Monday, February 11

ProFlowers Giveaway!!

Remember my yummy chocolate covered strawberries from this weekend?

Now's your chance to get some of your own! I'm so excited for today's giveaway!

ProFlowers is giving away TWO $50 gift cards that can be used for any of their amazing products. That's right, two of you lucky readers will get to shop to your heart's content! Flowers, plants, gift baskets, yummy treats...including those awesome strawberries! What could be better?

To enter the giveaway, simply enter a comment on this post by Sunday, 2/17, Midnight PT. I will randomly select two names and announce the winners on Monday, 2/18. Make sure you let your honey know about the giveaway...if they enter and win, you still win! :)

And in case you still need a gift for your Valentine this sure to visit for a 15% discount! Just in time for the big day!

Good luck to all on the giveaway!!

Make sure to leave your name on your post.


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Kim said...

Delicious! And oh so summery which is a great thought with all the cold weather we've had here.

Jenny said...


Christa said...

Those strawberries look so good. Can they be shipped?

Anonymous said...

I'm so in . . .

Angie said...

Count me in! yum-yum.

Becca said...

Seriously, can't think of anything better!!

ellen said...

I love give-aways!!

Deborah said...

Oohh, count me in!!

alishka babushka said...

ooOOoo....YUM!!! Those look fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I love these flowers...I got them once and have tried to find them since and have been unsuccessful and am thrilled to know who/where they are!!

Auntie Barb

jane maynard said...

just to answer christa's question...yes the strawberries are shipped to you, as with all their products :)

michelle said...

Sign me up!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Sounds great :)

Morgan said...

oooh, yes PLEASE!!

maren bosley said...

okay...I think I should win just because I'm pregnant and my pregnant body is saying that chocolate covered strawberries is just what it needs :) Yummy give away Jane! Way to go!

Brown Paper Packages said...

Love proflowers and your blog!

bekka said...

Oh delish! Please please help me spoil my wonderful hubby!

Leslie said...

What a great giveaway! I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

What a great treat! The strawberries looked amazing!

Jon and Sarah said...

I love yummy giveaways like this!

The Bouldins said...

Oh Yummy! I've been thinking about those strawberries ...


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmelt in your mouth!

Kallie said...

i NEEEEED those strawberries...

Adrienne said...

Love your blog! What a fun giveaway!

Emily said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy!

AndinaGirl said...


Coordination Queen said...

Those look delicious!

Megan said...

please, please, please pick me! I would die for some of those strawberries! at my wedding reception all I wanted to serve was chocolate covered strawberries. my mom wouldn't go for it so we had a few other items as well. I know you pick randomly, so my story doesn't matter, but just thought I'd throw it in there.

FoxyJ said...

Cool! I used to live in a town in California that had a "Strawberry Festival" each spring and I love chocolate covered strawberries. And flowers.

ReeSe said...

Love this! I sure hope I win...those strawberries look fab!

Lynn said...

The strawberries look very yummy! Would love to try some.

e said...

giveaways are the best. thanks!

Hannah said...

those look so fabulous!

The Ormsby's said...

how wonderful it would be to sit in bed and eat chocolate covered strawberries for a day. please count me in for a day of r and r. Jennifer Ormsby

Illiya said...

Whoever thought of putting chocolate and strawberries together is a genius.

Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

What a fun idea! My name's Erica. I found your blog through Malerie Weed's blog, and I love it! Thank you!

adrianne said...

i want to win! can hannah enter too? :)

Anonymous said...

Those strawberries would make a wonderful birthday present : ) -Sara B

Brown Family said...

Oh yum! Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

They are the BEST strawberries! My mother only wants me to send those when I send her a sweet treat!

Bill from Jersey said...

They got anything shaped like a football Giants logo?

The Queen of Quite a Lot said...

Those strawberries look to die for. I hope I win. I could use a pick me up this week!

Gina said...

Oh, count me in!

Christie said...

Those strawberries are so pretty!

Jenny said...

those look delicious. usually i'm just a lurker on your blog but i love it and would love to win some yummy treat $. -jenny heyman

Cheryl said...

Yummy. I love chocolate strawberries.

