Friday, February 1

Happy 1st Birthday!

Unbelievable. This Week for Dinner is officially 1! Happy Birthday TWFD!! Now, blow out your candle and get your hands covered in cake!

Before I start reminiscing, BIG THANKS to Nate, my wicked cool husband. My iMac (which you will learn more about in a moment) has been very unhappy lately. No iTunes (hence the disappearance of the Song of the Week). No Internet. No Recipes. It's been very sad. Nate has literally spent HOURS over the last few days trying to figure out what was wrong, and he did! MAC IS BACK! I can't tell you how excited I am to have my kitchen computer back. It rules. If you can get one, do! Thank you, Nate, for the great TWFD birthday present.  (And, if you're wondering, my computer wallpaper is THIS picture. My favorite. Oh, and yes, a hot pad makes an awesome mouse pad. It works much better than the countertop. Weird, yes, but super cute!)

If you're relatively new to TWFD, you may not know the history. You may not care, either, but too bad. About a year ago Nate came home toting an old iMac. They were cleaning out the computer room at work and were going to throw this puppy away, so Nate snatched it. It wasn't a happy iMac. It made angry faces and threatened to crash on a regular basis. With a little not-too-expensive TLC, Nate brought it back to life and TWFD was born! What is the connection? Well, said iMac became my kitchen computer. Indulgent, yes (I already had two, count 'em, two computers). Awesome, yes yes. I put all my recipes into FilePro and bookmarked all my favorite food websites. But where does the blog come in, you may be wondering. I know you're all DYING to know...

The blog was born because Blogger was free. It's that simple. I just needed a place to put a list of the things I cook, my repertoire, so to speak. I was too lazy to go find the install CDs for Microsoft Word, so I just made myself a blog. That's it. Just for Jane. Then I remembered that my brother had requested I email him my weekly menus. Since I never actually planned my weekly menus, I thought posting one for him each week would help me get organized. Then I decided that the rest of the world would love knowing what I was eating, too...NO! Actually, I just wanted my friends to tell what THEY were eating so I wouldn't have to come up with ideas myself. I emailed a few friends in addition to my bro...1 year and thousands of readers later, here we are!

All I can say is that it truly amazes me how this blog has grown, and keeps growing. I'm so grateful for all the blog love I receive. Whenever I get a thank you email or kind comment on the blog, it makes me, and my heart, smile. The feeling of "community" on TWFD astounds me and it's all thanks to you. Bottom line - you guys rock! Happy Birthday!

(And don't forget to share your Superbowl food ideas...only 2 more days until the Pats make history!)


Deborah said...

Happy blog birthday!!

Robyn said...

Happy Birthday, TWFD! And thank you, Jane, for your great recipes, funny musings and cooking inspiration!

Linn said...

You are super fabulous Jane...and a Happy Birthday to TWFD!!

Mumsy said...

Yay! I'm so happy you started this blog and that I've gotten to know you.

Michelle said...

I stumbled on your blog, and LOVE it. You always have such good ideas. My husband and I both work full time... so it really helps to plan out meals! Thanks for helping me get organized :)

Adri said...

My iMac is in my kitchen, too. And, even though it is my ONLY computer, I don't think I can ever go back to NOT having it in the kitchen. Happy Birthday, TWFD!

Isa said...

I still remember that first fateful email invitation to check out your blog...look how she has grown! Already one...Happy Birthday!!! Jane, you are such a gem!