Monday, July 14

Dunkin' Donuts is taking over the world...literally

When Nate and I lived in Boston, we always joked about how "Dunkin' Donuts is taking over the world" because there was literally a DD on EVERY corner. Then we moved to California, where you can't find DD anywhere.

Well, our original suspicions have been confirmed. We've already seen TWO Dunkin' Donuts in Berlin. It's true, they ARE taking over the world. I guess California is last on the list.


adrianne said...

They are taking over the world! When I was in Rome at the Trevi Fountain I turned around and there it is was. I don't know how they get such great property. Maybe it's the mob.

Jen said...

We live in Boston and agree with your theory. We vacationed in Aruba earlier this year and there was one there too!

jen aka mommay said...

Whenever we visit family in Arizona, my dh has to drive blocks and blocks to find a DD! He won't drink anything else. And it's true...every town around us here in MA has a DD. Mmmm....strawberry coolattas!!!

Vanessa said...

Thats so funny :) I forgot about all the DD around (I grew up in baltimore) and when we moved to Boston they were everywhere again! Seriously....everywhere. None in Utah though
Vanessa from

jane maynard said...

I'm keeping a running tally...I'm up to 6 in berlin! :)

Anne W said...

There was one in Korea AND China. I have to say, I do enjoy a chocolate glazed donut every once in a while. And I have to admit I bought one in China.

Funny that there aren't any in Utah...hmmm

Anne W said...
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