Sunday, February 25

Week 5: Cate Be Jahmin'

Another week has FLOWN by and it's time to plan meals already... goodness! More menus are popping up on the posts - it's so great! I'm definitely dabbling in all your ideas. Thank you to all who have shared - keep it coming! :)

Yesterday we ate at Wahoo's in La Jolla (fast food Mexican place). They are famous for fish tacos, which I ordered. If you've never had a fish taco, you should. Especially in San Diego - there are some good ones in this town. The best I've had so far is an appetizer at "George's" in La Jolla. A bit pricier, but sooooooooooo good.

Cate was really feeling the music this week while we cooked dinner - it was like Dance Party USA around here. The Song of the Week is one that Cate danced like crazy to...King Without A Crown by Matisyahu. I know this is his song that everyone knows and I should pick something more unknown, but it's just so good and Cate loved it. If you haven't heard of Matisyahu, he is an orthodox jewish rapper/reggae dude. He's great!

I'm planning a few "special edition" posts... one on Snacks (inspired by Isa!) and one on Lunch ideas. If you have any ideas you'd like to share, please email me at - no deadline yet. I'll post a reminder when I get closer to publishing.

Have a great week and happy planning!

1 comment:

MarenG said...

What a great idea! I love that you make preparing dinner an event music and dancing and little "helpers". Looking forward to more ideas.