Wednesday, April 30

Rock Scissor Paper Giveaway...And the Winner Is...

Kari who said, "These aprons are fabulous! As a newlywed I am still trying to fill out my kitchen and my accessories...I don't even have an apron yet! i just started sewing so i was going to try to sew one but this would be perfect!! ps love the blog! thanks!"

Congratulations, Kari! Looks like you've been saved from some labor at the sewing machine! Please email me at

(Click here for the original giveaway post and links to Rock Scissor Paper's awesome products!)

Tuesday, April 29

My new best friend, Maria

Yup, that's me...and MARIA SHRIVER.

Tonight I attended a private book signing with Maria Shriver at Books Inc. in Palo Alto. Silicon Valley Moms Blog hosted the event and it was a blast! Maria spoke for about 30 minutes, discussing her books and answering questions. She then signed copies of her latest book "Just Who Will You Be?" and we sampled her new venture, Lovin' Scoopful...more on that in a minute!

Maria was awesome. Gracious and kind, a great speaker, good sense of humor and beautiful (that hair!). She was so easy to talk to. Hope she's ready to be my friend because I'm ready to be hers. ;) I read her new book "Just Who Will You Be?" a few weeks ago and enjoyed it. A simple, fun, thoughtful book. One line that stuck with me is that you should never use the word "JUST" to describe yourself (i.e. "I'm just a mom"). SO TRUE. How many times have we all done this? Stop it! You're not "just" anything! :)

I was happy for the opportunity to sample Lovin' Scoopful, since this IS a food blog, after all. Lovin' Scoopful was delicious! You can currently find it in California and the Pacific Northwest. It's 1/2 the fat, 1/3 the calories...but still creamy and good. The best part of Lovin' Scoopful is that 25% of the proceeds go to Special Olympics. Yes, 25%. It's a great product supporting a great cause...and Maria sure would be happy if you bought some! Lovin' Scoopful also gave each of us a goodie bag with bowls painted by Special Olympics athletes. It was a very sweet gift.

A few highlights from thoughts Maria shared with us this evening...

- Everyone should take a time of stillness every day. She talked about how she grew up in a large family and didn't know you COULD do that. She does it whenever and wherever she can. Yesterday her time of stillness was in her closet...sometimes she bursts into tears...sometimes it's hard, with to-do lists running through her head. Regardless, she finds a moment to be still, alone, everyday.

- Go home, get online and look up "The Journey" by poet Mary Oliver.

- In her words, "You all have one wild and precious life. May you all be blessed with men who understand that!" :) (She said the men should understand that about themselves, too.) Go out and live your wild and precious life to the fullest! Find joy in your life!

Thanks to Silicon Valley Moms Blog for a great event! It was wonderful meeting Maria and all the great women who were there this evening!

Don't Forget! Rock Scissor Paper Giveaway!

Today's the last day to enter the Rock Scissor Paper Giveaway! Get your comment in on the original giveaway post by Midnight PT tonight!

Monday, April 28

Guest Blogger: Paul Lowe, Food & Interior Stylist

I am so excited about today's Guest Blogger! Paul Lowe, author of the fab blog sweet paul, is a food and interior stylist in New York City. He is super creative and talented as well as a fellow chocoholic. I love his blog and am intrigued by his job...and he's agreed to give us a sneak peek into his world!

Paul is originally from Norway and is doing some great work here in the States. He has several beautiful books, works with some amazing photographers and magazines, and even does cool things like style for Katie Lee Joel's cookbook...and then hang out with her husband Billy during the shoot (yes, THAT Katie Lee & Billy)! Anyway, I wish Paul lived with me so he could style for my blog, but alas, I must enjoy his talent from afar. Without further's Paul!

Guess the whole “making things pretty” gene runs in the family.

My grandmother was a great cook and my mother has always had very good taste when it comes to decorating. With this mix of genes running in my blood, it’s no wonder I became a food and prop stylist. I have been doing this for about 16 years now and am loving every minute of it.

