Monday, July 14

German Food!

Nate and I made sure to get some real German food yesterday. We are in Germany, after all. We found a great restaurant called Lindenbräu. We were the only ones there speaking English, so we figured that was a good sign.

We ordered the Brewery Plate Special (below), some pretzels (we've discovered Germans really love pretzels) and some goulash.

I am not a fan of sauerkraut, normally. But even I have to admit this sauerkraut was good. WAY better than anything I've tasted in the States. I'm very glad that we ordered it. Nate's favorite food from the brewery special was the falscher hase (the meatloaf-type food on the top left) and I liked the nürnberg sausage. (Please note, our entire menu was in German and they didn't exactly describe what was in the special. So, in a quest to bring you all the news that's fit to print, I just walked around the cafe where I'm typing this and asked a few Germans what is in the picture. Since the the falscher hase is out of focus, they're just guessing. Bascially, there's a chance it's NOT falscher hase, but we're pretty sure it is. Crazy American.)

The pretzels were so fresh and yummy. And the mustard was even better. The mustard on the left is sweet, right spicy. I couldn't get enough of the sweet mustard. Oh, and the goulash was delicious.

The best part of the restaurant was the huge mugs of beer. Too bad I don't drink. That could be fun. Seriously, 1.5 L of beer in that there mug. Pretty awesome. Although, it was around $16 US, so I take solace in knowing my bill is much lower than that guy's.


Belinda said...

Hey there
Just stumbled across your blog.
If you are still in Berlin YOU MUST go and have a bowl of noodle soup at Susuru Japanese Noodle Bar - hubby and I were there 2 years ago and loved it!
Enjoy the trip! Belinda.

Anonymous said...

I have been a lurker for quite some time and your blog is one of my favorites. As a result, I recently put my big toe in to the blog world. Thanks for the inspiration....

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun that you are in Germany! That's definitely high on my places to visit -- as I have very German roots. Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,
I was in Germany last December, right before Christmas, with my husband (Dusseldorf and Frankfurt areas, not Berlin) ... our favorite part was the food! We did not have a bad meal. Take advantage of all the nice outdoor gardens (they were Christkindlmarkts when we were there). We really had lots of wonderful sausages (aka "wursts") and my husband is a big fan of their homemade noodles, spaetzle.