Jessica said...

This sounds like the perfect way to toast the coming of spring.

Anonymous said...

Anything with chocolate has to be good. :)

Cristi said...

I'm usually a silent stalker of your site (thanks for helping me organize my meals btw), but I'll break the silence for a chance at chocolate!

Chris said...

This is a great giveaway to win! Thanks. Chris

kim said...

Oh my goodness - those strawberries look incredible!! What a fun give-away!

Becca said...

They have the most beautiful arrangement of tulips at Proflowers. They're my favorite flower and they'd sure make these gray winter days a little more colorful.

Lettie B. said...

I want to win something! I just found your website recently. Actually I got it from Ruth, who I guess you are friends with and she is my sister-in-law. Well, technically my husband's sister-in-law. Anyway, your site is great. I love new meal ideans and recipes. I am always willing to get hep on my side dishes or else they just don't happen!

Jessica said...


Stacey said...

OOh...yummy. I can't wait to feed them to my husband on valentine's day!! What am i saying, I'm keeping them for me. :)

Mumsy said...

OH! I would love to win those!

Kiersten said...

Sign me up! They look amazing!

CBlount said...


Robyn said...

OOOH - yummmy! I want some!

LisaSlater said...

Nummers in my tummers!

Aaron said...

i like strawberries, but i really like chocolate. together, it's a celestial marriage.

kgilligan said...

Oh, I would love to order some flowers or a gift for my friend in the final month of a long and difficlt pregnancy.

Allison said...

This would be such a great surprise gift for a friend of mine! Please pick me!

Sarah said...

I know my chances are slim, but doesn't hurt to try!

Isa said...

I would LOVE to win those beautiful strawberries...What a perfect valentine giveaway...Jane, what a treat!!! I hope I win. See you soon:)

cora said...

Chocolate, strawberries, and flowers....Jane you sure know what's important on V-Day.

Emily said...

mmm.yum.thanks jane.

Anonymous said...

sounds amazing! how thoughtful!

kim said...

Those look great! Thanks for the heads up!

Amanda said...

What a treat this would be! :)

Amy D said...

Yummy! I love your site, Jane. Good work!

Anonymous said...

They look decadent to me!

*katie said...

Count me in too!

Anonymous said...

salivating just thinking about chocolate covered strawberries! please let me have some!

Rebecca said...

I finally checked out your site. I'm impressed. Love the idea of sharing recipes - it's tough to come up with new ideas for meals. I have spin on your beef stew recipe I'd like to share. Do I post it in the comments section?

Ruth said...

Jane- Such yummy food. Thanks for all the great ideas.

Anonymous said...


amy said...

pick me!!

Lindsay said...

i don't think anyone's reading the 80th comment. i just want to win.

Anonymous said...

Gee, my hips would love to win this...

Kathy said...

I so want to win! What a great giveaway... I love flowers and strawberries, so it's a win win for me!

Barbara Bakes said...

Wow - free stawberries - I'm glad I stopped by!

Niki E said...

great idea! jealous of the winner!

hiphostess said...

The strawberries look super yummy! The perfect way to make your chocolate fix "healthy"! ;)

Rynell said...

I dreamed about those strawberries last night after reading your ProFlowers post. That's how delish they looked.

Kerri said...

Pick me! Pick me!!

MissRissa said...


Nicole Beckstrand said...

Sign me up! That picture looks awesome!!

Unknown said...

Dude. Chocolate and Strawberries.

Emma said...

I know my husband would love to give me a box of those!

Anonymous said...

Yum! I deserve these this week...

Will said...

Oh I need these, they look Yum!

Sarah S said...

I hope I win! Yum.

Unknown said...

Sweet strawberries are my favorite fruit! And.... right behind strawberries as my favorite thing to eat is chocolate! Are there enough chocolate covered strawberries to share with your special someone?

Maria Pitts

Marilyn B said...

Oh my! Those strawberries look so good! Count me in please.

brit.brat said...

love you jane!!

Adri said...

Yeah for ProFlowers! can order you v-day flowers and also support a worthy cause. Order from and $10 from your order will be donated to help premature babies!

Linn said...