So why not become a chef or a decorator?

I have always enjoyed being able to tell a story without having to use words. And I find that photography is the perfect media to do this with. I also think I have a different approach to my work than others in the same field. I do both the food and the props. Usually people do one or the other, not both. I really enjoy doing both. I like to be in control of the whole thing and love to mix food, interiors and craft, all in one story. I really hate putting food on an ugly plate!

I start by choosing a theme – it can be an ingredient, a color, a material. A while back I did a story for the Norwegian magazine Interiormagasinet. I wanted to make knitted tea cosys. But I can’t knit. So, I bought a white woolen sweater and made a lot of props with the sweater and a hot glue gun.

When I start on a story I decide on colors, props, etc. Then I go prophunting. New York is good for props as there are a lot of great prop rental places. You can find amazing things there. I pick out the props I want to use, then find surfaces and backgrounds.

I also usually make my own recipes. I love to go food shopping. Whole Foods is my favorite. They usually have everything I need. Farmers markets are also a great place to find stuff.

The morning of the shoot, I drag all my bags to the studio and start unpacking props and food. I always have an assistant to help me. He or she will prep all the food and I will put it together.

When I do the set up I always think about where the camera will be, what angle, etc. I don’t do too much ‘hokus pokus’ with the food, maybe just a little extra oil or a spritz of water.

We always eat the food for lunch. Sometimes that can be quite a spread! Afterwards we pack up the props, do the dishes and go home.

It’s a great job!

I’ll leave you with a few more images* from my portfolio.

(Click here for the recipe for this lovely egg)

*Photos by Colin Cooke, Ellen Silverman and Steve Giralt.

Sunday, April 27

Week 66 Menu

There are few things I love more than chubby hands doing things.

Let's see what we're having this week...

- Pork Chops
- Rice
- Veggie

- Something easy because I'm going to meet MARIA SHRIVER that night! Stay tuned this week for a full report!

- Hamburgers on the grill
- Homemade fries? or chips
- Fruit

- Leftovers

- Orange Chicken (great recipe - click through!)
- Rice
- Salad

- Eat out

- Homemade pizza (with Trader Joe's crust)

Now for your menus! And don't forget to enter the free Rock Scissor Paper Giveaway!

Thursday, April 24

Free Giveaway! Rock Scissor Paper Apron & Tea Towel

Are you dying to get your hands on my new apron? Now's your chance!

Rock Scissor Paper is giving away an ultra-hip, super-stylish, very-cute apron/tea towel set to a lucky TWFD reader! You'll be thinking up things to cook just to have an excuse to wear your new apron! The winner will be able to select the pattern of their choice for one tea towel and one apron. Be sure to explore the rest of the Rock Scissor Paper site...SO many great things, including loads of potential Mother's Day gifts!

The drill's the same as all the other giveaways...please post a comment on this post by Tuesday, April 29, Midnight PT. Any comment will do! Make sure that there is a name associated with your post so I can identify the winner. And be sure to check back next Wednesday, April 30 to see if that winner is you!

Good Luck!

Wednesday, April 23

I didn't move to the desert...why am I so THIRSTY??

These are our drinks from lunch a few weeks ago (they're so pretty, I love them). I drank that San Pellegrino in about 6 seconds flat. I think I drank some of Nate's Coke too. Why is that? Because I'm a monster!

Seriously, I can't get enough to drink lately. Normally I just want water. Water from the tap or with some ice. That Jane is nowhere to be found. I can't get enough to drink of any kind of beverage you put in front of me. I drank a HUGE bottle of Ruby Red juice in, oh, 2 days. I'm drinking milk WITHOUT ice (shocking, I know...). Bring on the soda, bring on the juice. It's a good thing I don't drink anything very strong...or this post may have been a bit tipsy. Actually, maybe I should drink something with a little could make this blog more interesting.

Tuesday, April 22

What girl doesn't need an ultra-chic hot pad?

I love my new apron & hot pads (or "warm" pads, according to Cate)! They are making my new kitchen very happy. And I love how I found them.

