Wednesday, July 16

Bring your own drinks to Europe!

Just to warn you all, I may die of dehydration in the next few days. Because I'm cheap. Seriously, drinks of ALL kinds are crazy expensive over here!!! We ordered a sprite the other day. It was in this tiny glass and cost around $4 US. I still can't believe it myself. I mean, the ASHTRAY is almost as big as the glass. Just to give some extra perspective on how tiny this $4 Sprite was.

Here's a little traveling-in-Europe tip: buy soda and water at the supermarket and carry it around with you. You will honestly save oodles of money.

Another interesting observation: almost every glass we've used has measurements on the side. We always know exactly how much fluid we are drinking. What a relief, I was worried I might over-hydrate with overly priced drinks.


Macy said...

Loving the blog. Found you through Design Mom. Hubby and I were in Munich and Vienna last summer and I have to agree about the drinks. The price almost cured me of the Diet Coke addiction. I can't imagine how much worse the prices are this summer. Safe travels!

Treff said...

Hi! I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now. I couldn't believe you were coming to Berlin because I live there now!

Anyways, things cost about the same 1:1 in Europe as they do in the US. However, the US dollar doesn't go very far! I had to stop converting things in my head because I was going crazy!

Enjoy Berlin! It is a beautiful city and make sure you do Sunday brunch. There are a lot of great restaurants in prenzlauer berg and it is pretty cheap! (well...for Europe)

MaWa said...

small glasses or large ashtrays???

Felicia said...

LOL Try the water. It might be cheaper :)

jane maynard said...

sadly the water is NOT cheaper - it's just crazy! :)

yelli - how fun I have a berliner reader before I even got to berlin! :) I haven't let myself convert much in my brain. it's too depressing. ;)

mawa - the ashtray was kinda big, but not THAT big :) the glass really was small. I swear!

macy - happy you found the blog and glad we're not just crazy in our interpretation of drink prices!