Friday, June 22

Free Giveaway! Complete Onera Spice Set

Happy Friday! I'm happy to announce a free giveaway to end your week off right!

Remember my post about Onera Original Spice, with accompanying giveaway? Well, believe it or not, you have a second chance at getting this awesome spice in your cupboard!

The prize: A complete set of Onera Spices - Original, Mesquite, Southwest and Cajun. The big bottles to boot! I have 2 sets, so there will be two lucky winners! Thank you, Onera Blended Spices!

To enter the contest: Simply add a comment, any comment, to this post by 8 AM PT Friday, 6/29. I will announce the two winners next Friday, 6/29!

As a quick follow up, there was some question as to whether the company found at was the same as the spice I've been buying all these years. They ARE the same company - new owners, new label, SAME SPICE. Yea! Also, if you visit their website, you can request samples of the spices - they offer a generous 1-oz. sample of each spice. Great spices, great company!

Good luck on the giveaway!


Kristy said...

Fun! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

love your dinner ideas! thanks!

Heather said...

I love spices. Would love to try these!

Tanner's Tales said...

Good work on the blog, Jane!

Mrs. Sturgeon said...

I love giveaways! (And cooking, and spices, and your blog, too, of course!)

Coordination Queen said...

They sound like something I'd love to try.

Leslie said...

Count me in! And thanks for the blog Jane -- I've gotten lots of great ideas and had fun in the meantime!

Marianne said...

Maybe some new spices will get me motivated to get back in the kitchen and start cooking...

adrianne said...

I'd totally give them a try! Pick me!

Tuesday Girl said...

I have never heard of Onera but I would lvoe to try it!

maren bosley said...

Jane your awesome! Count me in!

Kerri said...

Well I don't do the cooking in our family (yes, you can hate me now), but I am sure Arthur would love the spices as well as ideas for new dishes! (I am probably not going to get entered now that I admitted that I don't cook, right?)

P.S. we were inspired to buy stuff for homemade pizza after reading your blog last night. does that give me bonus kiss-up points??

stovis said...


Margo said...

Never too many spices!

Ali said...

Cool, I can't wait to win, I love spices!

Jenny said...

Hurrah for Onera!

Liz Findlay said...


Illiya said...

Pick Me Pick Me!!

Sarah said...

These spices sound yummy!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway idea! They look great!

Linsey Knerl said...

I can really use these! THanks for the giveaway!

Cheryl said...

If it's free it's for me!

Jill said...

I NEED to make that chicken salad. Pick Me. Choose Me.

chrisbd said...

I'd love to try it-- I've gotten some great ideas from your blog-- thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling Lucky!!!!!!!!!

Jules said...

There's always room for one more spice in my cupboard!

Jim and Lisa said...

Yeah! We love spices in our house!

Linn said...

Thanks Jane--count me in!!

Mandi A. said...

would love them:)

Amanda said...

What a fun idea...

I'm off now to decide what to make the kids for lunch...

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Sounds great! :)

Jessica said...

I always need more spices :)

Anne W said...

I think I own two spices...salt and pepper. :)

Kathy said...

I love trying new things. Hope I win! :)

Sandman said...

I've never heard of this brand of spices ... Thanks for the tip and thanks to EP for linking me to your site, it's great!

Hannah said...

Yeah!! A Giveaway! I love your blog and look at it all the time for meal ideas.

Anonymous said...

Jane, I am especially impressed with the photography and layout of your blog --are you doing this all yourself? Very impressive! Very calming and relaxing!

Emily said...

i love this giveaway!

Stacey said...

Wish me luck! I'm in. I love your blog! Thanks. :)

alice said...

i want in too! i'm in hawaii on vacation and i'm still checking this blog! thank you jane for a great site.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try these spices!

Anonymous said...

wow! Do I even have a chance?!This is a great site.
dottie in boston

Lynn said...

I am trying again. Love to try new seasonings and this one would be no exception.


Allanna said...

What an awesome giveaway!
I haven't seen the Onera spices out here ... but I'm more than ready to try them! ^_^

Adri said...

I would love to try 'em! Thanks!

Isa said...

O-N-E-R-A! Janey Jane is the queenie of the beautiful blogs...spices and pretty pictures...ahhhhh.

Isa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

In vain hope the comp applies to Australian readers :)

I'd love to win your delicious spices!

Sweetpea said...

Jane, do you have ideas for whole foods or vegetarian meals that take less than an hour total that my 2-year-old would eat? I have a 2 month old at home, so I need healthy stuff that is fast! I'm trying to lose that baby weight!

Jon and Sarah said...

I just found this website, so I am all about trying new dinner ideas with new spices. Thanks for a great resource!

Anonymous said...

Free stuff? I love it! Count me in!

jane maynard said...

sweetpea - I have gotten similar question from other readers...promise to do a post SOON! keep reading!

thanks for all the comments everyone - wish you could all win! a few more days to enter! :)

Deborah said...

I live in Utah, so it's probably easy for me to find....but who can pass up winning something for free??

amyjwatts said...

Count me in! These sound great

Debbie said...

just found your blog--love your ideas, thanks for the giveaway!!


The Bouldins said...


Jason and Kate said...

Thanks for all of the ideas. Count me in on the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm finally going to post my first menu!

Laura said...

I love new spices! :-) XOXO

thomalee said...

thanks for the recipes...I'd love to try these spices! :)

Gerry said...

I have this really old bottle of Onera that is almost empty. My family laughs at me because I have this difficulty sharing. We've been looking for it all over with no success. I finally found you on the net. Thank you for being there with an address. Try Onera on any great recipe for chipped beef in sauce on biscuits or anything with chicken.

kgilligan said...

I would really like to try these spices out.

katieo said...

OOh, Those sound great, hope I win!

CBlount said...

I want to win!

lace said...

Wow I need some spice in my life. Count me in.

jrez designs said...

Great blog (and great giveaway!)

Rynell said...

This sounds wonderful! I'd love to try it!

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

I'd love to try out your recipes with this. Thanks!