Right after we arrived in the Bay Area a few weeks ago, I saw a post on Decor8 that I couldn't resist...a home & lifestyle sample sale put on by Modern Economy at the Fort Mason Center in San Francisco. San Francisco? Cool designers? SALE? I'm there!

The sale was great! So many pretty things to resist buying. :) Among my spoils were the very cool hot pads from Deadly Squire, an apron I'd had my eye on from Rock, Scissor, Paper (visit their site - special Earth Day sale today!), and a perfect little calendar from Good on Paper.

I must do a plug for Modern Economy. They put on sample sales for participating designers periodically throughout the year. The goal: to support independent designers...and in turn give design-minded consumers a chance to decorate their life without breaking the bank. Very cool. Meg Mateo Ilasco, designer and author of Craft Inc.: Turn Your Creative Hobby into a Business, is the very talented founder and host for the Modern Economy sales. The next sale is in Portland, OR...with plans for Philly & NYC in the future! If you ever get a chance to attend, do!

Sunday, April 20

'S Wondra-ful, 'S Marvelous

My friend Adrianne introduced me to Wondra. It's a quick-dissolving flour made specifically for thickening gravies & sauces. Granted, I do like using a roux for this purpose, but I'm generally too lazy and just throw flour into my gravy. Wondra is nicer than flour because it really does dissolve quickly. Just make sure if you don't mix it with water first that you wisk as you add it...or you will still get some lumps. ANYWAY...thanks to Adrianne for this great tip! I used it tonight when I made gravy to go with our roast...the gravy was AWESOME.

If any of you (including you, Adrianne) are Wondra aficionados, please share any tips or tricks of the trade. I'm still new with this stuff.

(Don't forget to post your menu for the week...I'm doing two posts today, so the Weekly Menu is right below!)

Week 65 Menu

I am back in the GRIND, folks. I have a lot of freelance work right now, which means I really need to get organized food-wise. This week I started doing dinner food prep while Cate eats her lunch. It was very helpful...if you're home during the day, definitely a good tip for making dinnertime a little easier.

Here's what we're eating this week (probably). Bring on the menus! I seriously read through them every week to plan my menus. I'm so happy you all share!

- Leftovers

- Orange Chicken
- Rice
- Steamed veggies

- Manicotti
- Salad
- Bread

- Leftovers? Hot Dogs? I don't know...

- Baked French Toast

- Eat out

- Pork Chops
- Rice
- Veggie

Friday, April 18

The Goods: Swedish Meatballs

My dad is Swedish, so I grew up with a Swedish grandmother who could COOK. Which means I KNOW Swedish meatballs. Maybe one day I'll share her's quite the undertaking, but it's worth it. Until's an easy way to get pretty good Swedish meatballs...

Ikea. Yet another awesome thing about our new 'hood is the close proximity to Ikea...a few miles at the most. So awesome when you're moving. We grabbed a bag of their frozen Swedish meatballs and a packet of their cream sauce last time we were there. It's not what Grandma used to make, but it's pretty good! Pair it up with the traditional boiled new potato (fancy, eh?) and some pickeled herring and you're good to go! Okay, I'm teasing...I would NEVER eat pickled herring, no matter how much my dad and brother try to convince me otherwise. A nice salad on the side is a BIT more palatable for me. ;)

Thursday, April 17

Cookbook for Moms - Submit Your Recipes!

I just received an email that caught my eye...MothersClick is raising money for Boys & Girls Clubs of America by compiling and selling a cookbook, by moms and for moms. The best part: 100% of the proceeds from the book will go to Boys & Girls Clubs. That's awesome!

Why am I telling you about this? You can enter your own recipes to be considered for the cookbook! The deadline is tomorrow, so if you have a great recipe to share, get on over to MothersClick quick!!

