Tuesday, June 19

Musings: The Prettiest Fruit

Every time we have blueberries, the whole time I'm washing them, cooking with them, eating them...I can't help but notice how beautiful they are. I know, kind of cheesy, but they are seriously cool looking. That dark blue, with the matte kind of finish, know what I mean? It's hard to describe and the pictures I took don't really capture what I love about them, but I couldn't help but snap a few shots yesterday. Blueberries win the prize for prettiest fruit.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more!! I just picked up 2 boxes this morning!!
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues Girls

Christie said...

I absolutely agree with you...blueberries are beautiful! And my kids love them more than anything.

Liz Findlay said...

Beautiful pics Janers!! Lovin the new lens!!