They look too good! Thanks Jane!

Mark & Deidra Smith said...

I'm in!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those are so pretty! You always have great ideas!
Dottie L

Anonymous said...

Great idea for theupcoming wedding!

Anonymous said...

Sounds super yummy! Thanks, Jane

Jim and Lisa said...

Count me in! :O)

Jim and Lisa said...

Oh, my name is Lisa Schilling (Dottie LaPierre's daughter)

Emma said...

Yummy to my tummy!

Anonymous said...

Those are almost too beautiful to eat. Almost ....

Brooke P.

Melvin and Carly said...

A friend just sent me your link. What a great blog. I'll check back regularly, even if I don't win. (Although winning would be great!)

Anne W said...

Fruit and chocolate! What could be beter?!

Allison said...

Oh how I could use a little bit of that strawberry action right about now!

Jinjer said...

What a fantastic giveaway. Count me in.

Anonymous said...

yes, please and thank you! i've had these before and they are a dream!

Diana said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Laura said...

What mouth-watering goodness! My fingers are crossed!

Aaron, Vicki Tunell said...

I would love these!

Unknown said...

This is awesome, thanks for the oppertunity!

ostacy said...

hope this valentine's day is extra special with your beautiful family. =) love,stacy

Christy said...

great give away Jane!!!

Heidi said...

I hope I win! -Heidi

Hardy Family said...

So I go on your blog today to get an idea for dinner tonight and I find this awesome little give away! Maybe I have a chance. Even so I love visiting your blog for ideas. My kids love the recipes! Thanks for your time you put into putting the recipes for the busy mommies out there. By the way the strawberries look so yummy!


Michelle said...


Malerie said...

I've tried the chocolates and sent them to friends. They are yummy! And I got flowers today from Pro Flowers from Matt. They are beautiful. I really like Pro Flowers..but maybe I'm biased because Alice works there? :)

Harlene said...

Happy to take those off your hands. Thanks for your site!

Anonymous said...

Those strawberries are truly beautifully presented. Plus, knowing one has the potential to win some only makes them more mouthwateringly desirable. Mmm!

Julie said...

Ooh pick me!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting website, I will have to visit more often!

We Are Not Martha said...

Oooh, it's possible I would have to get those strawberries. But...I kinda want them now!

Bebemiqui said...

Tasty. Count me in!

Jules said...

Yummy. HAPPY V-day to someone!

Chungyen Chang said...

good luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Yum & double yum!!! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

pick me, pick me!!! :o)

Melissa Markham said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Happy Valentine's Day!

The Woodlands said...

Looks like EVERYONE wants the flowers...or maybe it's the Chocolate covered Strawberries!!

Laurel said...

Wowee! Send chocolate to me!

Gloria said...

They look so yummy! Please count me in :)


Yummo! They look so good!

Stacey Moore said...

wow ~ great giveaway!! we would so love to win!! thanks so much!!

Tanner's Tales said...

Looks good-I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

I am entering for Meg's sake...

Sassafrass Balboa said...

Ahh a perfect valentine present for me, myself and I! Jane - remember all those nice gifts I got you for Christmas and your birthday OK?

Uniquely Yours said...

This........tastes I mean sounds wonderful.

Sassafrass Balboa said...

Grampa M needs
special for Mimi
to get out of the

KellyAnne said...

Wow! I knew today was a good day to check your blog. This sounds great!

Justin said...

My wife is the biggest chocolaholic there ever was. If that's even how you spell that!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'd love to devour some of those strawberries, please! :)


Tammy said...

ok, I've been a silent reader for a long time. I confess!! The strawberries have forced me out! I love your website and have shared many of your recipes with my own daughters. I made those perfect cookies a while back and brought them to work! They were a hit. I just had to get that off my chest : )

CrystalGB said...

The strawberries look yummy. Please count me in.

diana said...

ProFlowers rocks!

Liz said...

Oh yummmy! I'd love to win some chocolate covered strawberries!!

Anonymous said...

sounds great

i'm h.mac said...


