Thursday, June 26

Free Giveaway! Shabby Apple Dress!

Today's giveaway is fun fun fun! Looking for a great dress for the summer? Look no further!

Shabby Apple is giving away their 90 Words Per Minute dress to 1 lucky TWFD reader! It's in a great, fresh color for the summer and comfy to boot! I only wish I could win this would definitely kick up my "cool" factor a notch or two (or twenty). You men out there should enter this giveaway, too...your wife or girlfriend would be mightily impressed if you gave her this dress!

I know, I know, the giveaway isn't food related. But I knew you would love it anyway...AND the name of the company has a fruit in it. So, it's a food giveaway after all!

Shabby Apple is also offering a 15% discount on your orders between now and August 24, 2008, so get shopping! The coupon code is SAMarketing15forJane.

To enter the giveaway, please write a comment on this post by Wednesday, July 2, 2008, Midnight PT. The winner will be announced Thursday, July 3, so come back to see if you are that lucky person! (Please be sure there is a name associated with your post so I can identify the winner.)

Good Luck!


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Anonymous said... first job interview after mat leave. Sure would love to "dress" the part. Great site, just found it.

Pick ME!

Carrie Hellewell said...

Sooo great. I actually have a friend that designs for them. She does the baby line. Let's pray I win!

Lisa Michelle said...

Oh my goodness, that color is to die for!!! It would be so awesome to have something to wear after I have this baby next week!! (or the next week if he makes me wait longer...!) I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!

thomalee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

very cute! i love the color.

Chelsea said...

Cute dresses! Count me in!

Mindy and Tyler said...

I Love it! Pick me! Pick me!

Isabelle said...

Love the style, love the color, love everything about it! Please, my wardrobe is in desperate need!

Adam, Jaci, Grant, Grace and Amelia said...

Shabby Apple dresses are the best! Adam bought me one about a year ago but then he did laundry one day and put it in the washer and dryer. Needless to say, it didn't fit me anymore. Sad story but very true. Anywho, I have no idea how you choose winners but good luck to you...seems like a big job. And good luck to me, too!

Katie said...

Please pick me! I LOVE it!

Linda said...

I could use a new dress. Thanks

Jess said...

I love their clothes...especially the dresses. It is pretty hard to find a good modest dress and not look like a granny! hehe

Janae said...

I'd really LOVE a new dress! Thanks for the giveaway!

Emily said...

mmmm...a new dress...delish!

Mark & Deidra Smith said...

pick me!

Anonymous said...

related post

best regard

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