P.S. They just don't make 'em like this in the States. How I wish you all could taste this crust. Amazing.
A blog by mom/graphic designer, Jane Maynard, with the best husband and daughters in the world who tries to cook dinner daily and couldn't do it without Trader Joe's.
They are yummy.
OK Jane. I can't take it anymore. I was already so jealous of that french onion soup and now tarts? I don't think I can take it. Fortunately for my family my passport has expired so there is no danger of me hopping a plane for a decent meal!
You're KILLING me!! :)
I am loving all this food...just a tiny bit jealous. I have enjoyed all the posts on Design Mom!
These tarts look divine! I enjoyed your Design Mom posts and becoming more familiar with your site.
I think I am in-love with you! What a great idea this blog is!!! I am going to be a Regular on this site! Thanks for doing all the work to make me look like a better wife :)
thanks for your comments! welcome if you're new to the site, thank you if you liked my design mom posts, and sorry I'm making you all drool on your computers! :)
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