Wednesday, April 16

Featured Recipe: Creamy Holiday Potatoes

Today's featured recipe comes from a reader named Michelle. She shared this simple recipe over a year ago. It is a great recipe. Easy, delicious...and you don't have to just cook it for a holiday dinner...I just couldn't come up with a better name. ;)

My friend Lindsay and I split the cooking responsibilities for Easter this year. Lindsay was in charge of making these potatoes. Since she's way gourmet, she actually used fresh potatoes. As you can see in the picture, they came out great...although, since I'm a big cheat in the kitchen I'm pretty sure I'll still use frozen hash browns in the future, but it was excellent cooked this way. One more thing - Lindsay made one dish with fresh garlic added and it was a good addition.

From TWFD Reader Michelle
Buy frozen, shredded hash brown potatoes, put a layer in a baking dish, sprinkle salt over the potatoes, continue layering potatoes and salt until dish is 3/4 full. Pour heavy cream over all until potatoes are not quite covered. Bake at about 300 degrees for several hours (see comments for more specifics on how long) until done. They will be golden brown and a little crunchy on top but creamy and yummy under the crust. If you are using a dish the size of a 9 x 13 cake pan, you will use about 3 cups of cream.

Sunday, April 13

Week 64...Lights, CAMERA, Action!

I found the camera cord! AND I'm ready to cook. Let's get this show on the road!

We took our first trip up to "the city" (i.e. San Francisco) yesterday (more on that later). We had a blast. It really is a great place and I can't wait to explore it more.

Milton's is a restaurant/deli in Del Mar (San Diego area). They also have a baking company and they make my most favorite sandwich bread, Whole Grain Plus. It tastes great, is full of whole grains and fiber, and has NO high fructose corn syrup. I thought it was local to San Diego, but it's not - you can get it everywhere! I was so excited when I found it this week at my new Trader Joe's. Go get yourself some, you'll be happy.

I'm actually going to cook this week. For real.

- Caprese Salad
- Good bread
- Spinach salad with pears, feta cheese & Brianna's Blush Wine Vinaigrette

- Kitchen sink quesadillas
- Chips & Guacamole

- Chicken noodle soup
- Good bread

- Leftovers

- Fettucine alfredo w/broccoli & chicken
- Salad

- Eat out

- Pot roast
- Mashed potatoes
- Veggie
- Rolls (I sure hope they have Rhodes in the Bay Area!)

Now, what are YOU eating this week?

Wednesday, April 9

Can't find my camera Fab Fave "Sartorialist" will have to entertain you...

Wow, I'm a miserable blogger. I still haven't found my camera cord to download pictures, and I can't get my G5 online, where all my previously-downloaded pictures are currently living. Posts about food without pictures are just no fun, so please be patient with me!

I do have this to report...Trader Joe's is a mere 2 blocks away from my new apartment. WOO-HOO! As if I didn't already talk about TJ's too much...I also have a nice big kitchen with cute butter-yellow tile and big windows. Still no cooking, but getting close.

Since I'm a loser and have nothing original to say, I'll just share one of my most favorite blogs EVER with you. Yes, you've probably already visited this blog, but for those of you who haven't, I must highlight The Sartorialist. Love him, love the clothes, love the pictures. That should give you something to do while I finish unpacking...ugh.

Sunday, April 6

Week 63 Menu

We made it to our new apartment...and the work continues! My plan this week is to get this kitchen unpacked and maybe cook a real meal by the end of the week...cross your fingers for me. Until then, please please please post your menus!!

Wednesday, April 2

So Long, San Diego!

After several weeks of partying and packing and goodbying, it's time to hit the road. My computers are coming down tonight and next time you "see" me, I'll be a Bay Area blogger! :)

Since I haven't cooked in ages and I don't have time to post much right now, I thought I'd leave you with a picture of the craziest burger I've ever seen. Book Club threw us a goodbye party Saturday...Karen made (and ate!) this monster. :) Please keep visiting the blog - hopefully I'll have something more this week...if not, I'll be back on track Sunday with a menu and more food!

PS - If you participated in the survey for my bro, please make sure your email spam filter doesn't block any emails from "" or "" so we can get you the hot fudge recipe!