Wednesday, July 25

Boy or Girl?

It's official...Cate will have a little sister! Cate didn't believe the ultrasound tech and told her "No, it's a brother." Later when she admitted it's a sister, Cate told us her name is "little brother."

We made it safely to NH and I had a great steak & cheese for lunch just can't get good subs in CA like you can out here...the food binge has begun. Stay tuned!


Jessica said...

Congratulations Jane!

Mumsy said...


Stacey said...

Congratulations!!!!! Two little fun!!

Jenny said...

Yay for girls!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you! Yaay for you, Nate and Cate!

Anonymous said...

Lots of fun around the corner.

Tuesday Girl said...


Linn said...

I'm so excited for you guys! Congratulations!!

RoRo2 said...

That just reminds me of Mulan, she named her dog 'little brother' I wanted to do that too, or name my dog 'kitty' so that when I am calling her to come home I can call here kitty kitty and have a dog come running!!!!

ellen said...

Enjoy eating your way around New England! And, congrats on girl #2!!

Ali said...

Congratulations Jane! How wonderful! I sent you an email but didn't realized you're on vacation. Have loads of fun!!!