Sunday, March 9

Week 59 Menu (& Slicing Fresh Mozzarella)

I love fresh mozzarella. It's pretty much all I use on our pizzas nowadays. And I can make myself sick eating caprese salad. But I tend to mangle the cheese when I slice it. Quick side note - Cate loves Rachael Ray. It's hilarious. I asked her why she likes her so much and Cate responded, "Because she's nice." So cute. While Cate was watching an episode of 30-Minute Meals one day, I overheard Rachael give a great tip for slicing fresh mozzarella - use a serrated knife. DUH! Don't know why I never thought of that myself, but it definitely helps. It would probably work well on other softer cheeses as well.

Here's the menu. It's another crazy week. Actually, this whole month is crazy, but fun and exciting, too. One week and one day until Nate's defense! And this week we should get our apartment up near Stanford squared away - yea! What a mix of emotions right busy, so stressed, so excited, so sad to leave San Diego. If I start talking crazy talk on here, please forgive me. :)

- Omelettes
- Fruit

- Chicken Noodle Soup
- Good crusty bread

- Mac & Cheese
- Salad

- Book Club at Jen's

- Leftovers

- Eat out - family arrives for the Nate's PhD defense!

- Family in town...and the night before the defense...can't decide what we're going to do yet!

Thank you all for your great menus every week! I didn't respond to anyone's comments/menus last week. Please know that I read them all and use them for inspiration. As always, I was so happy to see people posting menus for the first time! And thank you for the PhD congratulations some of you left in your comments! :) Have a great week, everyone!


Jessica said...

Trying to clear out some stuff from the fridge & freezer this week.

-Penne with Broccoli

-Baked Potatoes

-Broccoli & Cheddar Crustless Quiche

-Creamy Chicken & Rice
-Green Beans

Jessica said...

Oops, forgot to add I'm making Vegetable Enchiladas and Guacamole tonight!

kristen said...

It is my spring break so I should spend lots of time cooking good meals and filling my freezer. But instead, this week is a bit up in the air!

Sunday: Crock pot pot roast. It turned out great!

Monday: Chicken Parm Pizza

Tuesday: Chicken stir fry

Wednesday: Left over samosas and things from the freezer!

Thursday: Eat out with friends

Friday: Not sure!

Saturday: Jamie Oliver's cabbage and bread soup.

alice said...

Saturday: Nachos...I wish I could say I had a salad or something healthy with this but I didn't

Sunday: Creamy enchiladas with salad and strawberry shortcake

Monday: Falafels

Tuesday: Pea Soup and bread sticks

Wednesday: BLTs and sweet potato french fries (from Trader Joe's!)

Thursday: Calzones

Friday: Grilled chicken with orzo and peas

jane maynard said...

hey alice - are those sweet potato fries good? what section of TJs are they in?

Sassafrass Balboa said...

Alice - How do you make your falafels?

Rynell said...

Monday- Chicken & wild rice chicken soup, baguette

Tuesday-Quesadillas, crudités

Wednesday-Apricot ginger chicken over brown rice, steamed green beans

Thursday-Breakfast for dinner


Saturday-BLTs or leftovers

Sunday-Beef & Broccoli, brown rice, spring rolls

soybeanlover said...

Finally got my act together enough again to post. Everyone has really good sounding menus.

Monday - Okara Chicken nuggets with shredded cabbage

Tuesday - Homemade Pizza

Wednesday - Coconut Curry with Brown Rice

Thursday - Spinach Pasta(hopefully home made) w/Marinara sauce

Friday - Chicken Pot Pie

weekends - hubby cooks

alice said...

Jane, to answer your question, the sweet potato fries are AWESOME. They are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. I like to eat them with ranch, but I like ranch on most everything. They're located in the frozen section between the frozen meats and frozen stir fry stuff :)

Pat, to answer your question about the falafels: Sadly, all I do is use a box mix. I've heard of people grinding their own garbanzo beans, but I'm lazy. Falafel mix comes in a box and I've seen it in most major grocery stores around the rice section. You just add water and to the mix, form small balls, and fry them. I serve them in a pita with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, RANCH, and feta cheese.

Robyn said...

Mmmmm - falafels! I'll have to make those soon.

For us it's:

Monday: leftover corn chowder, salad, maybe some bread if I have time

Tuesday: crock pot chili, corn bread muffins

Wednesday: chicken pot pie

Thursday: tuna salad sandwiches, soup (probably canned)

Friday: taco salad (made with leftover chili). For this we use 1000 island dressing - sounds weird but it is sooooo good on taco salad for some reason.

Saturday: not sure yet - may go out to eat : )

Sunday: oregano chicken, fettuccine with butter and parmesan

Aaron, Vicki Tunell said...

Chicken Picatta and Zucchini

Chicken in Basil Cream and Broccoli

Spaghetti with Meat Sauce and Salad

Black Bean Soup

Pork and Zucchini Pasta

Breakfast for Dinner

Left Overs

Jenny said...

Must go buy more fresh mozz. cheese this week to incorporate into meals....

-Tomato Soup
-Grilled Cheese

Hawaiian Haystacks

-UFOs (bread with a hole cut out and a fried egg in the hole)
-orange julius

-Fett. Alfredo
-Caesar salad




Sassafrass Balboa said...

thanks for the falafel details! I like your box method idea and will look for that today. I actually have a pretty yummy (easy) recipe for something that sounds like falafel. Chick peas, parsley,canned chilis etc. We make it and shape it into turkey legs for my vegetarian kids at Thanksgiving.

Sarah said...

I saw an article in real simple that they found an aha! use for an egg slicer - fresh mozzerella cheese.
Love your blog.

Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

Hi Jane! I love you blog. (I'm the friend of Malerie Weed's that commented once before.) I didn't know you were moving to Palo Alto! My husband and I are moving there too. We spent last summer there for his internship, and we loved it! We'll be heading out in May. Good luck with all your preparations. I'm jealous you have housing squared a way. If you have any tips, you're welcome to send them my way!

jane maynard said...

so fun, erica! I'll have to get your info from malerie! :)

tips on finding housing up there...geesh, I WISH I had good advice. Just check craigslist OFTEN, if you want something, get on top of it, and, if you don't have anyone there who can go look at places for you, definitely take a visit and look yourself. we have friends helping and if it wasn't for them I'm sure we'd be in a dump right now. Good luck!!!

maren bosley said...

Congrats Jane! Let me know where you guys end up!

pizza and salad, fruit and chocolate fountain for dessert yum!

chili and cornbread

beef stroganoff, asparagus


Chicken tenders, fries and veggies

at friends

French bread pizza, salad, pie

Diana said...

Oh my goodness, how did it get to be Tuesday? I haven't even posted my menu!

Sunday (two nights ago):
-Garlic and lemon shrimp
-Garlic breadsticks

Monday (last night):
-Creamy goat cheese pasta with roasted asparagus
-Mediterranean salad
-Seasoned flatbread

Tuesday (tonight):
-Tortellini soup
-Crusty bread
-Chocolate-dipped strawberries

-Curried chicken

-Frozen pizza
-BLT salad


-Eat out

Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

Jane, you are so right! Last summer when we were there we found a sublet on craigslist. Let's just say the photos were deceptively nice looking. :) And we had a guy roommate, AND the girl we rented the room from found our hide-a-key and moved into the living room. It was quite the adventure.

Glad you found something great!

eatme_delicious said...

Mmm fresh mozarella is so good. Thanks for sharing that awesome coconut cookie recipe! :)

jane maynard said...

you're welcome for the cookie happy you're enjoying it! :)

erica - SCARY!!!!!!!!!!