A blog by mom/graphic designer, Jane Maynard, with the best husband and daughters in the world who tries to cook dinner daily and couldn't do it without Trader Joe's.
Saturday, July 26
Chocolate Eclair
I don't think I need to say anything. The picture speaks for itself.
that's a real eclair. i'm always telling lindsay that it's a crime how people in the states try to stuff a pastry full of whipped cream and call it an eclair. there's nothing like a true eclair from france with the chocolate custard stuff infused through a little hole in the end.
I am a mom/graphic designer who doesn't mind cooking but can't ever come up with what to cook. This Week for Dinner(TM) is a place where we can share ideas for weekly menu planning. Every Sunday I post my weekly dinner plan. TWFD friends can then post their menus in the comments section, providing me (and everyone else) with fresh ideas every week! I also post other fun 'foodstuffs' throughout the week.
All images and original content on this site are the sole property of Jane Maynard and may not be used, copied or transmitted without express consent. However, the website is meant to be a place to share ideas... please use any menu or recipe you wish! And share the site with friends. The more ideas the merrier!
that's a real eclair. i'm always telling lindsay that it's a crime how people in the states try to stuff a pastry full of whipped cream and call it an eclair. there's nothing like a true eclair from france with the chocolate custard stuff infused through a little hole in the end.
whipped cream - sacrilege!
I SO agree with Aaron. What is WITH the whipped cream stuffed eclairs over here? It's sacrilege, that's what it is.
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