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures that you put on your web site. I have been craving red grapefruit every since I saw the pic and no the pink won't do, unless you take a pic of them. :) Please enter me in the sweetstakes, oh I mean Giveaway Nicki Burnett

Jessica said...

You do not even know those are my ALL TIME FAVORITE treat - so please pick me. I would forever be greatful

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

those strawberries look wonderful! Just the kind of thing to fix my pregnancy cravings!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! The looks so yummy!!

Karen said...

I adore their roses and chocolates, thanks! :-)

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Kristin B. said...

As my 5 year old daughter always says, "That would be perfect!"

Anonymous said...

I love your site. I look at it often for ideas. These strawberries look so yummy! said...

Those look so yummy! I'd love to try some!

Valerie said...

How fun!!

Stuart said...

Pick Me!

gina said...

YUMYUM- I LOVE these! Gina

brooke said...

Definitely pick me! (PS- This is Brooke from the ward =) )

Leslie B. said...

Those are delicious looking strawberries! We're having fondue for dinner tonight.

- Leslie B.

Anonymous said...


Jessica H said...

Happy Valentines Day Jane!

Sarah said...

That looks delicious!

Lori said...

Bring on those chocolate covered strawberries!

Peterson Clan said...

Ummm...Can you say, those look absolutely beautifully decidant and delicious!! -Jenn

Tasha Riley said...

I had a chocolate covered strawberry today for Valentine's I want another!!

Melanie said...

Your tart looks lovely. Where'd you get the recipe? Jamie Oliver has a wonderful chocolate tart recipe in "Cook with Jamie." Thanks for sharing some sweet gift certificates with your readers.

jane maynard said...

melanie - sorry if the links aren't obvious enough...the recipe is from martha stewart, you can click the name of the tart in my post to get to it (I just added "click here" so it's easier to see). sorry that was confusing - I'll have to check out Jamie's recipe - love that guy!

triz said...

What is better than chocolate dipped strawberrys? Chocolate dipped strawberrys that you have delivered to your door!!!

Peg said...

What a great website. I'm glad I found it!

Sarah said...

Wow, these look incredible!

GustoBones said...

MMMMM, yummy! Count me in!!

Anonymous said...

Don't want to miss out on this!!

Margo said...

i'm posting

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

A friend just told me about this blog. Looks like I wandered in just in time. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm feelin lucky!!!!!

Bryn said...

These look so wonderful! Hope I win! I came acorss your blog the other day and love the idea of a weekly dinner menu. I should really try it.

Tim and Maria Jones said...

Count me in!

Melissa Grogan said...

Okay... I love strawberries. I never win stuff, but I gotta try. Also just a fyi, your chicken tostada goop, also works as yummy yummy enchiladas when mixed with green enchilada sauce. Love this blog!

Anonymous said...

These look so good! -Crazy Aunt Sue

Becky, yep said...

Comment, Comment, Bo, Bomment
Banana-fanana, Fo, Fomment
Fee-Fi, Moe Momment

Liz Findlay said...


unevensideburns said...

Beautiful pictures!

Nikki said...

ooh, pick me!

Tuesday Girl said...

Gorgeous flowers and yummy strawberries! What more could a 9 month pregnant lady want?!

Michelle Weiss said...

Wow, those look delicious!

Marianne said...

I just had my baby on V-day so the day was spent in the hospital... Although he was a perfect valentine gift, a give away would be a perfect welcome home gift:)

Hillary Jordan said...

I would love to be able to send myself a new house plant!

Cotter said...

so exciting....


Anonymous said...

I want to be in with the fun.

Feburary 17,2008 @ 7:22PM

Anonymous said...

diane said.... they are som kind of good!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to be in with the fun.

Feburary 17,2998 @ 7:22PM

Marilyn B said...

Oh My! Those strawberries look so scrumptious!

Angela said...

Um, Yummmy! I may even be inspired to plan (and actually post) a menu for chocolate covered strawberries!

Thanks for the fun give-aways!

Anonymous said...

Chocolate Strawberries are my favorite!

bobcatsteph3 said...

I love Proflowers! Their roses are always huge, gorgeous, and last a long time--I'm a grateful recipient of quite a few dozens over the years, and love to give them as much as receive.

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