessica said...

How much fun you're going to have exploring!

-Bean, Corn and Tortilla Salad

-Half-hour Chicken Gumbo

-Asian Rotisserie Chicken Salad

-Baked French Toast

maren bosley said...

Hey Jane...
No menu yet, but I couldn't help but notice your concern about the rhodes rolls. Since you're in the bay area now you really need to buy some good sourdough bread. Even the grocery stores carry some good ones. Anyhow, there's my little plug. It's the best and I'm sad that the best I can do for sourdough bread here in NC is the walmart bakery:(

Christie said...

Monday- pot luck.. bringing black bean salsa & chips

Tues- Beef stroganoff, fruit, veggies

Wed- Baked tortellini, dutch oven crusty bread, steamed veggies

Thurs- leftovers

Fri- eat out?

jane maynard said...

rynell - glad you're using some of the recipes - love that!

ashlee - so glad costco has it. that is GREAT.

maren - it's funny, when we moved to san diego I HATED cilantro...and now I really like it...I had to since it was in everything down there. I've never liked sourdough bread, but the first morning we were here we had sourdough french toast, which was actually really really good. I knew the bay area was famous for I think I need to get myself on board! I'll buy some this week to get the reprogramming started and think of you! :)

jessica - you're right, I'm SO EXCITED to be in this area. there's TOO much to explore here, it's crazy!

christie - what is dutch oven crusty bread? do you cook the bread in the dutch oven?

maren bosley said... seriously need to get on board with the sourdough bread. It's the best--hot & fresh with butter. Yummmmmmmmmmm..........

On to the menus for the week:
monday: homemade chicken noodle soup, warm bread

tuesday: mommy's at the Temple--mac & cheese for the kids? Left-over soup for dad?

wednesday: beef stir fry, rice

thursday: quesadillas?

friday: daddy's cooking! yellow chicken curry, rice, veggies

saturday: ham & pineapple sub, salad

sunday: roast, potatoes, salad, rolls

Diana said... made it! I hope the move-in was easy for you. I'm so happy to hear you're cooking this week (you're a trooper)! Here's what I have planned:

-Chicken and sausage gumbo

-Ricotta manicotti with homemade tomato sauce
-Tossed salad
-Crusty bread


-Chicken breasts stuffed with mozzarella, sun-dried tomatoes and basil
-Garlic bread

-Sub sandwiches

-Spring cleaning all day, so maybe we'll order a pizza (we'll deserve a break, I'm sure)

Diana said...

Oh my gosh! I just realized that Jessica is making the same thing I am making...1/2 hour Chicken Gumbo and Cornbread (from last month's "Everyday Food" magazine). Jessica, let me know what you think!

Jessica said...

Diana- I just read your menu and think I might add some rice too. I'm only going to use half the chicken cause I need half for the next day, and a little less sausage to save some for another recipe. Hopefully it'll be delicious!

Robyn said...

Congrats on getting settled into the groove!

Monday: Chinese Chicken Salad
Tuesday: Griled flank steak, "Russian Fingerling Potatoes" (got a sack at the store after eye-ing them for ages and they are deelish), brussel sprouts w/ lemon & pistaccios
Wed: Leftovers - steak salad for me, steak sandwiches for hubby
Thurs: Baked chicken, rice, broccoli
Fri: Eat out or get some fresh fish
Sat: Depends on the weather - if we have sunshine then BBQ something (you never know in Seattle)

Christie said...

The crusty dutch oven bread is awesome-- and not much work.. you just have to plan ahead (it raises for like 18 hours). The recipe was from the
NY Times

Also featured on
Mother Earth News

I was really happy with how it turned out-- The only tricky part is that it is really sticky! Also mine did not need to bake as long as the recipe says.. so keep an eye on it if you try it.

jane maynard said...

awesome - thanks christie! funny mark bittman wrote the article...we were just talking about him the other day. good source!

Linn said...

I know I am supposed to post a menu...and I will again sometime. Until then, I just wanted to say we miss you! Enjoy your new place though.

Julie B said...

Sunday: DID (Dinner in the driveway!) with shrimp salad tacos, carne asada tacos, watermelon, and salad (We had a couple of families over to eat.)

Monday: Lamb for husband and beef for myself and 4 yr old. I put an herb rub on the meat from Bethenny Frankel's website ( We also had baked potatoes and string beans with leftover salad from Sunday.

Tuesday: Dinner out with our large animal vet group. Daughter will have leftovers.

Wednesday: Petrole sole marinaded with garlic and lime, red potatoes and broccoli

Thursday: Hamburgers with fruit and french fries

Friday and Saturday: Order in pizza and/or go out for dinner.

kim said...

Not a lot of cooking going on the next few weeks since we are in the middle of graduation (Yay, Steve!!!) and vacationing and packing and moving, but also just wanted to put a plug in for the sourdough :)

brit.brat said...

m.lemon juiced and zested fried chicken..yum with bbq sauce{kansas style traders..}

t.pesto blacked chicken paninis..w/ the chaparros..& homemade strawberry icecream{on sugar cones of course..}

w.homemade..pepperoni and red bell pepper pizza.with spicey italian sausage

th.homemade pasta..!! i'm doin it. first for everything.plain first..then i'll get crazy.spinache.roasted bell pepper.we'll see how it goes. show in little italy.yummy food on india street for sure.

s.yellow curry/coconut milk chicken..and some fresh purple jasmine rice..from martha!

sun.not sure..maybe some carne asada..mmMMm and fresh salsa. ohh and the vitamix limeade. 1 whole lime.thrown in rind and all..1 can white grape juice..a little water..and ice..YUM.i like to think its healthy.