Tuesday, June 26

Featured Recipe: Deep Dark Chocolate Cake

This weekend was Nate's birthday and boy did we celebrate...in fact, this poor pregnant lady is still recovering. Red Sox-Padres Friday night (we had to stand the whole game, but the sox won so it was worth it!), San Diego Zoo Saturday morning, and a "party" with the three of us Saturday night. It was lots of fun and Cate was WAY into all the preparations, including making the birthday cake!

Nate's Grammy McCarthy is a great cook and has lots of yummy recipes. One of our favorites is her "Deep Dark Chocolate Cake" (click to link to recipe). It's a bundt cake that is moist and chocolatey and yum-yum. I have a few similar recipes to this one, but this is by far my favorite. Thanks, Grammy!!!

(As you can see from the picture, Cate couldn't keep her hands out of the cake before the party started...and she picked out and placed the candles as well. Gotta love the 2-year-old touch, although she did go timeout the 5th time she stuck her hands in the cake.)


Jenny said...

I love chocolate cake! Last fall we went to a lot of little kid birthday parties and each cake was victimized by our 2 year old before the candles were blown out.

Megan said...

I found this recipe last year on allrecipes.com and I've made it 3 times since then. It's really deadly! It's great with a melted chocolate glaze and raspberries or strawberries on top as well, as though it needs more chocolate . . .

Rynell said...

Wow! "Serves about 124 people!"

That is some magnificent cake.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting really tired of the Yanks losing! Does anyone have a recipe for putting a curse on the Red Sox? Oh, excuse me! I thought I was on a different site.

jane maynard said...

uh-oh, readers are starting to post "obscene" comments! the curse of the bambino is broken my friends never to return! :) (ps - not surprised a yankees fan feels they have to post anonymously, hee hee)

rynell- grammy wrote that on my recipe card - every time I read it it makes me laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

This cake IS amazing!!! Whenever Mary makes it for the hill I always have about 5 billion pieces. We all love it. : ) love, Sara

Anonymous said...

this looks yummy!